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FLT_OPERATION_REGISTRATION structure (fltkernel.h)

The FLT_OPERATION_REGISTRATION structure is used to register operation callback routines.


  UCHAR                            MajorFunction;
  PVOID                            Reserved1;



Major function code specifying the type of I/O operation. This member is required and cannot be NULL. For more information about additional operations, see FLT_PARAMETERS.


Bitmask of flags specifying when to call the preoperation (PFLT_PRE_OPERATION_CALLBACK) and postoperation (PFLT_POST_OPERATION_CALLBACK) callback routines for cached I/O or paging I/O operations. This member is optional and can be zero.

Flag Description
FLTFL_OPERATION_REGISTRATION_SKIP_PAGING_IO (0x00000001) A minifilter sets this flag for read or write operations to specify that its preoperation and postoperation callback routines should not be called for paging I/O operations. This flag applies only to IRP-based I/O operations. It is ignored for I/O operations that are not IRP-based.
FLTFL_OPERATION_REGISTRATION_SKIP_CACHED_IO (0x00000002) A minifilter sets this flag for read or write operations to specify that its preoperation and postoperation callback routines should not be called for cached I/O operations. This flag applies to fast I/O as well as IRP-based reads and writes because all fast I/O is cached.
FLTFL_OPERATION_REGISTRATION_SKIP_NON_DASD_IO (0x00000004) A minifilter sets this flag so that all operations issued on a non-DASD volume handle will be skipped. Note that the minifilter's callback for this operation will be bypassed.
FLTFL_OPERATION_REGISTRATION_SKIP_NON_CACHED_NON_PAGING_IO (0x00000008) A minifilter sets this flag so that read or write operations that are not cached nor paging will be skipped. Note that the minifilter's callback for this operation will be bypassed. This flag is relevant for IRP_MJ_READ and IRP_MJ_WRITE requests only.


Pointer to a PFLT_PRE_OPERATION_CALLBACK-typed routine to be registered as the preoperation callback routine for this type of I/O operation. This member is optional and can be NULL.


Pointer to a PFLT_POST_OPERATION_CALLBACK-typed routine to be registered as the postoperation callback routine for this type of I/O operation. This member is optional and can be NULL.


Reserved for system use. Minifilters must set this member to NULL.


When a minifilter calls FltRegisterFilter from its DriverEntry routine, it can register a preoperation callback (PFLT_PRE_OPERATION_CALLBACK) routine and a postoperation callback (PFLT_POST_OPERATION_CALLBACK) routine for each type of I/O operation that it must handle.

To register these callback routines, the minifilter creates a variable-length array of FLT_OPERATION_REGISTRATION structures and stores a pointer to the array in the OperationRegistration member of the FLT_REGISTRATION structure that the minifilter passes as the Registration parameter of FltRegisterFilter. The last element of this array must be {IRP_MJ_OPERATION_END}.

The minifilter must create a separate FLT_OPERATION_REGISTRATION structure for each type of I/O operation that it handles. In this structure, the minifilter specifies the entry points of its callback routines in the structure's PreOperation and PostOperation members.

A minifilter can register a preoperation callback routine for a given type of I/O operation without registering a postoperation callback and vice versa.

File systems do not receive IRP_MJ_POWER or IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CHANGE requests. Minifilters cannot register preoperation or postoperation callback routines for these operations.

A minifilter cannot register a postoperation callback routine for IRP_MJ_SHUTDOWN.

A single preoperation or postoperation callback routine can be used to process more than one type of I/O operation. However, the callback routine must be registered separately for each type of I/O operation.


Requirement Value
Header fltkernel.h (include Fltkernel.h)

See also

