Dela via


Returns a tab-delimited list of current applications, packages, file type associations, or publishing servers.


Parameter Description


Returns a list of applications.


Returns a list of packages.


Returns a list of file type associations.


Returns a list of publishing servers.


Without displaying the full properties of each, returns a list of application names, packages, associations, or server names.


For applications, returns all known applications instead of only the ones the current user has access to. For packages, returns all known packages instead of only the ones the current user has access to. For associations, returns only associations that apply to all users, not user-specific ones. Not valid for servers.


If specified, output is logged to the specified path name.


If specified, output is presented in the active console window (default).

For version 4.6, the following option has been added.


If specified, output is logged to the specified path name in UNICODE format.

Note   In version 4.6, a new column has been added to the output of SFTMIME QUERY OBJ:APP [/GLOBAL]. The last column of the output is a numeric value that indicates whether an application is published or not.

PUBLISHED=1 means the application was published by a Publishing Server refresh, by installing the application by using a Windows Installer file (.MSI), or by running an SFTMIME ADD PACKAGE, CONFIGURE PACKAGE or PUBLISH PACKAGE command by using a package manifest.

PUBLISHED=0 means the application has not been published or it is no longer published as a result of performing a Clear operation or running an SFTMIME UNPUBLISH command.

If you use the /GLOBAL parameter, the PUBLISHED state will be 1 for applications that were published globally and 0 for those applications that were published under user contexts. Without the /GLOBAL parameter, a PUBLISHED state of 1 is returned for applications published in the context of the user running the command, and a state of 0 is returned for those applications that are published globally.

The SFTMIME QUERY OBJ command can be used to query for information on all of the objects shown above—applications, packages, file type associations, and servers. To show how you might use the SFTMIME QUERY OBJ command in your normal operations tasks, the following example demonstrates the process you would follow if you wanted to set the OVERRIDEURL parameter value for a specific package to specify a new path to the package content. 

  1. To find the package that you want to configure, run the following command:


    This command returns each discovered package name as a GUID in the first column of output—for example, {AF78ABE1-57D4-4297-89DE-C308684AEDD6}.

  2. To set the OVERRIDEURL parameter value, you use the SFTMIME CONFIGURE PACKAGE command. For example, to set the OVERRIDEURL value for this package to a value of \\server\share\mypackage.sft, use the SFTMIME CONFIGURE PACKAGE command and give it the selected package GUID from the output of the SFTMIME QUERY OBJ command in step 1, followed by the OVERRIDEURL parameter and its new value, as follows:

    SFTMIME CONFIGURE PACKAGE:"{AF78ABE1-57D4-4297-89DE-C308684AEDD6}" /OVERRIDEURL "\\\\server\\share\\mypackage.sft "

For version 4.6 SP2, the following option has been added.


Indicates the current state of the /NO-UPDATE-FTA-SHORTCUT flag.

SFTMIME Command Reference