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Implementing IPowerNotify

If your driver's miniport objects (see Audio Miniport Object Interfaces) or stream objects (see Audio Stream Object Interfaces) need to know about power-state changes, they can support the IPowerNotify interface in their QueryInterface methods and receive notification from the PortCls system driver each time a power change occurs.

When the power state changes, PortCls calls the IPowerNotify::PowerChangeNotify method to individually notify each of the miniport and stream objects that support the IPowerNotify interface. During the PowerChangeNotify call, a miniport object should cache the new device power state. During the CAdapterCommon::Init call (for example, see the implementation in the Msvad sample adapter in the Microsoft Windows Driver Kit [WDK]), the miniport driver should set its cached power state to the initial value PowerDeviceD0.

Before calling PowerChangeState to power down, PortCls calls IPowerNotify::PowerChangeNotify to give the miniport driver an opportunity to save any necessary device context. This context might include the hardware-register values that embody the current filter topology and mixer-line settings, for example. After calling PowerChangeState to power up, PortCls calls PowerChangeNotify so that the miniport driver can restore the saved context.

When powering down, PortCls pauses any active audio data streams before calling PowerChangeNotify. When powering up, PortCls calls PowerChangeNotify before restarting any paused audio data streams.

Your miniport driver's miniport and stream object classes can inherit from the IPowerNotify interface and support this interface in their NonDelegatingQueryInterface method. You can use the IMP_IPowerNotify definition from header file Portcls.h to add the function declaration for the PowerChangeNotify method to the class definition for your driver's miniport and stream objects.