ForecastingJob Class
Configuration for AutoML Forecasting Task.
Initialize a new AutoML Forecasting task.
ForecastingJob(*, primary_metric: str | None = None, forecasting_settings: ForecastingSettings | None = None, **kwargs: Any)
Name | Description |
The primary metric to use for model selection. |
The settings for the forecasting task. |
Job-specific arguments |
Keyword-Only Parameters
Name | Description |
dump |
Dumps the job content into a file in YAML format. |
set_data |
Define data configuration. |
set_featurization |
Define feature engineering configuration. |
set_forecast_settings |
Manage parameters used by forecasting tasks. |
set_limits |
Set limits for the job. |
set_training |
The method to configure forecast training related settings. |
Dumps the job content into a file in YAML format.
dump(dest: str | PathLike | IO, **kwargs: Any) -> None
Name | Description |
The local path or file stream to write the YAML content to. If dest is a file path, a new file will be created. If dest is an open file, the file will be written to directly. |
Type | Description |
Raised if dest is a file path and the file already exists. |
Raised if dest is an open file and the file is not writable. |
Define data configuration.
set_data(*, training_data: Input, target_column_name: str, weight_column_name: str | None = None, validation_data: Input | None = None, validation_data_size: float | None = None, n_cross_validations: str | int | None = None, cv_split_column_names: List[str] | None = None, test_data: Input | None = None, test_data_size: float | None = None) -> None
Keyword-Only Parameters
Name | Description |
Training data. |
Column name of the target column. |
Weight column name, defaults to None |
Validation data, defaults to None |
Validation data size, defaults to None |
n_cross_validations, defaults to None |
cv_split_column_names, defaults to None |
Test data, defaults to None |
Test data size, defaults to None |
Type | Description |
Raised if dest is a file path and the file already exists. |
Raised if dest is an open file and the file is not writable. |
Define feature engineering configuration.
set_featurization(*, blocked_transformers: List[BlockedTransformers | str] | None = None, column_name_and_types: Dict[str, str] | None = None, dataset_language: str | None = None, transformer_params: Dict[str, List[ColumnTransformer]] | None = None, mode: str | None = None, enable_dnn_featurization: bool | None = None) -> None
Keyword-Only Parameters
Name | Description |
A list of transformer names to be blocked during featurization, defaults to None |
A dictionary of column names and feature types used to update column purpose , defaults to None |
Three character ISO 639-3 code for the language(s) contained in the dataset. Languages other than English are only supported if you use GPU-enabled compute. The language_code 'mul' should be used if the dataset contains multiple languages. To find ISO 639-3 codes for different languages, please refer to, defaults to None |
A dictionary of transformer and corresponding customization parameters , defaults to None |
"off", "auto", defaults to "auto", defaults to None |
Whether to include DNN based feature engineering methods, defaults to None |
Type | Description |
Raised if dest is a file path and the file already exists. |
Raised if dest is an open file and the file is not writable. |
Manage parameters used by forecasting tasks.
set_forecast_settings(*, time_column_name: str | None = None, forecast_horizon: str | int | None = None, time_series_id_column_names: str | List[str] | None = None, target_lags: str | int | List[int] | None = None, feature_lags: str | None = None, target_rolling_window_size: str | int | None = None, country_or_region_for_holidays: str | None = None, use_stl: str | None = None, seasonality: str | int | None = None, short_series_handling_config: str | None = None, frequency: str | None = None, target_aggregate_function: str | None = None, cv_step_size: int | None = None, features_unknown_at_forecast_time: str | List[str] | None = None) -> None
Keyword-Only Parameters
Name | Description |
The name of the time column. This parameter is required when forecasting to specify the datetime column in the input data used for building the time series and inferring its frequency. |
The desired maximum forecast horizon in units of time-series frequency. The default value is 1. Units are based on the time interval of your training data, e.g., monthly, weekly that the forecaster should predict out. When task type is forecasting, this parameter is required. For more information on setting forecasting parameters, see Auto-train a time-series forecast model. |
The names of columns used to group a time series. It can be used to create multiple series. If time series id column names is not defined or the identifier columns specified do not identify all the series in the dataset, the time series identifiers will be automatically created for your data set. |
The number of past periods to lag from the target column. By default the lags are turned off. When forecasting, this parameter represents the number of rows to lag the target values based on the frequency of the data. This is represented as a list or single integer. Lag should be used when the relationship between the independent variables and dependent variable do not match up or correlate by default. For example, when trying to forecast demand for a product, the demand in any month may depend on the price of specific commodities 3 months prior. In this example, you may want to lag the target (demand) negatively by 3 months so that the model is training on the correct relationship. For more information, see Auto-train a time-series forecast model. Note on auto detection of target lags and rolling window size. Please see the corresponding comments in the rolling window section. We use the next algorithm to detect the optimal target lag and rolling window size.
