Operations - List
Listor alla tillgängliga REST API-åtgärder för Microsoft.Search-providern.
GET https://management.azure.com/providers/Microsoft.Search/operations?api-version=2023-11-01
Name | I | Obligatorisk | Typ | Description |
query | True |
string |
DEN API-version som ska användas för varje begäran. |
Name | Typ | Description |
200 OK |
Åtgärden lyckades. Svaret beskriver listan över åtgärder. |
Other Status Codes |
Åtgärds-API:et misslyckades. |
Microsoft Entra ID OAuth2-auktoriseringsflöde.
Name | Description |
user_impersonation | personifiera ditt användarkonto |
GET https://management.azure.com/providers/Microsoft.Search/operations?api-version=2023-11-01
"value": [
"name": "Microsoft.Search/operations/read",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Search",
"resource": "Search Services",
"operation": "List all available operations",
"description": "Lists all of the available operations of the Microsoft.Search provider."
"name": "Microsoft.Search/register/action",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Search",
"resource": "Search Services",
"operation": "Register the Search Resource Provider",
"description": "Registers the subscription for the search resource provider and enables the creation of search services."
"name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/write",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Search",
"resource": "Search Services",
"operation": "Set Search Service",
"description": "Creates or updates the search service."
"name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/read",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Search",
"resource": "Search Services",
"operation": "Get Search Service",
"description": "Reads the search service."
"name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/delete",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Search",
"resource": "Search Services",
"operation": "Delete Search Service",
"description": "Deletes the search service."
"name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/start/action",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Search",
"resource": "Search Services",
"operation": "Start Search Service",
"description": "Starts the search service."
"name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/stop/action",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Search",
"resource": "Search Services",
"operation": "Stop Search Service",
"description": "Stops the search service."
"name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/listAdminKeys/action",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Search",
"resource": "Search Services",
"operation": "Get Admin Key",
"description": "Reads the admin keys."
"name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/regenerateAdminKey/action",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Search",
"resource": "Search Services",
"operation": "Regenerate Admin Key",
"description": "Regenerates the admin key."
"name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/listQueryKeys/action",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Search",
"resource": "API Keys",
"operation": "Get Query Keys",
"description": "Returns the list of query API keys for the given Azure Search service."
"name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/createQueryKey/action",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Search",
"resource": "Search Services",
"operation": "Create Query Key",
"description": "Creates the query key."
"name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/deleteQueryKey/delete",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Search",
"resource": "API Keys",
"operation": "Delete Query Key",
"description": "Deletes the query key."
"name": "Microsoft.Search/checkNameAvailability/action",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Search",
"resource": "Service Name Availability",
"operation": "Check Service Name Availability",
"description": "Checks availability of the service name."
"name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/diagnosticSettings/read",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Search",
"resource": "Diagnostic Settings",
"operation": "Get Diagnostic Setting",
"description": "Gets the diganostic setting read for the resource"
"name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/diagnosticSettings/write",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Search",
"resource": "Diagnostic Settings",
"operation": "Set Diagnostic Setting",
"description": "Creates or updates the diganostic setting for the resource"
"name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/metricDefinitions/read",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Search",
"resource": "The metric definitions for the search service",
"operation": "Read search service metric definitions",
"description": "Gets the available metrics for the search service"
"name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/logDefinitions/read",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Search",
"resource": "The log definition for the search service",
"operation": "Read search service log definitions",
"description": "Gets the available logs for the search service"
"name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/validate/action",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Search",
"resource": "Private Endpoint Connection Proxy",
"operation": "Validate Private Endpoint Connection Proxy",
"description": "Validates a private endpoint connection create call from NRP side"
