Create a Changeset (Master Data Services)
Applies to:
SQL Server - Windows only
Azure SQL Managed Instance
A changeset is a collection of the pending changes on the master data. If the entity requires approval for changes, the pending changes must be saved in a changeset and then submitted for administrator approval.
You must have permission to access the Explorer functional area. For more information, see Functional Area Permissions (Master Data Services)
You must have at least read access to the entity or one of its attributes.
To create a local changeset
On the Master Data Manager home page, select the model and version and then click Explorer.
Click an entity on the Entities menu.
In the right pane, select Changesets and click Create.
Enter a name for the changeset, and click Save.
The name of the changeset must be unique within a model.
To create a changeset for approval
On the Master Data Manager home page, select the model and version and then click Explorer.
Click an entity on the Entities menu.
Make changes to the entity and click onOK.
Choose A changeset dialog box is displayed.
Click New, enter a name for the changeset, and click Save. The changeset name must be unique within a model.
To use an existing changeset, click Existing and choose the changeset from the list. Only changesets that are in an open or rejected state are available.
Next Steps
Apply and Update a Changeset (Master Data Services)
See Also
Commit or Submit a Changeset (Master Data Services)
Approve or Reject a Changeset (Master Data Services)