Resources - Resources
Queries the resources managed by Azure Resource Manager for scopes specified in the request.
URI Parameters
Name | In | Required | Type | Description |
query | True |
string |
The API version to use for this operation. |
Request Body
Name | Required | Type | Description |
query | True |
string |
The resources query. |
facets |
An array of facet requests to be computed against the query result. |
managementGroups |
string[] |
Azure management groups against which to execute the query. Example: [ 'mg1', 'mg2' ] |
options |
The query evaluation options |
subscriptions |
string[] |
Azure subscriptions against which to execute the query. |
Name | Type | Description |
200 OK |
Result of the query operation |
Other Status Codes |
An error occurred while processing the request. See the error.code parameter to identify the specific error. |
Azure Active Directory OAuth2 Flow
Authorization URL:
Name | Description |
user_impersonation | impersonate your user account |
Access a properties field
Sample request
"subscriptions": [
"query": "Resources | where type =~ 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines' | summarize count() by tostring(properties.storageProfile.osDisk.osType)"
Sample response
"totalRecords": 2,
"count": 2,
"resultTruncated": "false",
"facets": [],
"data": [
"properties_storageProfile_osDisk_osType": "Linux",
"count": 7
"properties_storageProfile_osDisk_osType": "Windows",
"count": 23
Basic management group query
Sample request
"managementGroups": [
"query": "Resources | project id, name, type, location, tags | limit 3"
Sample response
"totalRecords": 3,
"count": 3,
"resultTruncated": "false",
"facets": [],
"data": [
"id": "/subscriptions/cfbbd179-59d2-4052-aa06-9270a38aa9d6/resourceGroups/RG1/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/myNetworkInterface",
"name": "myNetworkInterface",
"type": "",
"location": "centralus",
"tags": {
"tag1": "Value1"
"id": "/subscriptions/cfbbd179-59d2-4052-aa06-9270a38aa9d6/resourceGroups/RG2/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/myVnet",
"name": "myVnet",
"type": "",
"location": "westus",
"tags": {}
"id": "/subscriptions/cfbbd179-59d2-4052-aa06-9270a38aa9d6/resourceGroups/RG2/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/myPublicIp",
"name": "myPublicIp",
"type": "",
"location": "westus",
"tags": {}
Basic query
Sample request
"subscriptions": [
"query": "Resources | project id, name, type, location, tags | limit 3"
Sample response
"totalRecords": 3,
"count": 3,
"resultTruncated": "false",
"facets": [],
"data": [
"id": "/subscriptions/cfbbd179-59d2-4052-aa06-9270a38aa9d6/resourceGroups/RG1/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/myNetworkInterface",
"name": "myNetworkInterface",
"type": "",
"location": "centralus",
"tags": {
"tag1": "Value1"
"id": "/subscriptions/cfbbd179-59d2-4052-aa06-9270a38aa9d6/resourceGroups/RG2/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/myVnet",
"name": "myVnet",
"type": "",
"location": "westus",
"tags": {}
"id": "/subscriptions/cfbbd179-59d2-4052-aa06-9270a38aa9d6/resourceGroups/RG2/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/myPublicIp",
"name": "myPublicIp",
"type": "",
"location": "westus",
"tags": {}
Basic tenant query
Sample request
"query": "Resources | project id, name, type, location, tags | limit 3"
Sample response
"totalRecords": 3,
"count": 3,
"resultTruncated": "false",
"facets": [],
"data": [
"id": "/subscriptions/cfbbd179-59d2-4052-aa06-9270a38aa9d6/resourceGroups/RG1/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/myNetworkInterface",
"name": "myNetworkInterface",
"type": "",
"location": "centralus",
"tags": {
"tag1": "Value1"
"id": "/subscriptions/cfbbd179-59d2-4052-aa06-9270a38aa9d6/resourceGroups/RG2/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/myVnet",
"name": "myVnet",
"type": "",
"location": "westus",
"tags": {}
"id": "/subscriptions/cfbbd179-59d2-4052-aa06-9270a38aa9d6/resourceGroups/RG2/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/myPublicIp",
"name": "myPublicIp",
"type": "",
"location": "westus",
"tags": {}
Complex query
Sample request
"subscriptions": [
"query": "Resources | project id, name, type, location | where type =~ 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines' | summarize count() by location | top 3 by count_"
Sample response
"totalRecords": 3,
"count": 3,
"resultTruncated": "false",
"facets": [],
"data": [
"location": "centralus",
"count_": 11
"location": "eastus",
