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File and Storage Services: Migrate Network File System


Applies To: Windows Server 2012 R2

This topic describes how to migrate Network File System shares and settings from previous versions of Windows Server to Windows Server 2012 R2.

Network File System Migration overview

You can migrate Network File System (NFS) from a server running Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server°2008, or Windows Server°2003°R2 to a server running Windows Server 2012 R2 using the procedures described in this topic. Some of the methods that are available for migrating NFS are the following:

  • You can gather output from NFS servers running on previous versions of Windows Server, and then modify and use this information to input into the new NFS server running Windows Server 2012 R2. This can be done using the NFS cmdlets in Windows PowerShell, or using command tools such as nfsshare and nfsadmin.

  • You can gather output from the NFS servers running on previous versions of Windows Server, and then use this information as a reference when manually configuring NFS settings for the new NFS server running Windows Server 2012 R2. This can be done using the NFS cmdlets in Windows PowerShell or the File Server Administration Console in Server Manager.

Migrating NFS Server from Windows Server°2012 to Windows Server°2012°R2

This section explains how to migrate NFS shares and permissions from Windows Server 2012 to Windows Server 2012 R2. Introduced in Windows Server 2012, the NFS cmdlets in Windows PowerShell allow you to manage NFS shares and settings, export shares and configuration metadata to .xml files, and then import the files into Windows Server 2012 R2. During this process, UNIX or Linux-based style group and password files are copied to Windows Server 2012 R2. If you used Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (AD°LDS) to configure name mapping, see Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services Overview.

Export the server configuration

Before starting the export process, you must first create a directory (for example C:\tmp) where all the files will be exported.

Open Windows PowerShell, and to export the NFS server configuration information, type:

PS C:\tmp> Get-NfsServerConfiguration | Export-Clixml NfsServerConfig.xml

Export NFS shares

To export the NFS share settings information, open Windows PowerShell, and type the following. Note that this procedure does not include exporting the NFS share permissions.

PS C:\tmp> Get-NfsShare | Export-Clixml NfsShares.xml

Next, update the host configuration information using the following steps. You can ignore these steps if the net name and host names are going to remain the same.

  1. Open the file where the exported shares are located (for example, c:\tmp\NfsShares.xml).

  2. Find the network name and host name, and then rename them as appropriate.

  3. If necessary, update the location of the directory path.

  4. Save the file that contains the exported shares (such as c:\tmp\NfsShares.xml).

Export NFS share permissions

To export the NFS share permissions for all the NFS shares, type:

PS C:\tmp> Get-NfsShare | Get-NfsSharePermission | Export-Clixml NfsSharePermission.xml

Next, update the host configuration information using the following steps. You can ignore these steps if the net name and host names are going to remain the same.

  1. Open the file where the exported permissions are located (for example, c:\tmp\NfsSharePermission.xml).

  2. Find the network name and host name, and then rename them as appropriate.

  3. If necessary, update the location of the directory path.

  4. Save the file that contains the exported permissions (such as c:\tmp\NfsShares.xml).

Copy local mapping data

If you are using the UNIX or Linux-based local password and group files to map between UNIX and Linux-based users and Windows, copy the following files from Windows Server 2012. You can ignore this step if you are not using UNIX or Linux-based local password and group files.

PS C:\tmp> COPY %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\etc\passwd C:\tmp
PS C:\tmp> COPY %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\etc\group C:\tmp

Export identity mapping

In Windows PowerShell, type the following to display identity mapping information (such as Lightweight Directory Access Protocol or AD LDS) used by the NFS Server. This information must be manually recreated in Windows Server 2012 R2. If no identity mapping stores are configured, you can ignore this step.

PS C:\tmp> Get-NfsMappingStore | Export-Clixml nfsmappingstore.xml


The group and user identity mapping are expected to remain the same after the migration.

Export netgroups and client groups

Configuring netgroups and client groups makes it easier to manage computer and user authentication. In Windows PowerShell, type the following to display information about netgroups and client groups, which can then be exported to Windows Server 2012 R2.

PS C:\tmp> Get-NfsNetgroup | Export-Clixml nfsnetgroup.xml
PS C:\tmp> Get-NfsNetgroupStore | Export-Clixml nfsnetgroupstore.xml
PS C:\tmp> Get-NfsClientGroup | Export-Clixml nfsclientgroup.xml

Importing NFS shares and settings from Windows Server°2012 to Windows Server°2012°R2

This section describes how to import NFS shares and settings that you exported from Windows Server 2012 to Windows Server 2012 R2. First, create a directory (for example C:\tmp) on the computer running Windows Server 2012 R2 and copy all the files exported from Windows Server 2012.


