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End Process

The End Process activity ends processes that are running on the runbook server or on a remote computer. The End Process activity can be used to shut down an application that isn't responding. The activity returns success if the named process is successfully ended or if the name process isn't running. This activity uses a satellite license.

Configure the End Process Activity

Before you configure the End Process activity, you need to determine the following:

  • Name or ID of the process

  • The computer on which it's running

Use the following information to configure the End Process activity.

Details tab

Settings Configuration Instructions
Computer Enter the computer where this process is running. Enter localhost to specify the runbook server where the runbook is being processed. You can also use the ellipsis button (...) to browse for the computer.
Process Enter the name or process ID of the process that you're ending. You can also use the ellipsis button (...) to browse for the process. Browsing is only available if you've specified a valid Computer.
End all instances Select to end all processes that match the Process that you've specified when multiples are found.
Fail if there is more than one instance Select to cause the end process to fail if it finds more than one process matching the name you specified.
Terminate in Enter the number of seconds to wait for the process to be shut down gracefully before it's shut down forcefully.

Published data

The following table lists the published data items.

Item Description
Number of instances The number of processes that matched the Process you specified.
Process ID The process ID of each of the processes that matched the Process you specified.