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PFNCOMPROPSHEET callback function (compstui.h)

The ComPropSheet function is supplied by CPSUI and can be called by CPSUI applications (including printer interface DLLs) to build property sheet pages.


PFNCOMPROPSHEET Pfncompropsheet;

LONG_PTR Pfncompropsheet(
  [in] HANDLE hComPropSheet,
  [in] UINT Function,
  [in] LPARAM lParam1,
  [in] LPARAM lParam2


[in] hComPropSheet

Caller-supplied handle to a property sheet group parent. For more information, see the following Remarks section.

[in] Function

Caller-supplied, CPSFUNC_-prefixed ComPropSheet function codes specifying the operation to be performed by the ComPropSheet function. See the ComPropSheet function codes table in the Remarks section below.

[in] lParam1

Caller-supplied value that depends on the ComPropSheet function code supplied for Function.

[in] lParam2

Caller-supplied value that depends on the ComPropSheet function code supplied for Function.

Return value

The return value depends on the ComPropSheet function code supplied for Function.


When CPSUI calls one of an application's PFNPROPSHEETUI-typed functions, it passes a pointer to the ComPropSheet function in a PROPSHEETUI_INFO structure. A PFNPROPSHEETUI-typed function can call the ComPropSheet function to describe property sheet pages to CPSUI.

A printer interface DLL can call ComPropSheet from within its DrvDocumentPropertySheets function or its DrvDevicePropertySheets function.

User interface plug-ins for Microsoft's Unidrv and Pscript drivers can call ComPropSheet from within their IPrintOemUI::DocumentPropertySheets and IPrintOemUI::DevicePropertySheets methods.

The group parent handle specified for the hComPropSheet parameter can be either of the following:

  • The handle received in the hComPropSheet member of a PROPSHEETUI_INFO structure.

  • The handle received as a result of previously calling ComPropSheet with a CPSFUNC_INSERT_PSUIPAGE function code, and specifying PSUIPAGEINSERT_GROUP_PARENT as the Type member for an INSERTPSUIPAGE_INFO structure.

ComPropSheet function codes

The following function codes can be passed to the CPSUI's ComPropSheet function:


The CPSFUNC_ADD_HPROPSHEETPAGE function code causes the ComPropSheet function to add a property sheet page that has been created by calling the CreatePropertySheetPage function.

  • hComPropSheet: Group parent handle

  • Function: Caller sets this function code parameter to CPSFUNC_ADD_HPROPSHEETPAGE when it calls ComPropSheet to add a property sheet page

  • lParam1: Handle to a property sheet page, obtained by calling the CreatePropertySheetPage function

  • lParam2: Not used, must be zero


If the operation succeeds, ComPropSheet returns a CPSUI handle to the added page; otherwise, it returns NULL.


The CPSFUNC_ADD_PCOMPROPSHEETUI function code causes the ComPropSheet function to add a set of one or more property sheet pages that are described by a COMPROPSHEETUI structure.

  • hComPropSheet: Group parent handle

  • Function: Caller sets this function code parameter to CPSFUNC_ADD_PCOMPROPSHEETUI when it calls ComPropSheet to add a set of one or more property sheet pages

  • lParam1: Pointer to a COMPROPSHEETUI structure

  • lParam2: Pointer to a 32-bit location to receive the number of pages added or, if a failure occurs, an ERR_CPSUI-prefixed error code

Return value

If the operation succeeds, ComPropSheet returns a handle to the set of added pages; otherwise, the function returns NULL.


The CPSFUNC_ADD_PFNPROPSHEETUI function code causes the ComPropSheet function to call the specified PFNPROPSHEETUI-typed function, which must add a set of one or more property sheet pages.

  • hComPropSheet: Group parent handle

  • Function: Caller sets this function code parameter to CPSFUNC_ADD_PFNPROPSHEETUI when it calls ComPropSheet. ComPropSheet then calls the specified PFNPROPSHEETUI-typed function to add a set of one or more property sheet pages.

  • lParam1: Pointer to a PFNPROPSHEETUI-typed function

  • lParam2: A 32-bit value that is passed to the PFNPROPSHEETUI-typed function for its lParam parameter


If the operation succeeds, ComPropSheet returns a handle to the set of added pages; otherwise, the function returns NULL.