The settings for NFS shares are metadata used over existing volumes and directories. Therefore, you should make sure the data and directory structure are correct before NFS share settings are applied. After the directory structure is in place, you can proceed to the following procedure. For more information about data migration, see Impact of data migration by copying data and shared folders.

Import the server configuration

Before importing the server configuration, make sure that you have installed the Server for NFS role service in Server Manager. To import the server configuration, open Windows PowerShell, and type:

PS C:\tmp> Import-Clixml NfsServerConfig.xml | Set-NfsServerConfiguration

Restart Server for NFS by using either Control Panel or by typing Restart-Service NfsService at a command prompt.

Import NFS shares

Before performing this step, make sure that the directory structure is already in place and that the Nfsshares.xml file is updated with the appropriate location, server names, and any additional important information.

To import NFS share settings, open Windows PowerShell, and type:

PS C:\tmp> Import-Clixml NfsShares.xml | %{New-NfsShare -Name $_.Name -Path $_.Path -NetworkName $_.NetworkName -EnableAnonymousAccess
$_.AnonymousAccess -AnonymousUid $_.AnonymousUid -AnonymousGid $_.AnonymousGid -EnableUnmappedAccess
$_.UnmappedUserAccess -Authentication $_.Authentication}

You should resolve any errors before proceeding to the next step.

Import NFS share permissions

Before performing this step, make sure that the Nfssharepermission.xml file is updated with the correct server names. To import NFS share permissions, open Windows PowerShell, and type:

PS C:\tmp> Import-Clixml NfsSharePermission.xml | foreach { $_ |Grant-NfsSharePermission}

Import local mapping data

If UNIX and Linux-based local password and group files are used for mapping between UNIX and Linux users and Windows, copy the following files (which were exported from Windows Server 2012). You can ignore this step if you do not use UNIX and Linux-based password and group files.

PS C:\tmp> COPY  C:\tmp\passwd %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\etc\passwd
PS C:\tmp> COPY C:\tmp\group %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\etc\group

Import non-local identity mapping

If you are using methods, such as LDAP or AD LDS, to configure identity mapping, use the following Windows PowerShell script to import the .xml file:

PS C:\tmp> Import-Clixml nfsmappingstore.xml | Set-NfsMappingStore

Import netgroups and client groups

In Windows PowerShell, type the following to export netgroups and client groups to Windows Server 2012 R2:

PS C:\tmp> Import-Clixml nfsnetgroup.xml | Set-NfsNetgroup
PS C:\tmp> Import-Clixml nfsnetgroupstore.xml | Set-NfsNetgroupStore
PS C:\tmp> Import-Clixml nfsclientgroup.xml | Set-NfsClientGroup

After the netgroups and client groups are defined, permission to access shares that an NFS server exports can be configured using the Grant-NfsSharePermission Windows PowerShell cmdlet. Some examples for granting share permissions are shown in the following generated information in Windows PowerShell:

PS C:\> New-NfsClientgroup -ClientGroupName MIGRATION -AddMember 'MACHINE1','MACHINE2'
PS C:\> Get-NfsClientgroup MIGRATION
ClientGroupName                                             ClientGroupMembers
---------------                                             ------------------
MIGRATION                                                   {MACHINE1, MACHINE2}
PS C:\> Grant-NfsSharePermission -Name NfsTestShare1 -ClientName MIGRATION -ClientType clientgroup -Permission readonly
PS C:\> Get-NfsSharePermission NfsTestShare1
Name                  ClientName              Permission        AllowRootAccess
----                  ----------              ----------      ---------------
NFSTestShare1          MIGRATION                 READ              False

If you are using Unmapped UNIX User Access (UUUA), see NFS Identity Mapping in Windows Server 2012, which provides information about the various methods of identity mapping. You should note that both Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows Server 2012 support UNIX and Linux-based password and group files.

NFS server and share settings migration from Windows Server 2012 to Windows Server 2012 R2 is complete.

Migrating NFS Server from Windows Server°2008°R2, Windows Server°2008, or Windows Server°2003°R2 to Windows Server°2012°R2

This section describes how to migrate NFS shares and permissions from Windows Server 2008 R2 and earlier versions of the Windows Server operating system to Windows Server 2012 R2. Using the command-line tools, nfsshare and nfsadmin, you can export NFS shares and settings, and then import the files into Windows Server 2012 R2.

