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Work with sample console script files (Db2ToSQL)

A few sample files are provided for user reference and usage. This section describes ways to easily customize these scripts to fit your requirements.

Sample console script files

Refer to the following sample console script files covering different scenarios:


This sample gives the different modes of connection available to the source and target database and you can select any mode as per the requirement. This sample contains the Server definitions.

You can connect to the required database by changing the values to the required source and target server definitions. In the example provided, all values are available in VariableValueFileSample.xml. All other connection parameters can be removed from your working server connection file.

For more information on connecting to the source and target server, see Create the server connection files (Db2ToSQL).


All variables that are used in the sample console script files and ServersConnectionFileSample.xml are collated in this file. To execute the sample console scripts, you must replace the sample variable values with user defined ones, and pass this file as an additional command line argument along with the script file.

For more information on Variable Value File, see Create variable value files (Db2ToSQL).


Use this sample to generate an XML assessment report, which you can use for analysis before you convert and migrate data.

In the generate-assessment-report command, change the variable value (refer to VariableValueFileSample.xml) in the object-name attribute to the database name you specify. Depending on the kind of object specified, the object-type value must also change.

If you need to assess multiple objects / databases, you can specify multiple metabase-object nodes. For more information, see the generate-assessment-report command in Example 4 of the sample console script file.

Ensure that the variable value file command line argument is passed to the console application and VariableValueFileSample.xml is updated with your specified values.

Ensure that server connection file command line argument is passed to the console application and the ServersConnectionFileSample.xml is updated with correct server parameter values.

For more information on generating reports, see Generate reports (Db2ToSQL).


This sample enables you to generate the corresponding t-sql script for the source database sql command provided as input.

In the convert-sql-statement command, you must change the variable value (refer to VariableValueFileSample.xml) in the context attribute to the database name you specify. You must also change the sql attribute value to the source database sql command that needs to be converted.

You can also provide sql files to be converted. For more information, see the convert-sql-statement command in Example 4 of the sample console script file.

Ensure that the variable value file command line argument is passed to the console application and VariableValueFileSample.xml is updated with your specified values.


This sample enables you to perform an end to end migration from conversion to data migration. Following is a list of mandatory attribute values you need to change:

Command Description Attribute
map-schema Schema mapping of source database to the target schema. source-schema: Specifies the source database that requires to be converted.

sql-server-schema: Specifies the target database that is to be migrated to
convert-schema Performs schema conversion from source to the target schema.

If you need to assess multiple objects / databases, you can specify multiple metabase-object nodes. For more information, see the convert-schema command in Example 4 of the sample console script file.
object-name: Specify the source database / object name that requires to be converted. Ensure that the corresponding object-type is changed based on the type of object that is specified in the object-name
synchronize-target Synchronizes the target objects with the target database.

If you need to assess multiple objects / databases, you can specify multiple metabase-object nodes. For more information, see the synchronize-target command in Example 4 of the sample console script file.
object-name: Specify the SQL Server database / object name that requires to be created. Ensure that the corresponding object-type is changed based on the type of object that is specified in the object-name.
migrate-data Migrates the source data to the target.

If you need to assess multiple objects / databases, you can specify multiple metabase-object nodes. For more information, see the migrate-data command in Example 4 of the sample console script file.
object-name: Specifies the source database / tables name that requires to be migrated. Ensure that the corresponding object-type is changed based on the type of object that is specified in the object-name