The CPSFUNC_ADD_PROPSHEETPAGE function code causes the ComPropSheet function to add the type of property sheet page that is described by a PROPSHEETPAGE structure.

  • hComPropSheet: Group parent handle

  • Function: Caller sets this function code parameter to CPSFUNC_ADD_PROPSHEETPAGE when it calls ComPropSheet to add the type of property sheet page described by a PROPSHEETPAGE structure. The ComPropSheet function calls the CreatePropertySheetPage function, and passes the PROPSHEETPAGE structure's address to create the page.

  • lParam1: Pointer to a PROPSHEETPAGE structure

  • lParam2: Not used, must be zero


If the operation succeeds, ComPropSheet returns a CPSUI handle to the added page; otherwise, it returns NULL.


The CPSFUNC_DELETE_HCOMPROPSHEET function code causes the ComPropSheet function to delete a set of property sheet pages that are specified by a CPSUI handle.

  • hComPropSheet: Group parent handle

  • Function: Caller sets this function code parameter to CPSFUNC_DELETE_HCOMPROPSHEET when it calls ComPropSheet to delete a set of property sheet pages

  • lParam1: CPSUI handle that refers to the set of pages to be deleted. This handle must previously have been obtained by a call to ComPropSheet with one of the following function codes:






  • lParam2: Not used, must be zero


The ComPropSheet function returns the number of property sheet pages that were deleted.


The CPSFUNC_DO_APPLY_CPSUI function code causes the ComPropSheet function to simulate the delivery of a PSN_APPLY notification message.

CPSUI responds to the CPSFUNC_DO_APPLY_CPSUI function code by delivering the CPSUICB_REASON_APPLYNOW reason to an application's _CPSUICALLBACK-typed callback function.

  • hComPropSheet: Group parent handle

  • Function: Caller sets this function code parameter to CPSFUNC_DO_APPLY_CPSUI when it calls ComPropSheet to simulate the delivery of a PSN_APPLY notification message

  • lParam1: CPSUI handle that points to a set of one or more property sheet pages. Typically, this handle has been previously specified as the lParam1 parameter to ComPropSheet using the CPSFUNC_IGNORE_CPSUI_PSN_APPLY function code.

  • lParam2: This parameter is any combination of the following bit flags:

    • APPLYCPSUI_NO_NEWDEF - Set this flag if you do not want the current default values (used for the Undo operation) to be changed. Clear this flag if you want the current values for all options to become the defaults used for the Undo operation.

    • APPLYCPSUI_OK_CANCEL_BUTTON - Set this flag if the user selected the OK or Cancel button (or if you want to simulate this activity). Clear this flag if the user selected the Close or Apply Now button (or if you want to simulate this activity). If your code is set up to receive PSN_APPLY messages, the code should check the lParam member of the PSHNOTIFY structure. If the member is zero, this bit should be cleared.


If the operation succeeds, the ComPropSheet function returns a nonzero value; otherwise it returns zero and the specified pages will become active.

If you use the CPSFUNC_IGNORE_CPSUI_PSN_APPLY function code to disable CPSUI's handling of the PSN_APPLY notification message, you must use the CPSFUNC_DO_APPLY_CPSUI function code to simulate delivery of the PSN_APPLY message. Otherwise, user changes to a property sheet page cannot be obtained.


The CPSFUNC_GET_HPSUIPAGES function code causes the ComPropSheet function to return an array of CPSUI handles that point to property sheet pages. These handles identify the child pages associated with the specified group parent handle.

To use this function code, follow these steps:

  • Call ComPropSheet, specifying the CPSFUNC_GET_PAGECOUNT function code, to obtain the number of child pages associated with the specified group parent.

  • Allocate enough local memory to contain a HANDLE structure for each page.

  • Call ComPropSheet again, specifying the CPSFUNC_GET_HPSUIPAGES function code and the address of the locally allocated memory, to obtain an array of HANDLE structures.

