Exempelkonfigurationsfil för insamling av Linux-loggfiler
Den här versionen av Operations Manager har nått slutet av supporten. Vi rekommenderar att du uppgraderar till Operations Manager 2022.
System Center Operations Manager stöder inte fluentD-baserad loggfilsövervakning när OMS-agenten dras tillbaka, vilket är planerat till augusti 2024.
Den här artikeln beskriver en exempelkonfiguration för insamling av loggfiler från Linux med System Center Operations Manager.
# Have a source directive for each log file source file.
# Fluentd input tail plugin, will start reading from the tail of the log
type tail
# Specify the log file path. This supports wild card character
path /root/demo/log/demo*.log
# This is recommended - Fluentd will record the position it last read into this file. Change this folder according to your server
#pos_file PATH /home/user1/fluent-test/demo_simple_match.log.pos
# tag is used to correlate the directives. For example, source with corresponding filter and match directives.
tag scom.log
#reads the fields from the log file in the specified format
format /(?<message>.*)/
# Fluentd input tail plugin, will start reading from the tail of the log
type tail
# Specify the log file path.
path /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log
# tag is used to correlate the directives.
tag scom.mongo.log
#reads the fields from the log file in the specified format
format /(?<timestamp>[^ ]*) (?<severity>[A-Z]) (?<component>(-|([^ ]*)))\s* \[(?<context>[^\]]*)\] ((?<query>.*) (?<querytime_ms>[\d\.]+(?=ms))|(?<message>.*))/
# Fluentd input tail plugin, will start reading from the tail of the log
type tail
# Specify the log file path. This supports wild card character
path /var/log/syslog
# This is recommended - Fluentd will record the position it last read into this file
#pos_file /home/user1/fluent-test/demo_syslog.log.pos
# tag is used to correlate the directives. For example, source with corresponding filter and match directives.
tag scom.log.syslog
format /(?<message>.*)/
type tail
# Log file that needs to be monitored
path /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log
# tag to correlate with filter and match directives
tag scom.log.mongo
# reads the following fields from the log file
format /(?<timestamp>[^ ]*) (?<severity>[A-Z]) (?<component>(-|([^ ]*)))\s* \[(?<context>[^\]]*)\] ((?<query>.*) (?<querytime_ms>[\d\.]+(?=ms))|(?<message>.*))/
#type of the parsed field
types querytime_ms:float
<filter scom.log>
# new scom fluentd plugin for simple match - Input - Pattern A; Action: log record = A à Send Event
type filter_scom_simple_match
# Input Pattern to look for. In this case looking for Invalid guest user
regexp1 message Invalid user guest
# Event to be generated and sent to SCOM OMED service.
event_id1 6201
# Event description to be sent to SCOM
event_desc1 Failed login attempt. Invalid User guest attempted to log in
<filter scom.mongo.log>
# Standard published Fluentd grep filter plugin,
type grep
# Filters the log record with the match pattern specified here
regexp1 message AuthenticationFailed
<filter scom.mongo.log>
# new scom converter fluentd plugin. This plugin converts data from generic fluentd filter plugins to format acceptable by SCOM
type filter_scom_converter
# Event to be generated and sent to SCOM OMED service.
event_id 6207
# Event description to be sent to SCOM
event_desc MongoDB Authentication Failed
<filter scom.log.syslog>
# SCOM filter plugin for exclusive match - 2 Inputs - Pattern A and B; Action: (log record = A & log record != B) then Send Event.
type filter_scom_excl_match
# Example where user monitors if insertion of a record in MongoDB succeeds.
regexp1 message Insertion of [a-z0-9]*
regexp2 message succeeded
event_id 6206
event_desc Failed to insert a record in MongoDB
<filter scom.log.syslog>
# SCOM filter plugin for correlated match - 3 Inputs - Pattern A, B and Timer T; Action: (log record = A; within T if log record = B) then send Event.
type filter_scom_cor_match
# User verifies if a particular package installation fails
regexp1 message Starting install of package [A-Za-z0-9]*
regexp2 message Install failed for package [A-Za-z0-9]*
time_interval 5
event_id 6210
event_desc Package installation failed
<filter scom.log.mongo>
# SCOM filter plugin for Repeated correlation - 3 Inputs - Pattern A, Timer T and Count N; Action: (within T if log record = A, N number of times) then send an Event
type filter_scom_repeated_cor
# If a user tries to log into MongoDB using incorrect credentials and authentication fails for 5 times, an event is generated.
regexp1 message AuthenticationFailed:
num_occurrences 5
time_interval 5
event_id 6206
event_desc User Authentication failed 5 times. User had tried to authenticate with incorrect credentials.
<filter scom.log.mongo>
# SCOM filter plugin for Exclusive correlation - 3 Inputs - Pattern A, B and Timer T; Action: (log record = A, within T if log record != B then send an Event.
type filter_scom_excl_correlation
# If Mongo DB fails to restart, an event would be sent.
regexp1 message dbexit:
regexp2 message waiting for connections
time_interval 5
event_id 6210
event_desc MongoDB restart failure
<match scom.log.** scom.event>
# output plugin to use - this is a dedicated output plugin for SCOM
type out_scom
log_level trace
num_threads 5
# size of the buffer chunk. If the top chunk exceeds this limit or the time limit flush_interval, a new empty chunk is pushed to the top of the queue and bottom chunk is written out.
buffer_chunk_limit 5m
flush_interval 15s
# specifies the buffer plugin to use. Here buffer type used it “file”
buffer_type file
# specifies the file path for buffer. Make sure fluentd has write access to the directory.
buffer_path /var/opt/microsoft/omsagent/scom/state/out_scom_common*.buffer
# If queue length exceeds the specified limit, events are rejected.
buffer_queue_limit 10
# Control the buffer behavior when the queue becomes full - 3 modes supported - exception, block, drop oldest chunk
buffer_queue_full_action drop_oldest_chunk
retry_limit 10
# If the bottom chunk fails to be written out, it will remain in the queue and Fluentd will retry after waiting retry_wait seconds
retry_wait 30s
# The retry wait time doubles each time until max_retry_wait.
max_retry_wait 9m
Nästa steg
Information om hur du konfigurerar agenter för att samla in loggfiler för övervakning med hjälp av konfigurationsfilen finns i Kopiera konfigurationsfilen till agenten.