"count_": 11
"location": "southcentralus",
"count_": 3
Filter resources
Sample request
"subscriptions": [
"query": "Resources | project id, name, type, location | where type =~ 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines' | limit 3"
Sample response
"totalRecords": 3,
"count": 3,
"resultTruncated": "false",
"facets": [],
"data": [
"id": "/subscriptions/cfbbd179-59d2-4052-aa06-9270a38aa9d6/resourceGroups/RG1/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/myVm1",
"name": "myVm1",
"type": "microsoft.compute/virtualmachines",
"location": "centralus"
"id": "/subscriptions/cfbbd179-59d2-4052-aa06-9270a38aa9d6/resourceGroups/RG2/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/myVirtualMachine",
"name": "myVirtualMachine",
"type": "microsoft.compute/virtualmachines",
"location": "eastus"
"id": "/subscriptions/cfbbd179-59d2-4052-aa06-9270a38aa9d6/resourceGroups/RG3/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/testVm",
"name": "testVm",
"type": "microsoft.compute/virtualmachines",
"location": "eastus"
First page query
Sample request
"subscriptions": [
"query": "Resources | where name contains 'test' | project id, name, type, location",
"options": {
"$top": 3,
"$skip": 0
Sample response
"totalRecords": 386,
"count": 3,
"resultTruncated": "false",
"facets": [],
"$skipToken": "eyAibm8iOiAibHVjayIsICJidXQiOiAibmljZSIsICJ0cnkiOiAiISIgfQ==",
"data": [
"id": "/subscriptions/cfbbd179-59d2-4052-aa06-9270a38aa9d6/resourceGroups/RG1/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/yetanothertest_OsDisk_1_f396cbcb625a457bb69fe2abf5975820",
"name": "yetanothertest_OsDisk_1_f396cbcb625a457bb69fe2abf5975820",
"type": "microsoft.compute/disks",
"location": "eastus"
"id": "/subscriptions/cfbbd179-59d2-4052-aa06-9270a38aa9d6/resourceGroups/RG2/providers/Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/TestAA",
"name": "TestAA",
"type": "microsoft.automation/automationaccounts",
"location": "westcentralus"
"id": "/subscriptions/cfbbd179-59d2-4052-aa06-9270a38aa9d6/resourceGroups/RG2/providers/Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/TestAA/runbooks/TestRB",
"name": "TestRB",
"type": "microsoft.automation/automationaccounts/runbooks",
"location": "westcentralus"
Next page query
Sample request
"subscriptions": [
"query": "Resources | where name contains 'test' | project id, name, type, location",
"options": {
"$skipToken": "eyAibm8iOiAibHVjayIsICJidXQiOiAibmljZSIsICJ0cnkiOiAiISIgfQ=="
Sample response
"totalRecords": 386,
"count": 3,
"resultTruncated": "false",
"facets": [],
"$skipToken": "eyAibm8yIjogImx1Y2syIiwgImJ1dDIiOiAibmljZTIiLCAidHJ5MiI6ICIhIiB9",
"data": [
"id": "/subscriptions/cfbbd179-59d2-4052-aa06-9270a38aa9d6/resourceGroups/RG1/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/second_OsDisk_dddddbcb625a457bb69fe2abf5975820",
"name": "second_OsDisk_dddddbcb625a457bb69fe2abf5975820",
"type": "microsoft.compute/disks",
"location": "eastus"
"id": "/subscriptions/cfbbd179-59d2-4052-aa06-9270a38aa9d6/resourceGroups/RG2/providers/Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/AATest",
"name": "AATest",
"type": "microsoft.automation/automationaccounts",
"location": "westcentralus"
"id": "/subscriptions/cfbbd179-59d2-4052-aa06-9270a38aa9d6/resourceGroups/RG2/providers/Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/TestAA/runbooks/RBTest",
"name": "RBTest",
"type": "microsoft.automation/automationaccounts/runbooks",
"location": "westcentralus"
Query with a facet request
Sample request
"subscriptions": [
"query": "Resources | where type =~ 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines' | project id, name, location, resourceGroup, properties.storageProfile.osDisk.osType | limit 5",
"facets": [
"expression": "location",
"options": {
"sortOrder": "desc",
"$top": 3
"expression": "properties.storageProfile.osDisk.osType",
"options": {
"sortOrder": "desc",
"$top": 3
"expression": "nonExistingColumn",
"options": {
"sortOrder": "desc",
"$top": 3
"expression": "resourceGroup",
"options": {
"sortBy": "tolower(resourceGroup)",
"sortOrder": "asc",
"$top": 3
"expression": "resourceGroup",
"options": {
"filter": "resourceGroup contains 'test'",
"$top": 3
Sample response
"totalRecords": 5,
"count": 5,
"resultTruncated": "false",
"data": [
"id": "/subscriptions/cfbbd179-59d2-4052-aa06-9270a38aa9d6/resourceGroups/B-TEST-RG/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/myTestVm",
"name": "myTestVm",
"location": "eastus",
"resourceGroup": "B-TEST-RG",
