Dela via

StandardDataFormats Class


Contains static properties that return string values. Each string corresponds to a known format ID. Use this class to avoid errors in using string constants to specify data formats.

public ref class StandardDataFormats abstract sealed
/// [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ContractVersion(Windows.Foundation.UniversalApiContract, 65536)]
/// [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.MarshalingBehavior(Windows.Foundation.Metadata.MarshalingType.Agile)]
class StandardDataFormats final
[Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ContractVersion(typeof(Windows.Foundation.UniversalApiContract), 65536)]
public static class StandardDataFormats
Public Class StandardDataFormats
Object Platform::Object IInspectable StandardDataFormats

Windows requirements

Device family
Windows 10 (introduced in 10.0.10240.0)
API contract
Windows.Foundation.UniversalApiContract (introduced in v1.0)


This example shows how to retrieve shared text (by using StandardDataFormats.Text) or a shared file or folder (by using StandardDataFormats.StorageItems). For more examples, see the Clipboard sample and the ShareTarget sample.

public async Task ActivateAsync(ShareTargetActivatedEventArgs args)
    ShareOperation shareOperation = args.ShareOperation;
    if (shareOperation.Data.Contains(StandardDataFormats.Text))
        string text = await shareOperation.Data.GetTextAsync();

        // To output the text from this example, you need a TextBlock control
        // with a name of "sharedContent".
        sharedContent.Text = "Text: " + text;

    if (shareOperation.Data.Contains(StandardDataFormats.StorageItems)) 
        IReadOnlyList<IStorageItem> storageItems = null;
        storageItems = await shareOperation.Data.GetStorageItemsAsync();
        string fileList = String.Empty;

        for (int index = 0; index < storageItems.Count; index++) 
            fileList += storageItems[index].Name;
                if (index < storageItems.Count - 1) {
                    fileList += ", ";

        // To output the text from this example, you need a TextBlock control
        // with a name of "sharedContent".
        sharedContent.Text += "StorageItems: " + fileList + Environment.NewLine;


    Window.Current.Content = this;


The DataPackage class supports several format types. Whenever you need to specify a format, we recommend using the properties of the StandardDataFormats class, instead of string values. Doing so ensures consistency between source and target applications.

The DataPackage class supports a number of legacy formats for interoperability between UWP app and desktop apps. To retrieve these formats, you pass one of the following strings to the DataPackageView.GetDataAsync method instead of a value from the StandardDataFormats class.

If format name is:GetDataAsync() retrieves:
"AnsiText"String for CF_TEXT.
"DeviceIndependentBitmap"Stream for HGLOBAL corresponding to CF_DIB.
"DeviceIndependentBitmapV5"Stream for HGLOBAL corresponding to CF_DIBV5.
"DataInterchangeFormat"Stream for HGLOBAL corresponding to CF_DIF.
"EnhancedMetafile"Stream for HENHMETAFILE corresponding to CF_ENHMETAFILE.
"Locale"Stream for HGLOBAL corresponding to CF_LOCALE
"OEMText"String for CF_OEMTEXT.
"PenData"Stream for HGLOBAL corresponding to CF_PENDATA
"RiffAudio"Stream for HGLOBAL corresponding to CF_RIFF.
"SymbolicLink"Stream for HGLOBAL corresponding to CF_SYLK.
"TaggedImageFileFormat"Stream for HGLOBAL corresponding to CF_TIFF.
"WaveAudio"Stream for HGLOBAL corresponding to CF_WAVE.

The Windows Runtime provides limited support for metafiles. Specifically, the Windows Runtime:

  • Supports rendering metafiles, but not creating them.
  • Supports the CF_ENHMETAFILE format ("EnhancedMetafile"), but not CF_METAFILEPICT.
  • Supports requesting data in "EnhancedMetafile" format, but not providing it; that is, calling SetData("EnhancedMetafile", <data>) won't work.
  • Provides limited support through the clipboard API for exchanging metafiles between UWP app and desktop apps.

Version history

Windows version SDK version Value added
1803 17134 UserActivityJsonArray



A read-only property that returns the format ID string value corresponding to the activation link format.


A read-only property that returns the format ID string value corresponding to the Bitmap format.


A read-only property that returns the format ID string value corresponding to the HTML format.


A read-only property that returns the format ID string value corresponding to the Rich Text Format (RTF).


A read-only property that returns the format ID string value corresponding to the storage item format (for files and folders).


A read-only property that returns the format ID string value corresponding to the Text format.



Uri may be altered or unavailable for releases after Windows 8.1. Instead, use ApplicationLink or WebLink.

A read-only property that returns the format ID string value corresponding to the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) format.


A read-only property that returns the format ID string value corresponding to the UserActivity JSON array format.


A read-only property that returns the format ID string value corresponding to the web link format.

Applies to