  • hComPropSheet: Group parent handle

  • Function: Caller sets this function code parameter to CPSFUNC_GET_HPSUIPAGES when it calls ComPropSheet to retrieve an array of CPSUI handles

  • lParam1: Pointer to an array of HANDLE structures

  • lParam2: Size of the HANDLE array pointed to by lParam1


The ComPropSheet function returns the number of handles that CPSUI places into the HANDLE array.


The CPSFUNC_GET_PAGECOUNT function code causes the ComPropSheet function to return the number of property sheet pages that are child pages of the specified group parent handle.

  • hComPropSheet: Group parent handle

  • Function: Caller sets this function code parameter to CPSFUNC_GET_PAGECOUNT when it calls ComPropSheet to return the child page count

  • lParam1: Not used, must be zero

  • lParam2: Not used, must be zero


The ComPropSheet function returns the number of pages counted.


The CPSFUNC_GET_PFNPROPSHEETUI_ICON function code causes the ComPropSheet function to return a handle to the icon that is associated with a set of property sheet pages. The set of pages must have been previously created by a PFNPROPSHEETUI-typed function.

The ComPropSheet function calls the PFNPROPSHEETUI-typed function associated with the specified page handle, and passes a reason value of PROPSHEETUI_REASON_GET_ICON. The PFNPROPSHEETUI-typed function then calls LoadImage and provides the icon size specified bylParam2 to load an icon resource.

  • hComPropSheet: Group parent handle

  • Function: Caller sets this function code parameter to CPSFUNC_GET_PFNPROPSHEETUI_ICON when it calls ComPropSheet to retrieve a handle to the icon that is associated with a set of property sheet pages

  • lParam1: CPSUI handle that refers to a set of property sheet pages. This handle must previously have been obtained by a call to ComPropSheet with the CPSFUNC_ADD_PFNPROPSHEETUI function code.

  • lParam2: Specifies two WORD-sized values representing the icon's size, in pixels. The LOWORD value is the width, and the HIWORD value is the height. If these values are zero, the system metrics SM_CXICON and SM_CYICON are used. For more information, see GetSystemMetrics.


If the operation succeeds, the ComPropSheet function returns an icon handle; otherwise it returns NULL.


The CPSFUNC_IGNORE_CPSUI_PSN_APPLY function code causes the ComPropSheet function to disable or reenable CPSUI's handling of the PSN_APPLY notification message.

The system sends the PSN_APPLY notification message to CPSUI when a user selects a property sheet's OK or Cancel button. CPSUI responds to this message by delivering the CPSUICB_REASON_APPLYNOW reason to an application's _CPSUICALLBACK-typed callback function.

If you disable CPSUI's handling of the PSN_APPLY notification message, you must use the CPSFUNC_DO_APPLY_CPSUI function code to simulate delivery of the PSN_APPLY message. Otherwise, user changes to a property sheet page cannot be obtained.

If the CPSFUNC_IGNORE_CPSUI_PSN_APPLY function code is not used, CPSUI's handling of the PSN_APPLY notification message is enabled by default.

  • hComPropSheet: Group parent handle

  • Function: Caller sets this function code parameter to CPSFUNC_IGNORE_CPSUI_PSN_APPLY when it calls ComPropSheet to disable or reenable CPSUI's handling of the PSN_APPLY notification message

  • lParam1: CPSUI handle that refers to a set of one or more property sheet pages. This handle must have been previously obtained by a call to ComPropSheet with a function code of CPSFUNC_ADD_PCOMPROPSHEETUI, or with a function code of CPSFUNC_INSERT_PSUIPAGE and an insertion type of PSUIPAGEINSERT_PROPSHEETPAGE.

  • lParam2: Any nonzero value disables CPSUI's delivery of the CPSUICB_REASON_APPLYNOW reason. A zero value reenables delivery of the CPSUICB_REASON_APPLYNOW reason.


If the operation succeeds, the ComPropSheet function returns a nonzero value; otherwise it returns zero.


The CPSFUNC_INSERT_PSUIPAGE function code causes the ComPropSheet function to insert a set of property sheet pages at a specific position.

