![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
Add |
Overloaded. Adds two vectors. |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
Barycentric |
Overloaded. Returns a Vector2 containing the 2D Cartesian coordinates of a point specified in 2D barycentric (areal) coordinates. |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
CatmullRom |
Overloaded. Performs a Catmull-Rom interpolation using the specified positions. |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
Clamp |
Overloaded. Restricts a value to be within a specified range. |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
Distance |
Overloaded. Calculates the distance between two vectors. |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
DistanceSquared |
Overloaded. Calculates the distance between two vectors squared. |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
Divide |
Overloaded. Divides a vector by a scalar or another vector. |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
Dot |
Overloaded. Calculates the dot product of two vectors. |
![Public Method Public Method](images/bb195174.pubmethod(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
Equals |
Overloaded. Returns a value that indicates whether the current instance is equal to a specified object. |
![Public Method Public Method](images/bb195174.pubmethod(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
GetHashCode |
Gets the hash code of the vector object. |
![Public Method Public Method](images/bb195174.pubmethod(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
GetType |
(Inherited from Object.) |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
Hermite |
Overloaded. Performs a Hermite spline interpolation. |
![Public Method Public Method](images/bb195174.pubmethod(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
Length |
Calculates the length of the vector. |
![Public Method Public Method](images/bb195174.pubmethod(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
LengthSquared |
Calculates the length of the vector squared. |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
Lerp |
Overloaded. Performs a linear interpolation between two vectors. |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
Max |
Overloaded. Returns a vector that contains the highest value from each matching pair of components. |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
Min |
Overloaded. Returns a vector that contains the lowest value from each matching pair of components. |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
Multiply |
Overloaded. Multiplies a vector by a scalar or another vector. |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
Negate |
Overloaded. Returns a vector pointing in the opposite direction. |
![Public Method Public Method](images/bb195174.pubmethod(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
Normalize |
Overloaded. Creates a unit vector from the specified vector. |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
op_Addition |
Adds two vectors. |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
op_Division |
Overloaded. Divide a vector by a scalar or another vector. |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
op_Equality |
Tests vectors for equality. |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
op_Inequality |
Tests vectors for inequality. |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
op_Multiply |
Overloaded. Multiplies a vector by a scalar or another vector. |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
op_Subtraction |
Subtracts a vector from a vector. |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
op_UnaryNegation |
Returns a vector pointing in the opposite direction. |
![Public Method Public Method](images/bb195174.pubmethod(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
ReferenceEquals |
(Inherited from Object.) |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
SmoothStep |
Overloaded. Interpolates between two values using a cubic equation. |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
Subtract |
Overloaded. Subtracts a vector from a vector. |
![Public Method Public Method](images/bb195174.pubmethod(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
ToString |
Retrieves a string representation of the current object. |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
Transform |
Overloaded. Transforms one or more Vector2s by a Matrix or Quaternion. |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
TransformNormal |
Overloaded. Transforms a vector normal or array of vector normals by a matrix. |