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IManagedAddin interface

Implement the IManagedAddin interface to create a component that loads managed VSTO Add-ins. This interface was added in the 2007 Microsoft Office system.


interface IManagedAddin : IUnknown
    HRESULT Load(
        [in] BSTR bstrManifestURL,
        [in] IDispatch *pdispApplication);
    HRESULT Unload();


The following table lists the methods that are defined by the IManagedAddin interface.

Name Description
IManagedAddin::Load Called when a Microsoft Office application loads a managed VSTO Add-in.
IManagedAddin::Unload Called just before a Microsoft Office application unloads a managed VSTO Add-in.


Microsoft Office applications, starting with the 2007 Microsoft Office system, use the IManagedAddin interface to help load Office VSTO Add-ins. You can implement the IManagedAddin interface to create your own VSTO Add-in loader and runtime for managed VSTO Add-ins, instead of using the VSTO Add-in loader (VSTOLoader.dll) and Visual Studio Tools for Office runtime . For more information, see Architecture of VSTO Add-ins.

How managed Add-ins are loaded

The following steps occur when an application starts:

  1. The application discovers VSTO Add-ins by looking for entries under the following registry key:

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\<application name>\Addins\

    Each entry under this registry key is a unique ID of the VSTO Add-in. Typically, this is the name of the VSTO Add-in assembly.

  2. The application looks for a Manifest entry under the entry for each VSTO Add-in.

    Managed VSTO Add-ins can store the full path of a manifest in the Manifest entry under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\<application name>\Addins\<add-in ID>. A manifest is a file (typically, an XML file) that provides information that is used to help load the VSTO Add-in.

  3. If the application finds a Manifest entry, the application tries to load a managed VSTO Add-in loader component. The application does this by trying to create a COM object that implements the IManagedAddin interface.

    The Visual Studio Tools for Office runtime includes a VSTO Add-in loader component (VSTOLoader.dll), or you can create your own by implementing the IManagedAddin interface.

  4. The application calls the IManagedAddin::Load method and passes in the value of the Manifest entry.

  5. The IManagedAddin::Load method performs tasks required to load the VSTO Add-in, such as configuring the application domain and security policy for the VSTO Add-in that is being loaded.

    For more information about the registry keys that Microsoft Office applications use to discover and load managed VSTO Add-ins, see Registry entries for VSTO Add-ins.

Guidance to implement IManagedAddin

If you implement IManagedAddin, you must register the DLL that contains the implementation by using the following CLSID:


Microsoft Office applications use this CLSID to create the COM object that implements IManagedAddin.


This CLSID is also used by VSTOLoader.dll in the Visual Studio Tools for Office runtime . Therefore, if you use IManagedAddin to create your own VSTO Add-in loader and runtime component, you cannot deploy your component to computers that are running VSTO Add-ins that rely on the Visual Studio Tools for Office runtime .

See also