  • hComPropSheet: Group parent handle

  • Function: Caller sets this function code parameter to CPSFUNC_INSERT_PSUIPAGE when it calls ComPropSheet to insert a set of property sheet pages at a specific position

  • lParam1: Specifies a handle to a set of one or more property sheet pages. The new pages will be inserted before or after these pages, depending on the Mode member of the INSERTPSUIPAGE_INFO structure pointed to by lParam2. This handle must previously have been obtained by a call to ComPropSheet with one of the following function codes:






  • lParam2: Pointer to an INSERTPSUIPAGE_INFO structure, describing where and how the new pages should be inserted


If the operation succeeds, the ComPropSheet function returns a handle to the set of pages that were inserted; otherwise, the function returns NULL.


The CPSFUNC_LOAD_CPSUI_ICON function code causes the ComPropSheet function to load a CPSUI-supplied icon resource.

CPSUI calls LoadImage to load the specified icon resource.

  • hComPropSheet: Group parent handle

  • Function: Caller sets this function code parameter to CPSFUNC_LOAD_CPSUI_ICON when it calls ComPropSheet to load a CPSUI-supplied icon resource

  • lParam1: Resource identifier of the CPSUI-supplied icon to be loaded. This must be an IDI_CPSUI-prefixed identifier as defined in Compstui.h.

  • lParam2: Specifies two WORD-sized values representing the icon's size, in pixels. The LOWORD value is the width, and the HIWORD value is the height. If these values are zero, the system metrics SM_CXICON and SM_CYICON are used. For more information, see GetSystemMetrics


If the operation succeeds, the ComPropSheet function returns an icon handle; otherwise it returns NULL.


The CPSFUNC_LOAD_CPSUI_STRING function code causes the ComPropSheet function to load a CPSUI-supplied string resource.

The ComPropSheet function calls the LoadString](/windows/win32/api/winuser/nf-winuser-loadstringw) function to load the specified string.

  • hComPropSheet: Group parent handle

  • Function: Caller sets this function code parameter to CPSFUNC_LOAD_CPSUI_STRING when it calls ComPropSheet to load a CPSUI-supplied string resource

  • lParam1: An LPSTR-typed pointer to a caller-allocated buffer, into which the CPSUI-supplied string specified by HIWORD(lParam2) will be placed

  • lParam2: Contains the following two caller-supplied values:

    • LOWORD(lParam2). Size, in bytes, of the buffer pointed to by lParam1.

    • HIWORD(lParam2). Resource identifier of the CPSUI-supplied string to be loaded. This must be an IDS_CPSUI-prefixed identifier as defined in Compstui.h.


If the operation succeeds, the ComPropSheet function returns the length of the string. If an invalid resource identifier is specified, the function returns zero. If lParam1 is NULL or LOWORD(lParam2) is zero, the function returns -1.


The CPSFUNC_QUERY_DATABLOCK function code causes the ComPropSheet function to retrieve a caller-supplied data block that was previously stored using the CPSFUNC_SET_DATABLOCK function code.

Typically, this function code is used by a _CPSUICALLBACK-typed callback function (when the function's CPSUICBPARAM structure contains a Reason value of CPSUICB_REASON_SETACTIVE) to retrieve values associated with another page before the current page becomes inactive.

  • hComPropSheet: Group parent handle

  • Function: Caller sets this function code parameter to CPSFUNC_QUERY_DATABLOCK when it calls ComPropSheet to retrieve a caller-supplied data block

  • lParam1: Pointer to a CPSUIDATABLOCK structure that identifies the size and location of a buffer to receive the requested data block

  • lParam2: DWORD-sized identifier value, used to identify the requested CPSUIDATABLOCK structure. This value must have been specified in a previous call to ComPropSheet using the CPSFUNC_SET_DATABLOCK function code.


If the operation succeeds, the ComPropSheet function returns a value that represents the size of the retrieved data block. If lParam1 is NULL, or if the value of any member of the supplied CPSUIDATABLOCK structure is zero, ComPropSheet returns the size required to store the data block. If an error occurs, the function returns a value less than or equal to zero.


The CPSFUNC_SET_DATABLOCK function code causes the ComPropSheet function to store a caller-supplied data block. You can use this function code to make the information about a property sheet page available to other pages.

Typically, this function code is used by a _CPSUICALLBACK-typed callback function (when the function's CPSUICBPARAM structure contains a Reason value of CPSUICB_REASON_KILLACTIVE) to save values associated with a page before it becomes inactive.

