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WGL4 character set U+00BC to U+017E (OpenType 1.5)

Unicode PostScript Name Descriptive Name MacChar MacIndex
U+00bc onequarter vulgar fraction one quarter   245
U+00bd onehalf vulgar fraction one half   244
U+00be threequarters vulgar fraction three quarters   246
U+00bf questiondown inverted question mark 0xc0 162
U+00c0 Agrave latin capital letter a with grave accent 0xcb 173
U+00c1 Aacute latin capital letter a with acute accent 0xe7 201
U+00c2 Acircumflex latin capital letter a with circumflex accent 0xe5 199
U+00c3 Atilde latin capital letter a with tilde 0xcc 174
U+00c4 Adieresis latin capital letter a with diaeresis 0x80 98
U+00c5 Aring latin capital letter a with ring above 0x81 99
U+00c6 AE latin capital letter a with e 0xae 144
U+00c7 Ccedilla latin capital letter c with cedilla 0x82 100
U+00c8 Egrave latin capital letter e with grave accent 0xe9 203
U+00c9 Eacute latin capital letter e with acute accent 0x83 101
U+00ca Ecircumflex latin capital letter e with circumflex accent 0xe6 200
U+00cb Edieresis latin capital letter e with diaeresis 0xe8 202
U+00cc Igrave latin capital letter i with grave accent 0xed 207
U+00cd Iacute latin capital letter i with acute accent 0xea 204
U+00ce Icircumflex latin capital letter i with circumflex accent 0xeb 205
U+00cf Idieresis latin capital letter i with diaeresis 0xec 206
U+00d0 Eth latin capital letter eth   233
U+00d1 Ntilde latin capital letter n with tilde 0x84 102
U+00d2 Ograve latin capital letter o with grave accent 0xf1 211
U+00d3 Oacute latin capital letter o with acute accent 0xee 208
U+00d4 Ocircumflex latin capital letter o with circumflex accent 0xef 209
U+00d5 Otilde latin capital letter o with tilde 0xcd 175
U+00d6 Odieresis latin capital letter o with diaeresis 0x85 103
U+00d7 multiply multiplication sign   240
U+00d8 Oslash latin capital letter o with oblique stroke 0xaf 145
U+00d9 Ugrave latin capital letter u with grave accent 0xf4 214
U+00da Uacute latin capital letter u with acute accent 0xf2 212
U+00db Ucircumflex latin capital letter u with circumflex accent 0xf3 213
U+00dc Udieresis latin capital letter u with diaeresis 0x86 104
U+00dd Yacute latin capital letter y with acute accent   235
U+00de Thorn latin capital letter thorn   237
U+00df germandbls latin small letter sharp s 0xa7 137
U+00e0 agrave latin small letter a with grave accent 0x88 106
U+00e1 aacute latin small letter a with acute accent 0x87 105
U+00e2 acircumflex latin small letter a with circumflex accent 0x89 107
U+00e3 atilde latin small letter a with tilde 0x8b 109
U+00e4 adieresis latin small letter a with diaeresis 0x8a 108
U+00e5 aring latin small letter a with ring above 0x8c 110
U+00e6 ae latin small letter a with e 0xbe 160
U+00e7 ccedilla latin small letter c with cedilla 0x8d 111
U+00e8 egrave latin small letter e with grave accent 0x8f 113
U+00e9 eacute latin small letter e with acute accent 0x8e 112
U+00ea ecircumflex latin small letter e with circumflex accent 0x90 114
U+00eb edieresis latin small letter e with diaeresis 0x91 115
U+00ec igrave latin small letter i with grave accent 0x93 117
U+00ed iacute latin small letter i with acute accent 0x92 116
U+00ee icircumflex latin small letter i with circumflex accent 0x94 118
U+00ef idieresis latin small letter i with diaeresis 0x95 119
U+00f0 eth latin small letter eth   234
U+00f1 ntilde latin small letter n with tilde 0x96 120
U+00f2 ograve latin small letter o with grave accent 0x98 122
U+00f3 oacute latin small letter o with acute accent 0x97 121
U+00f4 ocircumflex latin small letter o with circumflex accent 0x99 123
U+00f5 otilde latin small letter o with tilde 0x9b 125
U+00f6 odieresis latin small letter o with diaeresis 0x9a 124
U+00f7 divide division sign 0xd6 184
U+00f8 oslash latin small letter o with oblique stroke 0xbf 161
U+00f9 ugrave latin small letter u with grave accent 0x9d 127
U+00fa uacute latin small letter u with acute accent 0x9c 126