Get server configuration

To retrieve information from the NFS server configuration, type the following at a command prompt:

C:\tmp> nfsadmin server

After running the command, create a copy of the information that is generated. An example of output from Windows Server 2008 R2 follows:

The following are the settings on localhost

Locking Daemon Grace Period : 45 seconds
Activity logging Settings   :
Protocol for Portmap        : TCP+UDP
Protocol for Mount          : TCP+UDP
Protocol for NFS            : TCP+UDP
Protocol for NLM            : TCP+UDP
Protocol for NSM            : TCP+UDP
Protocol for Mapping Server : TCP+UDP
Protocol for NIS            : TCP+UDP
Enable NFS V3 Support       : Enabled
Renew Authentication        : Enabled
Renew Authentication Interval : 600 seconds
Directory Cache             : 128 KB
Translation File Name       :
Dot Files Hidden            : Disabled
Case Sensitive Lookups      : Enabled
NTFS Case                   : Preserve Case
NetGroup Source             : none
NIS Server                  :
NIS Domain                  :
LDAP Server or AD Domain    :
LDAP naming context (DN)    :

Collect NFS shares information

You can display NFS share settings by using the following commands. You should note that running these commands does not display NFS share permissions.

To retrieve the list of NFS shares configured in the server, type the following at a command prompt:

C:\tmp> nfsshare

To retrieve detailed information for each NFS share listed after using the preceding command, type:

C:\tmp> nfsshare <share-name>

Example output:

C:\tmp> nfsshare
        share1 = C:\shares\share1
        share2 = C:\shares\share2
C:\tmp> nfsshare share1
   Alias = share1
   Path = C:\shares\share1
   Supported security flavors are SYS:KRB5:KRB5I
   Encoding = ansi
   UNMAPPED UNIX USER access allowed
   ANONYMOUS access disallowed
   Anonymous UID = -2
   Anonymous GID = -2
      ALL MACHINES            read-write     Root Access Allowed      ansi


Kerberos authentication was introduced in Windows Server 2008 R2 for use with NFS, and therefore, so it is not available in earlier versions of the operating system.

Collect identity mapping and group identifier information

To display identity mapping settings (such as the Network Information Service [NIS] server, NIS domain, and LDAP or AD LDS information), type the following at a command prompt:

C:\tmp> nfsadmin server

To display the identity mapping methods that are used, type:

C:\tmp> nfsadmin mapping

Example output:

C:\tmp> nfsadmin mapping
The following are the settings on localhost
Mapping Server Lookup       : Disabled
Mapping Server              :
AD Lookup                   : Disabled
AD Domain                   :

To display the names of all client groups, type:

C:\tmp\nfsadmin server listgroups
C:\tmp\nfsadmin server listmembers <client group name>

Reconfiguring NFS shares and settings from Windows Server°2008°R2, Windows Server°2008, or Windows Server°2003°R2 to Windows Server°2012°R2

This section explains the process of reconfiguring the NFS shares and settings that you exported from Windows Server 2008 R2 or previous versions of Windows Server to Windows Server 2012 R2. You can reconfigure NFS shares and settings using the nfsshare or nfsadmin command tools, or, if you are migrating from Windows Server 2008 R2, you can use the NFS cmdlets in Windows PowerShell.

Before you import NFS shares and settings, make sure that you have installed the Server for NFS role service in Server Manager on the computer running Windows Server 2012 R2.

The settings for NFS shares are metadata used over existing volumes and directories. Therefore, you should make sure the data and directory structure are correct before NFS share settings are applied. After the directory structure is in place, you can proceed to the following procedure. For more information about data migration, see Impact of data migration by copying data and shared folders.

Set up the NFS server configuration

To configure the NFS server, type the following in Windows PowerShell. Instructions for setting up the NFS server using the nfsadmin command are provided later in this section.

In Windows PowerShell, type:

PS C:\tmp> Set-NfsServerConfiguration  -[parameters as displayed below]

Windows Server°2008°R2 output

Equivalent Windows PowerShell cmdlet parameters in Windows Server°2012°R2

Locking daemon grace period


Protocol for Portmap


Protocol for Mount


Protocol for NFS


Protocol for NLM


Protocol for NSM


Protocol for Mapping Server


Protocol for NIS


Enable NFS V3 support


Renew Authentication


Renew Authentication Interval


Directory Cache


Translation File Name


Dot Files Hidden


Activity Logging Setting



In Windows Server 2012 R2, there is a new parameter LeasePeriodSec for the Set-NfsServerConfiguration Windows PowerShell cmdlet. When setting the GracePeriodSec value, make sure that the LeasePeriodSec value is set to 50 percent of GracePeriodSec.

