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Which one of the following are prerequisites for self-regulation to take place?
Learners have the opportunity to plan their own work and revise work based on feedback
The learning activity is long-term, and learners are aware of the learning goals and associated success criteria in advance
Learners have the opportunity to set the learning goals and associated success criteria in advance
Learners write persuasive essays that will be assessed according to a rubric that the educator shared with them at the beginning of the activity. When they get their graded essays back, they use the rubric to see why the educator gave them a certain grade. Can this be considered self-regulation?
No, because learners didn’t have the opportunity to develop the assessment rubric
No, because the educator carried out the assessment rather than the learners themselves
No, because learners were only given the opportunity to use the rubric after the essay is graded
When a learning activity for self-regulation codes a two, what qualities does the learning activity have?
The learning activity is long-term and learners do have learning goals and associated success criteria in advance of completing their work, but they don't have the opportunity to plan their own work
The learning activity is long-term and learners do have learning goals and associated success criteria in advance of completing their work, and they do plan their own work
The learning activity is long-term and learners do have learning goals and associated success criteria in advance of completing their work, and they have the opportunity to revise their work based on feedback
In the self-regulation rubric, which of the following would be considered effective feedback?
The feedback is given to learners by more than one person, for example the educator and a peer or external observer
The feedback is given and explicitly used to improve the work before it’s submitted or finalized
The feedback is provided to the entire class and generalizes all the ways learners might improve their work
Over the course of two weeks, learners work in groups to research and debate climate change with their classmates. In which of the following scenarios are they planning their own work?
Learners decide who will research which aspects of the topic and who will speak at different points in the debate
Learners follow the timeline provided by the educator and decide how they'll present to their classmates
The educator allows learners to revise their work based on feedback from their classmates
You must answer all questions before checking your work.
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