U+00fb ucircumflex latin small letter u with circumflex accent 0x9e 128
U+00fc udieresis latin small letter u with diaeresis 0x9f 129
U+00fd yacute latin small letter y with acute accent   236
U+00fe thorn latin small letter thorn   238
U+00ff ydieresis latin small letter y with diaeresis 0xd8 186
U+0100 Amacron latin capital letter a with macron    
U+0101 amacron latin small letter a with macron    
U+0102 Abreve latin capital letter a with breve    
U+0103 abreve latin small letter a with breve    
U+0104 Aogonek latin capital letter a with ogonek    
U+0105 aogonek latin small letter a with ogonek    
U+0106 Cacute latin capital letter c with acute accent   253
U+0107 cacute latin small letter c with acute accent   254
U+0108 Ccircumflex latin capital letter c with circumflex    
U+0109 ccircumflex latin small letter c with circumflex    
U+010a Cdotaccent latin capital letter c with dot above    
U+010b cdotaccent latin small letter c with dot above    
U+010c Ccaron latin capital letter c with caron   255
U+010d ccaron latin small letter c with caron   256
U+010e Dcaron latin capital letter d with hacek    
U+010f dcaron latin small letter d with hacek    
U+0110 Dcroat latin capital letter d with stroke    
U+0111 dcroat latin small letter d with stroke   257
U+0112 Emacron latin capital letter e with macron    
U+0113 emacron latin small letter e with macron    
U+0114 Ebreve latin capital letter e with breve    
U+0115 ebreve latin small letter e with breve    
U+0116 Edotaccent latin capital letter e with dot above    
U+0117 edotaccent latin small letter e with dot above    
U+0118 Eogonek latin capital letter e with ogenek    
U+0119 eogonek latin small letter e with ogenek    
U+011a Ecaron latin capital letter e with hacek    
U+011b ecaron latin small letter e with hacek    
U+011c Gcircumflex latin capital letter g with circumflex    
U+011d gcircumflex latin small letter g with circumflex    
U+011e Gbreve latin capital letter g with breve   248
U+011f gbreve latin small letter g with breve   249
U+0120 Gdotaccent latin capital letter g with dot above    
U+0121 gdotaccent latin small letter g with dot above    
U+0122 Gcommaaccent latin capital letter g with cedilla    
U+0123 gcommaaccent latin small letter g with cedilla    
U+0124 Hcircumflex latin capital letter h with circumflex    
U+0125 hcircumflex latin small letter h with circumflex    
U+0126 Hbar latin capital letter h with stroke    
U+0127 hbar latin small letter h with stroke    
U+0128 Itilde latin capital letter i with tilde    
U+0129 itilde latin small letter i with tilde    
U+012a Imacron latin capital letter i with macron    
U+012b imacron latin small letter i with macron    
U+012c Ibreve latin capital letter i with breve    
U+012d ibreve latin small letter i with breve    
U+012e Iogonek latin capital letter i with ogonek    
U+012f iogonek latin small letter i with ogonek    
U+0130 Idotaccent latin capital letter i with dot above   250
U+0131 dotlessi latin small letter i without dot above 0xf5 215
U+0132 IJ latin capital ligature ij    
U+0133 ij latin small ligature ij    
U+0134 Jcircumflex latin capital letter j with circumflex    
U+0135 jcircumflex latin small letter j with circumflex    
U+0136 Kcommaaccent latin capital letter k with cedilla    
U+0137 kcommaaccent latin small letter k with cedilla    
U+0138 kgreenlandic latin small letter kra    
U+0139 Lacute latin capital letter l with acute accent    
U+013a lacute latin small letter l with acute accent    
U+013b Lcommaaccent latin capital letter l with cedilla    
U+013c lcommaaccent latin small letter l with cedilla    
U+013d Lcaron latin capital letter l with hacek    
U+013e lcaron latin small letter l with hacek    
U+013f Ldot latin capital letter l with middle dot    
U+0140 ldot latin small letter l with middle dot    
U+0141 Lslash latin capital letter l with stroke   226
U+0142 lslash latin small letter l with stroke   227