"name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/write",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Search",
"resource": "Private Endpoint Connection Proxy",
"operation": "Create Private Endpoint Connection Proxy",
"description": "Creates a private endpoint connection proxy with the specified parameters or updates the properties or tags for the specified private endpoint connection proxy"
"name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/read",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Search",
"resource": "Private Endpoint Connection Proxy",
"operation": "Get Private Endpoint Connection Proxy",
"description": "Returns the list of private endpoint connection proxies or gets the properties for the specified private endpoint connection proxy"
"name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/privateEndpointConnectionProxies/delete",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Search",
"resource": "Private Endpoint Connection Proxy",
"operation": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection Proxy",
"description": "Deletes an existing private endpoint connection proxy"
"name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/privateEndpointConnections/write",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Search",
"resource": "Private Endpoint Connection",
"operation": "Create Private Endpoint Connection",
"description": "Creates a private endpoint connections with the specified parameters or updates the properties or tags for the specified private endpoint connections"
"name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/privateEndpointConnections/read",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Search",
"resource": "Private Endpoint Connection",
"operation": "Get Private Endpoint Connection",
"description": "Returns the list of private endpoint connections or gets the properties for the specified private endpoint connections"
"name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/privateEndpointConnections/delete",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Search",
"resource": "Private Endpoint Connection",
"operation": "Delete Private Endpoint Connection",
"description": "Deletes an existing private endpoint connections"
"name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/sharedPrivateLinkResources/write",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Search",
"resource": "Shared Private Link Resource",
"operation": "Create Shared Private Link Resource",
"description": "Creates a new shared private link resource with the specified parameters or updates the properties for the specified shared private link resource"
"name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/sharedPrivateLinkResources/read",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Search",
"resource": "Shared Private Link Resource",
"operation": "Get Shared Private Link Resource",
"description": "Returns the list of shared private link resources or gets the properties for the specified shared private link resource"
"name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/sharedPrivateLinkResources/delete",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Search",
"resource": "Shared Private Link Resource",
"operation": "Delete Shared Private Link Resource",
"description": "Deletes an existing shared private link resource"
"name": "Microsoft.Search/searchServices/sharedPrivateLinkResources/operationStatuses/read",
"display": {
"provider": "Microsoft Search",
"resource": "Shared Private Link Resource",
"operation": "Get Operation Status",
"description": "Get the details of a long running shared private link resource operation"
Name | Description |
Cloud |
Innehåller information om ett API-fel. |
Cloud |
Beskriver ett visst API-fel med en felkod och ett meddelande. |
Display |
Objektet som beskriver åtgärden. |
Operation |
Beskriver en REST API-åtgärd. |
Operation |
Resultatet av begäran om att lista REST API-åtgärder. Den innehåller en lista över åtgärder och en URL för att hämta nästa uppsättning resultat. |
Innehåller information om ett API-fel.
Name | Typ | Description |
error |
Beskriver ett visst API-fel med en felkod och ett meddelande. |
Beskriver ett visst API-fel med en felkod och ett meddelande.
Name | Typ | Description |
code |
string |
En felkod som beskriver feltillståndet mer exakt än en HTTP-statuskod. Kan användas för att programmatiskt hantera specifika felfall. |
details |
Innehåller kapslade fel som är relaterade till det här felet. |
message |
string |
Ett meddelande som beskriver felet i detalj och innehåller felsökningsinformation. |
target |
string |
Målet för det specifika felet (till exempel namnet på egenskapen i fel). |
Objektet som beskriver åtgärden.
Name | Typ | Description |
description |
string |
Det egna namnet på åtgärden. |
operation |
string |
Åtgärdstypen: läsa, skriva, ta bort, listKeys/action osv. |
provider |
string |
Det egna namnet på resursprovidern. |
resource |
string |
Den resurstyp som åtgärden utförs på. |
Beskriver en REST API-åtgärd.
Name | Typ | Description |
display |
Objektet som beskriver åtgärden. |
name |
string |
Namnet på åtgärden. Det här namnet är av formatet {provider}/{resource}/{operation}. |
Resultatet av begäran om att lista REST API-åtgärder. Den innehåller en lista över åtgärder och en URL för att hämta nästa uppsättning resultat.
Name | Typ | Description |
nextLink |
string |
Url:en för att hämta nästa uppsättning resultat i åtgärdslistan, om det finns några. |
value |
Listan över åtgärder som stöds av resursprovidern. |