"properties_storageProfile_osDisk_osType": "Windows"
"id": "/subscriptions/cfbbd179-59d2-4052-aa06-9270a38aa9d6/resourceGroups/c-rg/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/myTestAccountVm",
"name": "myTestAccountVm",
"location": "westcentralus",
"resourceGroup": "c-rg",
"properties_storageProfile_osDisk_osType": "Windows"
"id": "/subscriptions/cfbbd179-59d2-4052-aa06-9270a38aa9d6/resourceGroups/I-RG/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/yetanothertest",
"name": "yetanothertest",
"location": "eastus",
"resourceGroup": "I-RG",
"properties_storageProfile_osDisk_osType": "Linux"
"id": "/subscriptions/cfbbd179-59d2-4052-aa06-9270a38aa9d6/resourceGroups/x-test-rg/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/drafttest1bux4cv7a7q3aw",
"name": "drafttest1bux4cv7a7q3aw",
"location": "southcentralus",
"resourceGroup": "x-test-rg",
"properties_storageProfile_osDisk_osType": "Linux"
"id": "/subscriptions/cfbbd179-59d2-4052-aa06-9270a38aa9d6/resourceGroups/y-rg/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/testvmntp25370",
"name": "testvmntp25370",
"location": "eastus",
"resourceGroup": "y-rg",
"properties_storageProfile_osDisk_osType": "Windows"
"facets": [
"expression": "location",
"resultType": "FacetResult",
"totalRecords": 3,
"count": 3,
"data": [
"location": "eastus",
"count": 3
"location": "southcentralus",
"count": 1
"location": "westcentralus",
"count": 1
"expression": "properties.storageProfile.osDisk.osType",
"resultType": "FacetResult",
"totalRecords": 2,
"count": 2,
"data": [
"properties_storageProfile_osDisk_osType": "Linux",
"count": 2
"properties_storageProfile_osDisk_osType": "Windows",
"count": 3
"expression": "nonExistingColumn",
"resultType": "FacetError",
"errors": [
"code": "NoValidColumns",
"message": "No valid columns in facet expression."
"code": "InvalidColumnNames",
"message": "Invalid column names: [nonExistingColumn]."
"expression": "resourceGroup",
"resultType": "FacetResult",
"totalRecords": 5,
"count": 3,
"data": [
"resourceGroup": "B-TEST-RG",
"count": 1
"resourceGroup": "c-rg",
"count": 1
"resourceGroup": "I-RG",
"count": 1
"expression": "resourceGroup",
"resultType": "FacetResult",
"totalRecords": 2,
"count": 2,
"data": [
"resourceGroup": "B-TEST-RG",
"count": 1
"resourceGroup": "x-test-rg",
"count": 1
Random page query
Sample request
"subscriptions": [
"query": "Resources | where name contains 'test' | project id, name, type, location",
"options": {
"$top": 2,
"$skip": 10
Sample response
"totalRecords": 386,
"count": 2,
"resultTruncated": "false",
"facets": [],
"$skipToken": "eyAibm8iOiAibHVjayIsICJidXQiOiAibmljZSIsICJ0cnkiOiAiISIgfQ==",
"data": [
"id": "/subscriptions/cfbbd179-59d2-4052-aa06-9270a38aa9d6/resourceGroups/RG1/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/third_OsDisk_dddddbcb625a457bb69fe2abf5975820",
"name": "third_OsDisk_dddddbcb625a457bb69fe2abf5975820",
"type": "microsoft.compute/disks",
"location": "eastus"
"id": "/subscriptions/cfbbd179-59d2-4052-aa06-9270a38aa9d6/resourceGroups/RG2/providers/Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/CCTest",
"name": "CCTest",
"type": "microsoft.automation/automationaccounts",
"location": "westcentralus"
Summarize resources by location
Sample request
"subscriptions": [
"query": "Resources | project id, name, type, location | summarize by location"
Sample response
"totalRecords": 3,
"count": 3,
"resultTruncated": "false",
"facets": [],
"data": [
"location": "centralus"
"location": "eastus"
"location": "westus"
Name | Description |
Authorization |
Defines what level of authorization resources should be returned based on the which subscriptions and management groups are passed as scopes. |
Error |
Error info. |
Error |
Error details. |
Error |
Error response. |
Facet |
A facet whose execution resulted in an error. |
Facet |
A request to compute additional statistics (facets) over the query results. |
Facet |
The options for facet evaluation |
Facet |
Successfully executed facet containing additional statistics on the response of a query. |
Facet |
The sorting order by the selected column (count by default). |
Query |
Describes a query to be executed. |
Query |
The options for query evaluation |
Query |
Query result. |
Result |
Defines in which format query result returned. |
Result |
Indicates whether the query results are truncated. |
Defines what level of authorization resources should be returned based on the which subscriptions and management groups are passed as scopes.
