Data Source Information Properties
Applies to:
SQL Server
Azure SQL Database
Azure SQL Managed Instance
Azure Synapse Analytics
Analytics Platform System (PDW)
In the provider-specific property set DBPROPSET_SQLSERVERDATASOURCEINFO, the OLE DB Driver for SQL Server defines the following data source information properties.
Property ID | Description |
SSPROP_COLUMNLEVELCOLLATION | Type: VT_BOOL R/W: Read Default: VARIANT_TRUE Description: Used to determine if column collation is supported. VARIANT_TRUE: Column level collation is supported. VARIANT_FALSE: Column level collation is not supported. |
SSPROP_UNICODELCID | Type: VT_I4 R/W: Read Description: Unicode locale ID. This is the locale used for Unicode data sorting. |
SSPROP_UNICODECOMPARISONSTYLE | Type: VT_I4 R/W: Read Description: Unicode comparison style. The sorting options used for Unicode data sorting. |
In the provider-specific property set DBPROPSET_SQLSERVERSTREAM, the OLE DB Driver for SQL Server defines the following additional property.
Property ID | Description |
SSPROP_STREAM_XMLROOT | Type: VT_BSTR R/W: Read/Write Description: The result of a FOR XML query may not be a well-formed document. When this property is specified, the result of a 'select ... for XML' query is wrapped in the root tag provided by this property to return a well formed XML document. If the query is executed in the browser it may cause the browser to display parser errors when loading the result. To avoid the error, SQL ISAPI supports the keyword ROOT. This keyword maps to SSPROP_STREAM_XMLROOT property. |