Dela via


Adds the specified file type association.

SFTMIME ADD TYPE:file-extension /APP application [/ICON icon-pathname] [/DESCRIPTION type-desc] [/CONTENT-TYPE content-type] [/GLOBAL] [/PERCEIVED-TYPE perceived-type] [/PROGID progid] [/CONFIRMOPEN {YES|NO}] [/SHOWEXT {YES|NO}] [/NEWMENU {YES|NO}] [/LOG log-pathname | /CONSOLE | /GUI]

Parameter Description


The file name extension that will be associated with the application specified.

/APP <application>

The name and version (optional) of the application.

/ICON <icon-pathname>

The path or URL for the icon file.

/DESCRIPTION <type-desc>

The user-friendly name for the file type. Defaults to "EXTENSION File."

/CONTENT-TYPE <content-type>

The content type of the file. Defaults to "application/softricity-extension."


If present, the package will be available for all users on this computer.

/PERCEIVED-TYPE <perceived-type>

The perceived type of the file. Defaults to nothing.

/PROGID <progid>

The programmatic identifier for the file type. Defaults to App Virt.extension.File.


Indicates whether users downloading a file of this type should be asked whether to open or save the file. Defaults to YES.


Indicates whether the file's extension should always be shown, even if the user has requested that all extensions be hidden. Defaults to NO.


Indicates whether an entry should be added to the shell's New menu. Defaults to NO.


If specified, output is logged to the specified path name.


If specified, output is presented in the active console window (default).


If specified, output is presented in a Windows dialog box.


For version 4.6, the following option has been added.


If specified, output is logged to the specified path name in UNICODE format.


SFTMIME Command Reference