
Dela via

PFND3DDDI_LOCKCB callback function (d3dumddi.h)

The pfnLockCb function locks an allocation and obtains a pointer to the allocation from the display miniport driver or video memory manager.


PFND3DDDI_LOCKCB Pfnd3dddiLockcb;

HRESULT Pfnd3dddiLockcb(
  HANDLE hDevice,
  D3DDDICB_LOCK *unnamedParam2



A handle to the display device (graphics context).


pData [in, out]

A pointer to a D3DDDICB_LOCK structure that describes the allocation to lock.

Return value

pfnLockCb returns one of the following values:

Return code Description
S_OK The allocation was successfully locked.
D3DERR_NOTAVAILABLE An aperture was not available.
D3DERR_WASSTILLDRAWING The allocation was still being used for rendering.
D3DDDIERR_CANTEVICTPINNEDALLOCATION The allocation could not be locked because of the unavailability of a deswizzling aperture and the inability to evict the allocation because it was pinned.
E_OUTOFMEMORY pfnLockCb could not complete because of insufficient memory (this situation occurs when the system is in an extreme low memory situation and there is not enough space to allocate the array of pages).
E_INVALIDARG Parameters were validated and determined to be incorrect.
D3DDDIERR_DEVICEREMOVED pfnLockCb could not cause the video memory manager and display miniport driver to perform the appropriate actions because a Plug and Play (PnP) stop or a Timeout Detection and Recovery (TDR) event occurred. The user-mode display driver function that called pfnLockCb(typically, the Lock or ResourceMap function) must return this error code back to the Direct3D runtime.
Direct3D Version 9 Note: For more information about returning error codes, see Returning Error Codes Received from Runtime Functions.
Direct3D Versions 10 and 11 Note: If the driver function does not return a value (that is, has VOID for a return parameter type), the driver function calls the pfnSetErrorCb function to send an error code back to the runtime. For more information about handling error codes, see Handling Errors.

This function might also return other HRESULT values.


The user-mode display driver can call the Microsoft Direct3D runtime's pfnLockCb function to lock an allocation and obtain a pointer to the allocation from the display miniport driver or video memory manager. The user-mode display driver typically calls pfnLockCb in response to a call to its Lock or ResourceMap function (or other variations of ResourceMap such as DynamicIABufferMapDiscard) to lock a resource or a surface within the resource. Before returning from the Lock or ResourceMap call, the user-mode display driver must first map the resource or surface to the appropriate allocation and then call pfnLockCb to lock the allocation. The allocation must be locked before it can be read from or written to because locking:

  • Guarantees that the virtual address range for the allocation remains unchanged, valid, readable, and writable for the duration of the lock. The video memory manager provides this guarantee.
  • Provides a way to synchronize the read and write operations of the allocation with graphics hardware accesses of the allocation. The video memory manager and display miniport driver perform the synchronization.
Direct3D Version 9 Note:  

The user-mode display driver usually calls the pfnLockCb and pfnUnlockCb functions that correspond to every call to its Lock and Unlock functions, respectively, except when the driver handles resources in which the Dynamic bit-field flag was set in the Flags member of the D3DDDIARG_CREATERESOURCE structure when the resources were created. The runtime frequently requests that the driver lock these types of resources, often with the NoOverwrite bit-field flag set in the Flags member of the D3DDDIARG_LOCK structure. Because data in such resources should not be modified (as indicated by NoOverwrite), calling pfnLockCb for each lock request consumes excessive processing time. To prevent calling pfnLockCb for each lock request, the driver can cache the virtual memory pointer that it returns in the pSurfData member of D3DDDIARG_LOCK when its Lock function is called with the NoOverwrite bit-field flag set. However, the driver can continue to call pfnLockCb whenever its Lock function is called with either the Discard bit-field flag set or no flags set.

Direct3D Versions 10 and 11 Note:  

The user-mode display driver usually calls the pfnLockCb and pfnUnlockCb functions that correspond to every call to its ResourceMap and ResourceUnmap functions (or other variations of these functions). This does not happen when the driver handles resources in which the D3D10_DDI_USAGE_DYNAMIC value was set in the Usage member of the D3D10DDIARG_CREATERESOURCE or D3D11DDIARG_CREATERESOURCE structure when the resources were created. The runtime frequently requests that the driver lock these types of resources, often by passing the D3D10_DDI_MAP_WRITE_NOOVERWRITE value to the DDIMap parameter in the call to ResourceMap. Because data in such resources should not be modified (as indicated by D3D10_DDI_MAP_WRITE_NOOVERWRITE), calling pfnLockCb for each lock request consumes excessive processing time. To prevent calling pfnLockCb for each lock request, the driver can cache the virtual memory pointer that it returns in the pMappedSubResource parameter when its ResourceMap function is called with D3D10_DDI_MAP_WRITE_NOOVERWRITE. However, the driver can continue to call pfnLockCb whenever its ResourceMap function is called with either the D3D10_DDI_MAP_WRITE_DISCARD value or 0 passed to the DDIMap parameter.

