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Compare Values

The Compare Values activity compares two text values or two numerical values and then determines whether or not they're equal. This activity can also be used to test error messages or numbers against known issues and automatically route the runbook to the appropriate activity.

Configure the Compare Values Activity

Before you configure the Compare Values activity, you need to determine what type of values you want to compare.

Use the following information to configure the Compare Values activity.

General Tab

Settings Configuration Instructions
Name Type a descriptive name for the activity.
Description Type a detailed description of the actions of the activity.
Type Select the Type from the dropdown list that matches the server you want to monitor. The options include the following:

- Compare Strings
- Compare Numeric Values

Configuration instructions for each Details tab Type are listed in the following tables.

Details Tab Compare Strings

Settings Configuration Instructions
Test Type the first text, select how you want the first to be compared to the second text, and then type the second text. From the dropdown menu, when selecting the matches the pattern or does not match pattern comparisons, use the wildcards ? and * to specify the pattern.
Case sensitive test Select to cause the comparison to be case sensitive.

Details Tab Compare Numeric Values

Settings Configuration Instructions
Test that Type the first number, select how you want the first to be compared to the second number, and then type the second number.

Published Data

The following table lists the published data items.

Item Description
String to compare The first string that was entered for the comparison. This published data is only available when Compare Strings is selected on the General tab.
String to compare to The second string that was entered for the comparison. This published data is only available when Compare Strings is selected on the General tab.
Case sensitive comparison Determines whether the comparison was case sensitive. This value can be either true or false.
Value to compare The first value that was entered for the comparison. This published data is only available when Compare Numeric Values is selected on the General tab.
Value to compare to The second value that was entered for the comparison. This published data is only available when Compare Numeric Values is selected on the General tab.
Comparison result The result of the comparison. This value will be true if the two strings or numeric values match and false otherwise.