
Dela via

WWAN Schema

The WWAN schema defines elements that are used to describe a subscriber's connection to a Wireless Wide Area Network (WWAN). All of the elements are in the namespace Not all elements are in every profile, as some elements are optional.

The following table lists all of the elements in this schema, sorted alphabetically by name.

Element Description

Defines the Access Point Name (APN) or dial string to be used to establish a data connection. Must be less than 100 characters.


If true, the subscription has been activated, and the machine should immediately attempt to connect. Otherwise, false.


Defines the abstract base element for ReconnectToNetwork , ReregisterToNetwork, and ServiceActivation.


Contains the name of the subscriber's data plan. It must match the Name attribute of a Plan in the same XML document.


Defines the authentication protocol to be used for activating a Packet Data Protocol (PDP) context:

  • NONE - No authentication protocol.
  • PAP - Unencrypted password authentication.
  • CHAP - Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol(CHAP).
  • MsCHAPv2 - Microsoft’s Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol(CHAP) v2.0.

Defines carrier specific branding information for a subscriber's connection to the Mobile Network Operator (MNO).


Defines carrier specific data not specified by Windows.


If ENABLE, the packet header and data transferred over the connection is compressed. Otherwise, DISABLE.


If true, the subscriber's connection is in a state of congestion. Otherwise, it is either not supported by the MNO or false.


Defines the parameters required to setup a data connection.


Defines a value representing the data limit in MB for a capped plan. Must be a value from 0 to 232nd.


Defines the list of preferred network providers for roaming.


Defines the default connection profile used by a subscriber to connect to a MNO. The Mobile Broadband service will use these connection settings without prompting the user for details.


Defines a brief description of the profile.


Defines a schema extension point container for future additions.


Defines values that describe the subscriber's plan and data usage.


Defines the name of the Home Provider for a given SIM/Device.


Defines a value representing the effective link speed of the subscriber’s inbound connection.


Defines the message country code in the form "en-us" using ISO-3166.


Defines a 32x32 bitmap (.bmp) or portable network graphics (.png) type image of the MNO's logo.


Defines a MNO formatted message that contains the parsing rules necessary for Windows 8 to parse the message.


Contains a set of MNO messages that are parsed by Windows 8 and may be signaled to the user.

Name (in type: Branding)

Defines a carrier specific branding name for the MNO. Maximum length is 20 characters.

Name (type: NameType)

Defines the profile name. Must be 64 characters or less.


Defines a value representing the effective link speed of the subscriber’s outbound connection.


Defines whether a subscriber has consumed more bytes than the data limit for their plan.


Defines the password used to authenticate a user. Must be less than 256 characters.


Defines a regular expression describing the contents of the decoded human-readable message.


Defines the type of plan currently in use by the subscriber.


Defines the name and provider ID of a cellular network.


Defines a purchase connection profile used by a subscriber to connect to a MNO.


Defines timing information used to activate the subscriber's account on the Mobile Broadband Network (MNO) for a reconnect activation type.


If true, the network configuration has been updated, and the machine should attempt to retrieve a new provisioning file during the next available maintenance window. Otherwise, false.


Defines timing information used to activate the subscriber's account on the Mobile Broadband Network (MNO) for a reregister activation type.


Defines bearer types allowed for SMS messages.


Defines carrier specific information required to activate the subscriber's account on the Mobile Broadband Network (MNO).


Defines bearer types allowed for USSD messages.


Defines how to interpret the unit fields corresponding to each number field. Carriers may specify a whitespace-delimited list of tokens corresponding to each of the supported multipliers.


Defines the number of bytes the subscriber has consumed against their data limit. If absent, it is inferred by:

  • UsagePercentage times DataLimit
  • UsagePercentage times DataLimit
  • UsageOverage plus DataLimit
  • (UsageOveragePercentage times DataLimit) plus DataLimit
  • UsageOverage plus (UsageOverage divided by (UsageOveragePercentage - 100) )
  • UsageOverage plus DataLimit

Defines the number of bytes the subscriber has consumed over their data limit.


Defines the percentage over the data limit a subscriber has consumed.


Defines the percentage of the data limit a subscriber has consumed.


Defines a validity date and time of the usage information.