Flag for generating lags for the numeric features with 'auto' or None. |
The number of past periods used to create a rolling window average of the target column. When forecasting, this parameter represents n historical periods to use to generate forecasted values, <= training set size. If omitted, n is the full training set size. Specify this parameter when you only want to consider a certain amount of history when training the model. If set to 'auto', rolling window will be estimated as the last value where the PACF is more then the significance threshold. Please see target_lags section for details. |
The country/region used to generate holiday features. These should be ISO 3166 two-letter country/region codes, for example 'US' or 'GB'. |
Configure STL Decomposition of the time-series target column. use_stl can take three values: None (default) - no stl decomposition, 'season' - only generate season component and season_trend - generate both season and trend components. |
Set time series seasonality as an integer multiple of the series frequency. If seasonality is set to 'auto', it will be inferred. If set to None, the time series is assumed non-seasonal which is equivalent to seasonality=1. |
The parameter defining how if AutoML should handle short time series. Possible values: 'auto' (default), 'pad', 'drop' and None.
If set to 'pad', the table will be padded with the zeroes and empty values for the regressors and random values for target with the mean equal to target value median for given time series id. If median is more or equal to zero, the minimal padded value will be clipped by zero: Input: Date numeric_value string target 2020-01-01 23 green 55 Output assuming minimal number of values is four: Date numeric_value string target 2019-12-29 0 NA 55.1 2019-12-30 0 NA 55.6 2019-12-31 0 NA 54.5 2020-01-01 23 green 55 Note: We have two parameters short_series_handling_configuration and legacy short_series_handling. When both parameters are set we are synchronize them as shown in the table below (short_series_handling_configuration and short_series_handling for brevity are marked as handling_configuration and handling respectively). handling handlingconfiguration resultinghandling resultinghandlingconfiguration True auto True auto True pad True auto True drop True auto True None False None False auto False None False pad False None False drop False None False None False None |
Forecast frequency. When forecasting, this parameter represents the period with which the forecast is desired, for example daily, weekly, yearly, etc. The forecast frequency is dataset frequency by default. You can optionally set it to greater (but not lesser) than dataset frequency. We'll aggregate the data and generate the results at forecast frequency. For example, for daily data, you can set the frequency to be daily, weekly or monthly, but not hourly. The frequency needs to be a pandas offset alias. Please refer to pandas documentation for more information: |
The function to be used to aggregate the time series target column to conform to a user specified frequency. If the target_aggregation_function is set, but the freq parameter is not set, the error is raised. The possible target aggregation functions are: "sum", "max", "min" and "mean".
freq target_aggregation_function Data regularityfixing mechanism None (Default) None (Default) The aggregationis not applied.If the validfrequency cannot bedeterminedthe errorwill be raised. Some Value None (Default) The aggregationis not applied.If the numberof data pointscompliant togiven frequencygrid isless then 90%these pointswill beremoved,otherwisethe error willbe raised. None (Default) Aggregation function The error aboutmissingfrequencyparameter israised. Some Value Aggregation function Aggregate tofrequency usingprovidedaggregationfunction. |
Number of periods between the origin_time of one CV fold and the next fold. For example, if n_step = 3 for daily data, the origin time for each fold will be three days apart. |
The feature columns that are available for training but unknown at the time of forecast/inference. If features_unknown_at_forecast_time is set to an empty list, it is assumed that all the feature columns in the dataset are known at inference time. If this parameter is not set the support for future features is not enabled. |
Type | Description |
Raised if dest is a file path and the file already exists. |
Raised if dest is an open file and the file is not writable. |
Set limits for the job.
set_limits(*, enable_early_termination: bool | None = None, exit_score: float | None = None, max_concurrent_trials: int | None = None, max_cores_per_trial: int | None = None, max_nodes: int | None = None, max_trials: int | None = None, timeout_minutes: int | None = None, trial_timeout_minutes: int | None = None) -> None
Keyword-Only Parameters
Name | Description |
Whether to enable early termination if the score is not improving in the short term, defaults to None. Early stopping logic:
Target score for experiment. The experiment terminates after this score is reached. If not specified (no criteria), the experiment runs until no further progress is made on the primary metric. For for more information on exit criteria, see this article , defaults to None |
This is the maximum number of iterations that would be executed in parallel. The default value is 1.