While the application does not hold an outstanding lock to the resource that is associated with the virtual memory pointer, the driver typically uncaches the virtual memory pointer by calling the pfnUnlockCb function before the driver calls the pfnRenderCb function. If the lock is not uncached or if the lock cannot be uncached because the application still has the resource locked, the hardware might render from a locked allocation. The video memory manager cannot support this mode of operation if the allocation is in local video memory; therefore, the memory manager evicts the allocation to system or AGP memory when the memory manager detects this situation. If the allocation is not supported in the system or AGP memory segment, the memory manager fails the call to pfnRenderCb with D3DDDIERR_CANTRENDERLOCKEDALLOCATION. Therefore, vertex and index buffer allocations that are allocated in response to creating resources in which the Dynamic bit-field flag is set in the Flags member of D3DDDIARG_CREATERESOURCE (or the D3D10_DDI_USAGE_DYNAMIC value is set in the Usage member of D3D10DDIARG_CREATERESOURCE or D3D11DDIARG_CREATERESOURCE) should be supported in system or AGP segments.

Setting the Discard bit-field flag in the Flags member of D3DDDICB_LOCK in a call to pfnLockCb causes the video memory manager to create a new instance of the allocation that is being locked. The video memory manager represents the new instance by returning a new handle to the user-mode display driver in the hAllocation member of D3DDDICB_LOCK.

Note   The display miniport driver's DxgkDdiCreateAllocation function is not called when a new instance of an allocation is created. Instances appear to the display miniport driver as allocations that are simultaneously paged in to multiple different locations.
The video memory manager might fail a lock in which the Discard bit-field flag is set because the video memory manager cannot create a new instance or reuse an existing instance of an allocation. When this failure occurs, the user-mode display driver should call the pfnRenderCb function to flush its current command buffer to the kernel. This flush of the command buffer might retire some instances of the allocation that could not be locked by using the Discard bit-field flag.

After flushing its command buffer, the user-mode display driver must try locking the surface again by using both the Discard and NoExistingReference bit-field flags. The NoExistingReference bit-field flag indicates to the video memory manager that the driver does not currently have a reference to any instance of the allocation that is being locked queued in its command buffer. The video memory manager can then reuse any instance of the allocation to handle the lock, including the current instance.

After a call to pfnLockCb in which the Discard bit-field flag is set, the user-mode display driver should always check for an updated handle value in the hAllocation member of D3DDDICB_LOCK. If a new allocation handle is provided, the user-mode display driver should update its internal data structure to reference the new allocation handle. The user-mode display driver should also add a re-programmed version of the locked allocation base address to the current command buffer (because allocation instances contain different base addresses). The video memory manager validates the use of allocation instances that are used by the driver and rejects DMA buffers that use the allocation instances incorrectly (that is, calls to pfnPresentCb and pfnRenderCb fail if they incorrectly use allocation instances). After the driver references a particular instance of an allocation, the driver can no longer reference a previous instance of the same allocation. For example, if a command buffer uses allocation A and currently uses instances A0 and A1, then as soon as A1 is used (that is, appears in the patch-location list) A0 becomes invalid. The display miniport driver can generate a patch-location list that references both A0 and A1. However, the references must be ordered (that is, A0 can be used first; A0 becomes invalid once A2 is used; A1 becomes invalid when A2 is used, and so on).

The user-mode display driver might call pfnLockCb for system memory allocations, even if the memory has not been preallocated, because the display miniport driver might actually be in the process of sending, through DMA, or asynchronously transferring those allocations to graphics hardware. Therefore, before an application is allowed to write to the surface, the display miniport driver and video memory manager must be notified so that they can block the lock if necessary.