Defines logon credentials for a connection.


Defines the user name for logon. Must be less than 256 characters.


The full WWAN schema is below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  
<xs:schema targetNamespace=""  
  <xs:import namespace=""/>  
  <xs:import namespace=""/>  
  <xs:simpleType name="SimIccIDType">  
    <xs:restriction base="xs:token">  
      <xs:pattern value="[a-zA-Z\d]{1,20}"/>  
  <xs:complexType name="ContextType">  
      <xs:element name="AccessString" minOccurs="0">  
          <xs:restriction base="xs:token">  
            <xs:minLength value="1"/>  
            <xs:maxLength value="100"/>  
      <xs:element name="UserLogonCred" minOccurs="0">  
            <xs:element name="UserName" type="base:NameType"/>  
            <xs:element name="Password" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>  
      <xs:element name="Compression" minOccurs="0">  
          <xs:restriction base="xs:token">  
            <xs:enumeration value="DISABLE"/>  
            <xs:enumeration value="ENABLE"/>  
      <xs:element name="AuthProtocol" minOccurs="0">  
          <xs:restriction base="xs:token">  
            <xs:enumeration value="NONE"/>  
            <xs:enumeration value="PAP"/>  
            <xs:enumeration value="CHAP"/>  
            <xs:enumeration value="MsCHAPv2"/>  
  <xs:complexType name="ActivationMethodType">  
    <xs:attribute name="Delay" default="PT0S">  
        <xs:restriction base="xs:duration">  
          <xs:minInclusive value="PT0S"/>  
          <xs:maxExclusive value="PT1H"/>  
    <xs:attribute name="RetryCount" default="0">  
        <xs:restriction base="xs:nonNegativeInteger">  
          <xs:maxInclusive value="10"/>  
    <xs:attribute name="RetryInterval" default="PT1M">  
        <xs:restriction base="xs:duration">  
          <xs:minInclusive value="PT1M"/>  
          <xs:maxInclusive value="PT1H"/>  
  <xs:element name="ActivationMethod" type="ActivationMethodType" abstract="true"/>  
  <xs:element name="ReregisterToNetwork" type="ActivationMethodType" substitutionGroup="ActivationMethod"/>  
  <xs:element name="ReconnectToNetwork" type="ActivationMethodType" substitutionGroup="ActivationMethod"/>  
  <xs:element name="ServiceActivation" substitutionGroup="ActivationMethod">  
        <xs:extension base="ActivationMethodType">  
            <xs:element name="CarrierSpecificData" type="xs:base64Binary"/>  
  <xs:complexType name="CarrierMBNProfile">  
      <xs:element name="Name" type="base:NameType"/>  
      <!-- Brief description of the profile -->  
      <xs:element name="Description" type="base:NameType" minOccurs="0"/>  
      <xs:element name="AssociatedPlan" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>  
      <xs:element name="HomeProviderName" type="base:ProviderNameType" minOccurs="0"/>  
      <xs:element name="Context" type="ContextType" minOccurs="0"/>  
      <xs:element name="DataRoamingPartners" minOccurs="0">  
            <xs:element name="Provider" type="base:ProviderType" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>  
      <xs:element name="Extensions" minOccurs="0">  
            <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />  
    <xs:attribute name="Priority" type="base:Priority" default="5"/>  
  <xs:element name="DefaultProfile" type="CarrierMBNProfile"/>  
  <xs:element name="PurchaseProfile" type="CarrierMBNProfile"/>  

  <xs:element name="Branding" type="Branding" />   
  <xs:complexType name="Branding">  
      <xs:element name="Logo" type="xs:base64Binary" minOccurs="0"/>  
      <xs:element name="Name" minOccurs="0">  
          <xs:restriction base="xs:string">  
            <xs:maxLength value="20"/>  
      <xs:any namespace="##other" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>  

