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Retrieving query suggestions using the Search REST service

Learn how you can use the Search REST service from your client and mobile applications to retrieve query suggestions from Search in SharePoint. Query suggestions, also known as search suggestions, are phrases that users have already searched for and that are displayed or "suggested" to them as they type their queries. You can use Search in SharePoint to turn on pre-query and post-query suggestions. These suggestions appear in a list below the Search box as a user types a query. For more information about query suggestions and how to enable them, see Manage query suggestions in SharePoint.

Suggest endpoint in the Search REST service

The Search REST service includes a Suggest endpoint you can use in any technology that supports REST web requests to retrieve query suggestions that the search system generates for a query from client or mobile applications.

The URI for GET requests to the Search REST service's Suggest endpoint is:


The query suggestion parameters are specified in the URL. You can construct the request URL in two ways:




The Search REST service doesn't support anonymous requests to the Suggest endpoint.

Query suggestion parameters

The following sections describe the parameters you can use for the Suggest endpoint.


A string that contains the text for the search query.

Sample GET request

http:// server/_api/search/suggest?querytext='sharepoint'


The number of query suggestions to retrieve. Must be greater than zero (0). The default value is 5.

Sample GET request

http:// server/_api/search/suggest?querytext='sharepoint'&inumberofquerysuggestions=3


The number of personal results to retrieve. Must be greater than zero (0). The default value is 5.

Sample GET request

http:// server/_api/search/suggest?querytext='sharepoint'&inumberofresultsuggestions=4


A Boolean value that specifies whether to retrieve pre-query or post-query suggestions. true to return pre-query suggestions; otherwise, false. The default value is false.

Sample GET request

http:// server/_api/search/suggest?querytext='sharepoint'&fprequerysuggestions=true


A Boolean value that specifies whether to hit-highlight or format in bold the query suggestions. true to format in bold the terms in the returned query suggestions that match terms in the specified query; otherwise, false. The default value is true.

Sample GET request

http:// server/_api/search/suggest?querytext='sharepoint'&fhithighlighting=false


A Boolean value that specifies whether to capitalize the first letter in each term in the returned query suggestions. true to capitalize the first letter in each term; otherwise, false. The default value is false.

Sample GET request

http:// server/_api/search/suggest?querytext='sharepoint'&fcapitalizefirstletters=false


The locale ID (LCID) for the query (see Locale IDs Assigned by Microsoft).

Sample GET request

http:// server/_api/search/suggest?querytext='sharepoint'&culture=1044


A Boolean value that specifies whether stemming is enabled. true to enable stemming; otherwise, false. The default value is true.

Sample GET request

http:// server/_api/search/suggest?querytext='sharepoint'&enablestemming=false


A Boolean value that specifies whether to include people names in the returned query suggestions. true to include people names in the returned query suggestions; otherwise, false. The default value is true.

Sample GET request

http:// server/_api/search/suggest?querytext='sharepoint'&showpeoplenamesuggestions=false


A Boolean value that specifies whether to turn on query rules for this query. true to turn on query rules; otherwise, false. The default value is true.

Sample GET request

http:// server/_api/search/suggest?querytext='sharepoint'&enablequeryrules=false


A Boolean value that specifies whether to return query suggestions for prefix matches. true to return query suggestions based on prefix matches, otherwise, false when query suggestions should match the full query word.

Sample GET request

http:// server/_api/search/suggest?querytext='sharepoint'&fprefixmatchallterms=false

See also