The maximum number of threads to use for a given training iteration. Acceptable values:
[Experimental] The maximum number of nodes to use for distributed training.
Note- This parameter is in public preview and might change in future. |
The total number of different algorithm and parameter combinations to test during an automated ML experiment. If not specified, the default is 1000 iterations. |
Maximum amount of time in minutes that all iterations combined can take before the experiment terminates. If not specified, the default experiment timeout is 6 days. To specify a timeout less than or equal to 1 hour, make sure your dataset's size is not greater than 10,000,000 (rows times column) or an error results, defaults to None |
Maximum time in minutes that each iteration can run for before it terminates. If not specified, a value of 1 month or 43200 minutes is used, defaults to None |
Type | Description |
Raised if dest is a file path and the file already exists. |
Raised if dest is an open file and the file is not writable. |
The method to configure forecast training related settings.
set_training(*, enable_onnx_compatible_models: bool | None = None, enable_dnn_training: bool | None = None, enable_model_explainability: bool | None = None, enable_stack_ensemble: bool | None = None, enable_vote_ensemble: bool | None = None, stack_ensemble_settings: StackEnsembleSettings | None = None, ensemble_model_download_timeout: int | None = None, allowed_training_algorithms: List[str] | None = None, blocked_training_algorithms: List[str] | None = None, training_mode: str | TrainingMode | None = None) -> None
Keyword-Only Parameters
Name | Description |
Whether to enable or disable enforcing the ONNX-compatible models. The default is False. For more information about Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) and Azure Machine Learning, see this article. |
Whether to include DNN based models during model selection. However, the default is True for DNN NLP tasks, and it's False for all other AutoML tasks. |
Whether to enable explaining the best AutoML model at the end of all AutoML training iterations. For more information, see Interpretability: model explanations in automated machine learning. , defaults to None |
Whether to enable/disable StackEnsemble iteration. If enable_onnx_compatible_models flag is being set, then StackEnsemble iteration will be disabled. Similarly, for Timeseries tasks, StackEnsemble iteration will be disabled by default, to avoid risks of overfitting due to small training set used in fitting the meta learner. For more information about ensembles, see Ensemble configuration , defaults to None |
Whether to enable/disable VotingEnsemble iteration. For more information about ensembles, see Ensemble configuration , defaults to None |
Settings for StackEnsemble iteration, defaults to None |
During VotingEnsemble and StackEnsemble model generation, multiple fitted models from the previous child runs are downloaded. Configure this parameter with a higher value than 300 secs, if more time is needed, defaults to None |
A list of model names to search for an experiment. If not specified,
then all models supported for the task are used minus any specified in |
A list of algorithms to ignore for an experiment, defaults to None |
[Experimental] The training mode to use. The possible values are-
Note: This parameter is in public preview and may change in future. |
Type | Description |
Raised if dest is a file path and the file already exists. |
Raised if dest is an open file and the file is not writable. |
The creation context of the resource.
Type | Description |
The creation metadata for the resource. |
Get the tabular featurization settings for the AutoML job.
Type | Description |
Tabular featurization settings for the AutoML job |
Get the tabular limits for the AutoML job.
Type | Description |
Tabular limits for the AutoML job |
Get the log verbosity for the AutoML job.
Type | Description |
log verbosity for the AutoML job |
The status of the job.
Common values returned include "Running", "Completed", and "Failed". All possible values are:
NotStarted - This is a temporary state that client-side Run objects are in before cloud submission.
Starting - The Run has started being processed in the cloud. The caller has a run ID at this point.
Provisioning - On-demand compute is being created for a given job submission.
Preparing - The run environment is being prepared and is in one of two stages:
Docker image build
conda environment setup
Queued - The job is queued on the compute target. For example, in BatchAI, the job is in a queued state
while waiting for all the requested nodes to be ready.
Running - The job has started to run on the compute target.
Finalizing - User code execution has completed, and the run is in post-processing stages.
CancelRequested - Cancellation has been requested for the job.
Completed - The run has completed successfully. This includes both the user code execution and run
post-processing stages.
Failed - The run failed. Usually the Error property on a run will provide details as to why.
Canceled - Follows a cancellation request and indicates that the run is now successfully cancelled.
NotResponding - For runs that have Heartbeats enabled, no heartbeat has been recently sent.
Type | Description |
Status of the job. |
Get task type.
Type | Description |
The type of task to run. Possible values include: "classification", "regression", "forecasting". |
Return the forecast training settings.
Type | Description |
training settings. |
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