  <xs:complexType name="BooleanField">  
    <xs:attribute name="TrueToken" type="xs:token"/>  
    <xs:attribute name="FalseToken" type="xs:token"/>  
    <xs:attribute name="Default" type="xs:boolean" default="false"/>  
    <xs:attribute name="Group" type="xs:positiveInteger"/>  
  <xs:complexType name="DateTimeField">  
    <xs:attribute name="Format" type="xs:string" use="required"/>  
    <xs:attribute name="Group" type="xs:positiveInteger" use="required"/>  
  <xs:complexType name="NumberField">  
    <xs:attribute name="Group" type="xs:positiveInteger" use="required"/>  
    <xs:attribute name="UnitGroup" type="xs:positiveInteger"/>  
    <xs:attribute name="DefaultUnit" default="None">  
        <xs:restriction base="xs:token">  
          <xs:enumeration value="None"/>  
          <xs:enumeration value="K"/>  
          <xs:enumeration value="M"/>  
          <xs:enumeration value="G"/>  
          <xs:enumeration value="T"/>  
          <xs:enumeration value="Ki"/>  
          <xs:enumeration value="Mi"/>  
          <xs:enumeration value="Gi"/>  
          <xs:enumeration value="Ti"/>  
  <xs:complexType name="PercentField">  
    <xs:attribute name="Group" type="xs:positiveInteger" use="required"/>  
  <xs:simpleType name="TokenList">  
    <xs:list itemType="xs:token"/>  

  <xs:element name="SMSBearer">  
      <xs:attribute name="Sender" type="xs:token"/>  
      <xs:attribute name="ClassZeroOnly" type="xs:boolean" default="true"/>  
  <xs:element name="USSDBearer"/>  
  <xs:element name="Messages">  
        <xs:element name="Message" maxOccurs="unbounded">  
                  <xs:element ref="SMSBearer" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>  
                  <xs:element ref="USSDBearer" minOccurs="0"/>  
                  <xs:element ref="USSDBearer"/>  
              <xs:element name="Pattern" type="xs:string"/>  
              <xs:element name="Locale" default="English_United States.1252" minOccurs="0">  
                  <xs:restriction base="xs:token">  
                    <xs:pattern value="\w+(?:_[\w ]+)?(?:\.\d+)?"/>  

              <xs:element name="Units" minOccurs="0">  
                  <!-- Powers of 1,000 -->  
                  <xs:attribute name="K" type="TokenList"/>  
                  <xs:attribute name="M" type="TokenList"/>  
                  <xs:attribute name="G" type="TokenList"/>  
                  <xs:attribute name="T" type="TokenList"/>  
                  <!-- Powers of 1,024 -->  
                  <xs:attribute name="Ki" type="TokenList"/>  
                  <xs:attribute name="Mi" type="TokenList"/>  
                  <xs:attribute name="Gi" type="TokenList"/>  
                  <xs:attribute name="Ti" type="TokenList"/>  
              <xs:element name="Fields" minOccurs="0">  
                    <xs:element name="Usage" type="NumberField" minOccurs="0"/>  
                    <xs:element name="UsagePercentage" type="PercentField" minOccurs="0"/>  
                    <xs:element name="UsageTimestamp" type="DateTimeField" minOccurs="0"/>  
                    <xs:element name="UsageOverage" type="NumberField" minOccurs="0"/>  
                    <xs:element name="UsageOveragePercentage" type="PercentField" minOccurs="0"/>  
                    <xs:element name="DataLimit" type="NumberField" minOccurs="0"/>  
                    <xs:element name="OverDataLimit" type="BooleanField" minOccurs="0"/>
                    <xs:element name="Congested" type="BooleanField" minOccurs="0"/>  
                    <xs:element name="InboundBandwidth" type="NumberField" minOccurs="0"/>  
                    <xs:element name="OutboundBandwidth" type="NumberField" minOccurs="0"/>  
                    <xs:element name="PlanType" minOccurs="0">  
                        <xs:attribute name="Group" type="xs:positiveInteger"/>  
                        <xs:attribute name="Default" type="plans:PlanType"/>  
                        <xs:attribute name="UnrestrictedTokens" type="TokenList"/>  
                        <xs:attribute name="FixedTokens" type="TokenList"/>  
                        <xs:attribute name="VariableTokens" type="TokenList"/>  
                    <xs:element name="RefreshProvisioning" type="BooleanField" minOccurs="0"/>  
                    <xs:element name="ActivationComplete" type="BooleanField" minOccurs="0"/>  
            <xs:attribute name="Silent" type="xs:boolean" default="true"/>  