The user-mode display driver can also lock subregions of an allocation. This type of lock is typically not necessary when an unswizzling or linearizing hardware aperture is available because, in this situation, the user-mode display driver can translate a lock on the entire allocation to the subregion by offsetting the pointer. However, when pfnLockCb fails by using D3DERR_NOTAVAILABLE to indicate that an aperture is not available, the memory manager requests the user-mode display driver to copy video memory contents. The user-mode display driver unswizzles or linearizes the video memory contents while copying them into another area of memory. In this situation, the user-mode display driver can supply a list of pages to copy to save large amounts of copying when locking small subregions in a large allocation. Note that the memory manager fails a call to pfnLockCb with D3DERR_NOTAVAILABLE if the user-mode display driver did not set the LockEntire bit-field flag in the Flags member of the D3DDDICB_LOCK structure and did not specify a page list in the pPages member of D3DDDICB_LOCK. If the user-mode display driver sets the LockEntire bit-field flag, it must also set the NumPages and pPages members of D3DDDICB_LOCK to 0 and NULL, respectively. The user-mode display driver should always supply a page list in pPages when locking an allocation that was created with a permanent backing store. In this situation, the memory manager uses the page list to mark as dirty only specific pages and is not required to copy the entire allocation from the backing store when it is used for rendering.

The user-mode display driver can call pfnLockCb to acquire multiple swizzling ranges for a single allocation (for example, one swizzling range for each MIP level). If the driver cannot acquire any one of the ranges, the Direct3D runtime evicts the entire allocation to handle the lock (all of the MIP levels) and reclaims all of the swizzling ranges.

When the user-mode display driver requests that a swizzling range be assigned to the allocation, the driver effectively requests access to the unswizzled bits of the allocation. For such requests, the video memory manager either pages in the allocation into a memory segment and sets up a swizzling range to access the allocation or pages in the allocation into a memory segment and then evicts the allocation to system memory while requesting that the driver unswizzle the allocation on the way to system memory. An allocation that was unswizzled to system memory is reswizzled (by being paged into video memory) before the GPU uses the allocation again. As a result, the driver cannot request a no-overwrite-type lock (by setting the DonotWait bit-field flag) when it acquires a swizzling range. Similarly, the driver cannot reference an allocation lock in such a way in a DMA buffer that is submitted to the GPU (because the DMA buffer will be rejected).

The user-mode display driver might lock a swizzled allocation without acquiring a swizzling range if the driver must access the bits of the allocation in a swizzled format. In this situation, the video memory manager provides the driver with a pointer to the swizzled bits of the allocation. However, the driver cannot request a pointer to the swizzled bits of the allocation while a request for the unswizzled bits is outstanding, and vice versa (that is, a lock is currently pending on the allocation with a swizzling range acquired).

The user-mode display driver should pass the Discard bit-field flag in the Flags member of D3DDDICB_LOCK in the pfnLockCb call in the following situations:

  • When the Direct3D runtime passes the Discard bit-field flag in the Flags member of the D3DDDIARG_LOCK structure in the call to the user-mode display driver's Lock function
  • When the runtime passes the D3D10_DDI_MAP_WRITE_DISCARD value to the DDIMap parameter in the call to the driver's ResourceMap function
Setting the Discard bit-field flag causes the memory manager to determine if it should rename the allocation or should cause the application thread to stall until the allocation is idle. For more information about renaming an allocation, see Requesting to Rename an Allocation. The driver can use its own renaming support or the memory manager's renaming support. To use its own renaming support, the driver sets the DonotWait bit-field flag, in response to a Lock call with the Discard bit-field flag set, or in response to a ResourceMap call with the D3D10_DDI_MAP_WRITE_DISCARD value set. Setting the DonotWait bit-field flag causes the memory manager to fail the call to pfnLockCb with D3DERR_WASSTILLDRAWING if the graphics hardware is still using the allocation. Such a failure indicates to the user-mode display driver to rename or multiple-buffer the allocation.
Note   The DonotWait bit-field flag has no effect on the memory manager if the Discard bit-field flag is also set.
The user-mode display driver should set the IgnoreSync bit-field flag in the Flags member of D3DDDICB_LOCK when it does not require the memory manager to check whether the graphics hardware is using the allocation. The user-mode display driver must then properly synchronize access to the allocation. If the DonotWait bit-field flag is not specified with the IgnoreSync bit-field flag, the memory manager ignores the IgnoreSync bit-field flag.
Note   The IgnoreSync bit-field flag has no effect on the memory manager if the Discard bit-field flag is also set.

The following code example shows how the Discard bit-field flag is used in a call to pfnLockCb.

LockData.hAllocation = AllocationToLock;
LockData.Flags.Discard = TRUE;
hr = pfnLockCb(&LockData)
if (FAILED(hr)) {
    LockData.Flags.Discard = TRUE;
    LockData.Flags.NoExistingReference = TRUE;
    hr = pfnLockCb(&LockData);
    if (FAILED(hr)) {
        // Fails the lock to the application


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Available in Windows Vista and later versions of the Windows operating systems.
Target Platform Desktop
Header d3dumddi.h (include D3dumddi.h)

See also