U+0143 Nacute latin capital letter n with acute accent    
U+0144 nacute latin small letter n with acute accent    
U+0145 Ncommaaccent latin capital letter n with cedilla    
U+0146 ncommaaccent latin small letter n with cedilla    
U+0147 Ncaron latin capital letter n with hacek    
U+0148 ncaron latin small letter n with hacek    
U+0149 napostrophe latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe    
U+014a Eng latin capital letter eng    
U+014b eng latin small letter eng    
U+014c Omacron latin capital letter o with macron    
U+014d omacron latin small letter o with macron    
U+014e Obreve latin capital letter o with breve    
U+014f obreve latin small letter o with breve    
U+0150 Ohungarumlaut latin capital letter o with double acute accent    
U+0151 ohungarumlaut latin small letter o with double acute accent    
U+0152 OE latin capital ligature o with e 0xce 176
U+0153 oe latin small ligature o with e 0xcf 177
U+0154 Racute latin capital letter r with acute accent    
U+0155 racute latin small letter r with acute accent    
U+0156 Rcommaaccent latin capital letter r with cedilla    
U+0157 rcommaaccent latin small letter r with cedilla    
U+0158 Rcaron latin capital letter r with hacek    
U+0159 rcaron latin small letter r with hacek    
U+015a Sacute latin capital letter s with acute accent    
U+015b sacute latin small letter s with acute accent    
U+015c Scircumflex latin capital letter s with circumflex    
U+015d scircumflex latin small letter s with circumflex    
U+015e Scedilla latin capital letter s with cedilla   251
U+015f scedilla latin small letter s with cedilla   252
U+0160 Scaron latin capital letter s with hacek   228
U+0161 scaron latin small letter s with hacek   229
U+0162 Tcommaaccent* latin capital letter t with cedilla    
U+0163 tcommaaccent* latin small letter t with cedilla    
U+0164 Tcaron latin capital letter t with hacek    
U+0165 tcaron latin small letter t with hacek    
U+0166 Tbar latin capital letter t with stroke    
U+0167 tbar latin small letter t with stroke    
U+0168 Utilde latin capital letter u with tilde    
U+0169 utilde latin small letter u with tilde    
U+016a Umacron latin capital letter u with macron    
U+016b umacron latin small letter u with macron    
U+016c Ubreve latin capital letter u with breve    
U+016d ubreve latin small letter u with breve    
U+016e Uring latin capital letter u with ring above    
U+016f uring latin small letter u with ring above    
U+0170 Uhungarumlaut latin capital letter u with double acute accent    
U+0171 uhungarumlaut latin small letter u with double acute accent    
U+0172 Uogonek latin capital letter u with ogonek    
U+0173 uogonek latin small letter u with ogonek    
U+0174 Wcircumflex latin capital letter w with circumflex    
U+0175 wcircumflex latin cmall letter w with circumflex    
U+0176 Ycircumflex latin capital letter y with circumflex    
U+0177 ycircumflex latin small letter y with circumflex    
U+0178 Ydieresis latin capital letter y with diaeresis 0xd9 187
U+0179 Zacute latin capital letter z with acute accent    
U+017a zacute latin small letter z with acute accent    
U+017b Zdotaccent latin capital letter z with dot above    
U+017c zdotaccent latin small letter z with dot above    
U+017d Zcaron latin capital letter z with hacek   230
U+017e zcaron latin small letter z with hacek   231

* This glyph name is also used for another Unicode value listed in this document. If a separate design for this glyph is desired, it may be given a uni<CODE> glyph name, where <CODE> is a 4-digit uppercase hexadecimal number that indicates the Unicode value.

For example, if different designs are desired for MICRO SIGN (U+00B5) and GREEK SMALL LETTER MU (U+03BC), then glyph "mu" should be designed as MICRO SIGN and glyph "uni03BC" should be designed as GREEK SMALL LETTER MU.

Refer to the Adobe document ‘Unicode and Glyph Names’ for more details.