  • hComPropSheet: Group parent handle

  • Function: Caller sets this function code parameter to CPSFUNC_SET_DATABLOCK when it calls ComPropSheet to store a caller-supplied data block

  • lParam1: Pointer to a CPSUIDATABLOCK structure that describes the data block to be stored

  • lParam2: Caller-defined DWORD-sized identifier value. It is used to identify the supplied CPSUIDATABLOCK structure in subsequent calls to ComPropSheet using the CPSFUNC_QUERY_DATABLOCK function code.


If the operation is successful, the ComPropSheet function returns a value representing the number of bytes that were stored; otherwise it returns a value less than or equal to zero.


The CPSFUNC_SET_DMPUB_HIDEBITS function code causes the ComPropSheet function to "hide" a specified set of document property options, so that they are not displayed.

You can use the CPSFUNC_SET_DMPUB_HIDEBITS function code if you want to define OPTITEM structures for one or more document property sheet options, but you do not want the options to be user-modifiable. The property sheet page must be defined using the COMPROPSHEETUI structure, and the structure's pDlgPage member must be CPSUI_PDLGPAGE_DOCPROP or CPSUI_PDLGPAGE_ADVDOCPROP.

If you use the CPSFUNC_SET_DMPUB_HIDEBITS function code, it must be specified to ComPropSheet before the CPSFUNC_ADD_PCOMPROPSHEETUI or CPSFUNC_INSERT_PSUIPAGE function code is used to create the page.

  • hComPropSheet: Group parent handle

  • Function: Caller sets this function code parameter to CPSFUNC_SET_DMPUB_HIDEBITS when it calls ComPropSheet to "hide" a specified set of document property options

  • lParam1: Pointer to a bit array that indicates the options to be hidden. This array must be created using the MAKE_DMPUB_HIDEBIT(DMPub) macro, where DMPub is the OR-combination of one or more DMPUB_-prefixed constants. The DMPUB_-prefixed constants are listed in the description of the OPTITEM structure. The macro and constants are defined in Compstui.h.

  • lParam2: Not used, must be zero


If the operation is successful, the ComPropSheet function returns the value specified for lParam1; otherwise it returns zero.


The CPSFUNC_SET_FUSION_CONTEXT sets a Fusion activation context for the specified page.

When a page is about to be created or inserted and it does not specify an activation context in its PROPSHEETPAGE structure, it will be created in the parent's page activation context.

If the parent's activation context is not set, then Compstui.dll looks up the parent's parent, continuing until the top level parent is reached or until it finds a parent with an activation context properly set.

If none of the parents has an activation context set, then Compstui.dll will not specify an activation context in the PROPSHEETPAGE structure. This means that the page will be created in the activation context of the caller of the PropertySheet function.

  • hComPropSheet: Group parent handle

  • Function: Caller sets this function code parameter to CPSFUNC_SET_FUSION_CONTEXT when it calls ComPropSheet to set a Fusion activation context for the specified page

  • lParam1: Specifies the handle to the Fusion context. Compstui.dll duplicates the handle, attaching it to its internal structures, so that the caller is not obligated to retain the handle. Compstui.dll releases the passed-in context handle when the Compstui.dll handle is deleted.

  • lParam2: Not used, must be zero


If the operation is successful, the ComPropSheet function returns a value greater than zero. Otherwise, ComPropSheet returns a value that is less than or equal to zero. For information about the error, use the GetLastError function.


The CPSFUNC_SET_HSTARTPAGE function code causes the ComPropSheet function to mark a specified property sheet page to be the top page of the associated property sheet. If the property sheet is currently being displayed, the specified page becomes the active page.

  • hComPropSheet: Group parent handle

  • Function: Caller sets this function code parameter to CPSFUNC_SET_HSTARTPAGE when it calls ComPropSheet to mark a specified property sheet page to be the top page of the associated property sheet

  • lParam1: Caller-supplied CPSUI page handle, previously obtained by a call to ComPropSheet with one of the following function codes:






    If the handle represents a single page belonging to the group specified by hComPropSheet, CPSUI makes this page the top page.

