![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
Add |
Overloaded. Adds a matrix to another matrix. |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
CreateBillboard |
Overloaded. Creates a spherical billboard that rotates around a specified object position. |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
CreateConstrainedBillboard |
Overloaded. Creates a cylindrical billboard that rotates around a specified axis. |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
CreateFromAxisAngle |
Overloaded. Creates a new Matrix that rotates around an arbitrary vector. |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
CreateFromQuaternion |
Overloaded. Creates a rotation Matrix from a Quaternion. |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
CreateFromYawPitchRoll |
Overloaded. Creates a new rotation matrix from a specified yaw, pitch, and roll. |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
CreateLookAt |
Overloaded. Creates a view matrix. |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
CreateOrthographic |
Overloaded. Builds an orthogonal projection matrix. |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
CreateOrthographicOffCenter |
Overloaded. Builds a customized, orthogonal projection matrix. |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
CreatePerspective |
Overloaded. Builds a perspective projection matrix. |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView |
Overloaded. Builds a perspective projection matrix based on a field of view. |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
CreatePerspectiveOffCenter |
Overloaded. Builds a customized, perspective projection matrix. |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
CreateReflection |
Overloaded. Creates a Matrix that reflects the coordinate system about a specified Plane. |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
CreateRotationX |
Overloaded. Returns an x-axis rotation matrix. |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
CreateRotationY |
Overloaded. Returns a y-axis rotation matrix. |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
CreateRotationZ |
Overloaded. Returns an z-axis rotation matrix. |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
CreateScale |
Overloaded. Creates a scaling Matrix. |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
CreateShadow |
Overloaded. Creates a Matrix that flattens geometry into a specified Plane as if casting a shadow from a specified light source. |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
CreateTranslation |
Overloaded. Creates a translation Matrix. |
![Public Method Public Method](images/bb195174.pubmethod(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
Decompose |
Extracts the scalar, translation, and rotation components from a 3D scale/rotate/translate (SRT) Matrix. |
![Public Method Public Method](images/bb195174.pubmethod(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
Determinant |
Calculates the determinant of the matrix. |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
Divide |
Overloaded. Divides a matrix by a scalar value or the components of another matrix. |
![Public Method Public Method](images/bb195174.pubmethod(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
Equals |
Overloaded. Returns a value that indicates whether the current instance is equal to a specified object. |
![Public Method Public Method](images/bb195174.pubmethod(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
GetHashCode |
Gets the hash code of this object. |
![Public Method Public Method](images/bb195174.pubmethod(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
GetType |
(Inherited from Object.) |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
Invert |
Overloaded. Calculates the inverse of a matrix. |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
Lerp |
Overloaded. Linearly interpolates between the corresponding values of two matrices. |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
Multiply |
Overloaded. Multiplies a matrix by a scalar value or another matrix. |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
Negate |
Overloaded. Negates individual elements of a matrix. |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
op_Addition |
Adds a matrix to another matrix. |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
op_Division |
Overloaded. Divides a matrix by a scalar value or the components of another matrix. |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
op_Equality |
Compares a matrix for equality with another matrix. |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
op_Inequality |
Tests a matrix for inequality with another matrix. |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
op_Multiply |
Overloaded. Multiplies a matrix by a scalar value or another matrix. |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
op_Subtraction |
Subtracts matrices. |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
op_UnaryNegation |
Negates individual elements of a matrix. |
![Public Method Public Method](images/bb195174.pubmethod(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
ReferenceEquals |
(Inherited from Object.) |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
Subtract |
Overloaded. Subtracts matrices. |
![Public Method Public Method](images/bb195174.pubmethod(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
ToString |
Retrieves a string representation of the current object. |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
Transform |
Overloaded. Transforms a Matrix by applying a Quaternion rotation. |
![Static Static](images/bb195174.static(en-us,xnagamestudio.41).gif) |
Transpose |
Overloaded. Transposes the rows and columns of a matrix. |