Set up a water and waste sustainability solution using Microsoft Sustainability Manager


Water sustainability enables organizations to record, estimate, analyze, and report on water quantity and quality data to meet water sustainability disclosures and regulatory water quality reporting. Sustainable waste management helps organizations to unify, prepare, analyze, and report on waste quantity and quality characteristics for filing sustainability disclosures and meeting compliance requirements.

In this Learning Path, you’ll learn about water and waste sustainability. You'll be guided through exercises to set up a water and waste sustainability solutions using Microsoft Sustainability Manager.


Modules in this learning path

Water sustainability enables organizations to record, estimate, analyze, and report on water quantity and quality data to meet use cases such as water sustainability disclosures and regulatory water quality reporting. Sustainable waste management features in Sustainability Manager enable organizations to unify, prepare, analyze, and report on waste quantity and quality characteristics for use cases such as filing sustainability disclosures and meeting compliance requirements on hazardous and radioactive waste sent to landfills.

Organizations can use water sustainability to record, estimate, analyze, and report on water quantity and quality data to meet use cases, such as water sustainability disclosures and regulatory water quality reporting.

This learning path guides you through interactive exercises that help you set up a water sustainability solution by using Microsoft Sustainability Manager. In these exercises, you ingest water sample and quality data and then build reports and review insights.

Sustainable waste management features in Sustainability Manager help organizations unify, prepare, analyze, and report on waste quantity and quality characteristics. As a result, organizations can better file sustainability disclosures and meet compliance requirements on hazardous and radioactive waste that’s sent to landfills.

This module guides you through interactive exercises to set up a waste sustainability solution by using Microsoft Sustainability Manager. In these exercises, you ingest waste quantity data, build reports, and review insights.