    If the handle represents a group parent handle (see CPSFUNC_INSERT_PSUIPAGE), then lParam2 represents a zero-based index into the group's pages and the page represented by the index becomes the top page.

  • lParam2: If lParam1 represents a group parent handle, this caller-supplied value is a zero-based index into the group's pages. If lParam1 represents a single page belonging to the group specified by hComPropSheet, this parameter is not used. If the handle specified by lParam1 was obtained using the CPSFUNC_ADD_PCOMPROPSHEETUI function code, and if the pDlgPage member of the associated COMPROPSHEETUI structure was set to CPSUI_PDLGPAGE_DOCPROP, then one of the following values can be specified for lParam2:

    • SSP_STDPAGE1 - Make the Layout page the top page.

    • SSP_STDPAGE2 - Make the Paper/Quality page the top page.

    • SSP_TVPAGE - Make the Advanced page the top page.


If the operation is successful, the ComPropSheet function returns the value specified for lParam1; otherwise it returns zero.


The CPSFUNC_SET_PSUIPAGE_ICON function code causes the ComPropSheet function to add, replace, or remove the icon assigned to the tab of a property sheet page.

If lParam2 contains an icon handle, and if the page specified by lParam1 is currently being displayed, CPSUI adds the icon to the specified page's tab. If an icon is already assigned to the page, the old icon is replaced with the new one. If lParam2 is zero, the current icon (if one exists) is removed.

For all icons specified with the CPSFUNC_SET_PSUIPAGE_ICON function code, CPSUI sets the image size to 16 by 16 pixels.

Icon handles should be obtained by calling LoadImage.

  • hComPropSheet: Group parent handle

  • Function: Caller sets this function code parameter to CPSFUNC_SET_PSUIPAGE_ICON when it calls ComPropSheet to add, replace, or remove the icon assigned to the tab of a property sheet page

  • lParam1: Caller-supplied CPSUI page handle, previously obtained by a call to ComPropSheet with one of the following function codes:




  • lParam2: Caller-supplied icon handle. You can set this parameter to zero to remove the current icon


If the operation is successful, the ComPropSheet function returns 1. If an error is encountered, or if the specified page is not currently being displayed, the function returns zero.


The CPSFUNC_SET_PSUIPAGE_TITLE function code causes the ComPropSheet function to set the tab title for a property sheet page.

  • hComPropSheet: Group parent handle

  • Function: Caller sets this function code parameter to CPSFUNC_SET_PSUIPAGE_TITLE when it calls ComPropSheet to set the tab title for a property sheet page

  • lParam1: Caller-supplied CPSUI page handle, previously obtained by a call to ComPropSheet with one of the following function codes:




  • lParam2: Caller-supplied pointer to a NULL-terminated string that specifies the new title


If the operation is successful, the ComPropSheet function returns 1. If an error is encountered, or if the specified page is not currently being displayed, the function returns zero.


The CPSFUNC_SET_RESULT function code causes the ComPropSheet function to pass a specified result value to all PFNPROPSHEETUI-typed functions associated with a specified page and its parents.

For more information about how to set result values, see the description of the SETRESULT_INFO structure.

The following caution applies to Unidrv- or Pscript5-based IHV UI plug-in with custom UI property sheets, and for which user settings made in the property sheets should be persistent. When the plug-in calls the ComPropSheet function with the Function parameter set to CPSFUNC_SET_RESULT, the plug-in must set the lParam2 parameter to CPSUI_OK.

  • hComPropSheet: Group parent handle

  • Function: Caller sets this function code parameter to CPSFUNC_SET_RESULT when it calls ComPropSheet to pass a specified result value to all PFNPROPSHEETUI-typed functions associated with a specified page and its parents.

  • lParam1: Caller-supplied CPSUI handle to the page for which a result value is being passed. If lParam1 is NULL, the CPSUI uses the value specified by hComPropSheet.

  • lParam2: Caller-supplied 32-bit DWORD result value.


If the operation is successful, the ComPropSheet function returns the number of PFNPROPSHEETUI-typed functions that were called. If the handle specified for lParam1 is invalid, the function returns -1.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Desktop
Header compstui.h (include Compstui.h)