Process vendor invoices
After posting a purchase receipt, you will receive the vendor invoice. After you have matched the ordered total to the invoiced total, you'll need to invoice the purchase order. It's possible to invoice one receipt or multiple receipts at the same time.
Invoice one receipt
This scenario implies that you'll receive one common invoice for the lines of only one purchase order. To confirm the totals and then invoice the order, you'll need to open the purchase order.
On the General FastTab, in the Vendor Invoice No. field, enter the external document number from the vendor invoice.
Verify that the order total matches the vendor's invoice. You can do this based on the total amounts shown on the Lines section of the document, or select Order and then Statistics.
Close the Purchase Order Statistics page. Before you post this document, you might want to preview how this document will be posted before you take this final step. This step can be useful because you can check all details before posting (G/L accounts, amounts, and so on). From the purchase order, select Home, then select the Post action, and then select Preview Posting.
After you have verified that all details are acceptable, close the Posting Preview page.
Post the purchase invoice by selecting Home and then select Post.
Select Invoice > OK.
A Posted Purchase Invoice document is created. If you invoiced all the lines of the purchase order, the order is deleted. When the posting process is finished, you can open the posted purchase invoice now or later.
Invoice multiple receipts
Follow these steps to invoice multiple receipts at the same time:
Select the Search for Page icon in the top-right corner of the page, enter Purchase Invoices, and then select the related link.
Select New.
In the Vendor Name field, enter the vendor from whom you are entering the invoice.
In the Posting Date field, enter the posting date.
Enter the vendor invoice number.
On the Lines section, select Line > Functions > Get Receipt Lines. You'll see a list of all items from that vendor that are received but not yet invoiced.
Select all the lines that you want to insert in the purchase invoice and then select OK.
To post the purchase invoice, select Posting and then Post.