Value | Description |
AtScopeAboveAndBelow | |
AtScopeAndAbove | |
AtScopeAndBelow | |
AtScopeExact |
Error info.
Name | Type | Description |
code |
string |
Error code identifying the specific error. |
details |
Error details |
message |
string |
A human readable error message. |
Error details.
Name | Type | Description |
code |
string |
Error code identifying the specific error. |
message |
string |
A human readable error message. |
Error response.
Name | Type | Description |
error |
Error info. |
A facet whose execution resulted in an error.
Name | Type | Description |
errors |
An array containing detected facet errors with details. |
expression |
string |
Facet expression, same as in the corresponding facet request. |
resultType | string: |
Result type |
A request to compute additional statistics (facets) over the query results.
Name | Type | Description |
expression |
string |
The column or list of columns to summarize by |
options |
The options for facet evaluation |
The options for facet evaluation
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
$top |
integer |
The maximum number of facet rows that should be returned. |
filter |
string |
Specifies the filter condition for the 'where' clause which will be run on main query's result, just before the actual faceting. |
sortBy |
string |
The column name or query expression to sort on. Defaults to count if not present. |
sortOrder | desc |
The sorting order by the selected column (count by default). |
Successfully executed facet containing additional statistics on the response of a query.
Name | Type | Description |
count |
integer |
Number of records returned in the facet response. |
data |
object |
A JObject array or Table containing the desired facets. Only present if the facet is valid. |
expression |
string |
Facet expression, same as in the corresponding facet request. |
resultType | string: |
Result type |
totalRecords |
integer |
Number of total records in the facet results. |
The sorting order by the selected column (count by default).
Value | Description |
asc | |
desc |
Describes a query to be executed.
Name | Type | Description |
facets |
An array of facet requests to be computed against the query result. |
managementGroups |
string[] |
Azure management groups against which to execute the query. Example: [ 'mg1', 'mg2' ] |
options |
The query evaluation options |
query |
string |
The resources query. |
subscriptions |
string[] |
Azure subscriptions against which to execute the query. |
The options for query evaluation
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
$skip |
integer |
The number of rows to skip from the beginning of the results. Overrides the next page offset when |
$skipToken |
string |
Continuation token for pagination, capturing the next page size and offset, as well as the context of the query. |
$top |
integer |
The maximum number of rows that the query should return. Overrides the page size when |
allowPartialScopes |
boolean |
False |
Only applicable for tenant and management group level queries to decide whether to allow partial scopes for result in case the number of subscriptions exceed allowed limits. |
authorizationScopeFilter | AtScopeAndBelow |
Defines what level of authorization resources should be returned based on the which subscriptions and management groups are passed as scopes. |
resultFormat | objectArray |
Defines in which format query result returned. |
Query result.
Name | Type | Description |
$skipToken |
string |
When present, the value can be passed to a subsequent query call (together with the same query and scopes used in the current request) to retrieve the next page of data. |
count |
integer |
Number of records returned in the current response. In the case of paging, this is the number of records in the current page. |
data |
object |
Query output in JObject array or Table format. |
facets | Facet[]: |
Query facets. |
resultTruncated |
Indicates whether the query results are truncated. |
totalRecords |
integer |
Number of total records matching the query. |
Defines in which format query result returned.
Value | Description |
objectArray | |
table |
Indicates whether the query results are truncated.
Value | Description |
false | |
true |