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Access external data by using REST in SharePoint

Learn how to access external data from SharePoint by using Representational State Transfer (REST) URLs for Business Connectivity Services (BCS). This article shows how to set up an external list that retrieves data from an Open Data protocol (OData) source.

Prerequisites for accessing external data using REST

To access external data from SharePoint by using REST, you need the following:

Core concepts to know when accessing external data with REST

The SharePoint REST service provides a way to access external data using a specially constructed URL. To understand how it works and how to use it, see the following articles.

Table 1. Core concepts for REST in SharePoint

Article title Description
Use OData query operations in SharePoint REST requests Learn how to use the SharePoint REST service, which provides a REST programming interface comparable to the existing client object model.
Get to know the SharePoint REST service Get the basics of using the SharePoint REST service to access and update SharePoint data, using the REST and OData web protocol standards.
Complete basic operations using SharePoint REST endpoints Learn how to navigate the SharePoint data structure as it is represented in the REST service, perform common CRUD (create, read, update, and delete) operations on SharePoint items via the REST service, synchronize SharePoint items across applications, and control item concurrency.

Create an SharePoint Add-in to access external data using REST

The following procedures guide you through setting up an SharePoint Add-in and configuring a webpage to make requests using REST functions to retrieve data from an external data source.

To create an SharePoint Add-in

  1. Open Visual Studio 2012 or later.
  2. Create an App for SharePoint project.
  3. Specify the app settings, including app name, the site URL for debugging the app, and how you want to host the app (Autohosted, Provider-hosted, SharePoint-hosted). For more information about hosting options, see Choose patterns for developing and hosting your SharePoint Add-in.
  4. Choose Finish to create the app.

To generate the external content type

  1. In Solution Explorer, open the shortcut menu for the project, and choose Add, Content Types for External Data Source.

  2. In the Specify OData Source page, enter the URL of the OData service you want to connect to. In this case, use the Northwind OData source published at Set the URL for the OData service to, and provide a name for the data source.

    Choose Next.

  3. This displays a list of data entities that are being exposed by the OData Service. Select the Customers entity. Ensure that the Create list instances for the selected data entities (except Service Operations) check box is selected.

  4. Choose Finish.

Code example: Add scripts and HTML to the Home.aspx page

At this point, you have an external content type and an external list that will display the data from the Northwind OData source.

The next objective is to modify the default.aspx page that was created when you created your app. You will add a container to hold the results of the query that is executed with the page loads. By executing the scripts on the page load event, you ensure that the script is executed every time the page is browsed, and the resulting REST calls are made to the Northwind OData source to add records to the page.

To add the container to the Default.aspx page

  1. In Solution Explorer, open the Default.aspx page in the Pages module.
  2. Add the following div element to the page.
<div id="displayDiv"></div>
  1. Save the page.

Finally, you add code to the App.js file that executes when the page loads.

To modify the App.js file to make REST calls

  1. Open the App.js file in the Scripts module of your SharePoint project.
  2. Paste the following code at the end of the file.
$(document).ready(function () {

  // Namespace
  window.AppLevelECT = window.AppLevelECT || {};

  // Constructor
  AppLevelECT.Grid = function (hostElement, surlWeb) {
      this.hostElement = hostElement;
      if (surlWeb.length > 0 &amp;&amp; surlWeb.substring(surlWeb.length - 1, surlWeb.length) != "/")
          surlWeb += "/";
      this.surlWeb = surlWeb;

  // Prototype
  AppLevelECT.Grid.prototype = {

      init: function () {

              url: this.surlWeb + "_api/lists/getbytitle('Customer')/items?$select=BdcIdentity,CustomerID,ContactName",
              headers: {
                  "accept": "application/json",
                  "X-RequestDigest": $("#__REQUESTDIGEST").val()
              success: this.showItems

      showItems: function (data) {
          var items = [];

          items.push('<tr><td>Customer ID</td><td>Customer Name</td></tr>');

          $.each(data.d.results, function (key, val) {
              items.push('<tr id="' + val.BdcIdentity + '"><td>' +
                  val.CustomerID + '</td><td>' +
                  val.ContactName + '</td></tr>');



  ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(getCustomers, "sp.js");

function getCustomers() {
    var grid = new AppLevelECT.Grid($("#displayDiv"), _spPageContextInfo.webServerRelativeUrl);

Press F5 to deploy the app to SharePoint. Browse to the Default.aspx page in the app, and a list of customers appears on the page.

See also