
Dela via


The location properties of bands in a band-managed storage device are modified with the IOCTL_EHSTOR_BANDMGMT_SET_BAND_LOCATION request.

Major code


Input buffer

The buffer at Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer must contain a SET_BAND_LOCATION_PARAMETERS structure followed by the AUTH_KEY and BAND_LOCATION_INFO structures.

If the AuthKeyOffset member of SET_BAND_LOCATION_PARAMETERS is set to EHSTOR_BANDMGR_NO_KEY, the input data in the system buffer need not include an AUTH_KEY structure.

Input buffer length

Parameters.DeviceIoControl.InputBufferLength indicates the size, in bytes, of the buffer, which must be at least sizeof (SET_BAND_LOCATION_PARAMETERS) + sizeof(AUTH_KEY) + sizeof(BAND_LOCATION_INFO).

Output buffer


Output buffer length


Status block

One of the following values can be returned in the Status field.

Status Value Description
STATUS_SUCCESS The location properties for the band were changed.
STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST The storage device does not support band management.
STATUS_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE The input buffer size is invalid.
STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER Information in the input buffer is invalid.
STATUS_NOT_FOUND The band was not found for the selection criteria provided.
STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED The authentication key provided is not valid.
STATUS_IO_DEVICE_ERROR Communication failed. The storage device might be incompatible with security protocols.


Data in LBAs that remains after resizing is not modified by the operation. Also, it is unnecessary to unmount a volume during a resize operation if the LBA range that spans the volume remains within the band after resizing.

The changes made to the band table by this request are committed to the device atomically before the IOCTL request completes. Therefore, it is guaranteed that the band is modified with all of its properties set or no properties set at all should a system or power failure occur.

The BandSize member of BAND_LOCATION_INFO must be greater than 0. This IOCTL cannot resize a band to 0 to cause a band deletion. To delete a band, the IOCTL_EHSTOR_BANDMGMT_DELETE_BAND request is used.

If BAND_LOCATION_INFO specifies properties for the global band, BandStart must be set to 0 and BandSize must be set to –1.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Available starting with Windows 8
Header ehstorbandmgmt.h (include EhStorBandMgmt.h)

See also