Case-sensitive file lookups and case-sensitive preservation can no longer be configured in Windows Server 2012 R2 because they are now system-wide Windows settings.

If you prefer to use the nfsadmin command tool, type the following at a command prompt:

C:\tmp> nfsadmin server config config_options

For a detailed list of configuration options for nfsadmin, type nfsadmin server /?.

Configure NFS shares

To configure NFS shares using the information you previously gathered on the shares, type the following in Windows PowerShell. Instructions for configuring NFS shares using the nfsshare command are provided later in this section.

PS C:\tmp> New-NfsShare <parameters>

Windows Server output

Equivalent NfsShare cmdlet parameters in Windows Server°2012°R2







Anonymous access


Anonymous UID


-Anonymous GID


Host access

-Permission, -AllowRootAccess, …

An example of configuring an NFS share follows:

PS C:\> New-NfsShare –Name roshare – Path C:\shares\roshare =AnonymousUid -2 –AnonymousGid -2 –LanguageEncoding ANSI –EnableAnonymousAccess $false –EnableUnmappedAccess $false –AllowRootAccess $false

If you prefer to use the nfsshare command tool, type the following at a command prompt:

C:\tmp> nfsshare sharename=drive:path [ -o options ]

For a detailed list of configuration options for nfsshare, type nfsshare server /?.

Configure identity mapping and group identifier information

Using the information you gathered earlier for identity mapping, type the following in Windows PowerShell to configure ID mapping:

PS C:\tmp> Set-NfsMappingStore <Parameters>
PS C:\tmp> Set-NfsMappedIdentity <Parameters>

An example of configuring identity mapping follows:

PS c:\tmp> Set-NfsMappingStore -EnableADLookup $true -ADDomainName ""

If you prefer to use the nfsadmin command tool, type the following at a command prompt:

C:\tmp> nfsadmin server  <parameter for NIS server or LDAP server information>
C:\tmp> nfsadmin mapping <parameters>

For a detailed list of configuration options for nfsadmin, type nfsadmin server /?.

An example of configuring identity mapping using nfsadmin follows:

c:\tmp> nfsadmin mapping
The following are the settings on localhost
Mapping Server Lookup       : Disabled
Mapping Server              :
AD Lookup                   : Enabled
AD Domain                   :

Using the information you gathered earlier for group identifiers, type the following in Windows PowerShell to configure groups:

Set-NfsClientGroup  (or) New-NfsClientGroup
Set-NfsNetGroup (or) New-NfsNetGroup

After you have configured the netgroup and client group, you can set the NFS share permissions using the Grant-NfsSharePermission Windows PowerShell cmdlet . Some examples of configuring share permissions follow:

PS C:\> New-NfsClientgroup -ClientGroupName MIGRATION -AddMember 'MACHINE1','MACHINE2'
PS C:\> Get-NfsClientgroup MIGRATION
ClientGroupName                                             ClientGroupMembers
---------------                                             ------------------
MIGRATION                                                   {MACHINE1, MACHINE2}
PS C:\> Grant-NfsSharePermission -Name NfsTestShare1 -ClientName MIGRATION -ClientType clientgroup -Permission readonly
PS C:\> Get-NfsSharePermission NfsTestShare1
Name                  ClientName              Permission        AllowRootAccess
----                  ----------              ----------      ---------------
NFSTestShare1          MIGRATION                 READ              False

If you are using Unmapped UNIX User Access (UUUA), see NFS Identity Mapping in Windows Server 2012, which provides information about the various methods of identity mapping. You should note that both Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows Server 2012 support UNIX and Linux-based password and group files.

See Also

Migrate File and Storage Services to Windows Server 2012 R2 File and Storage Services: Prepare to Migrate2 File and Storage Services: Migrate the File and Storage Services Role2 File and Storage Services: Verify the Migration1 File and Storage Services: Migrate an iSCSI Software Target File and Storage Services: Post-Migration Tasks1 File and Storage Services: Appendix A: Optional Procedures2 File and Storage Services: Appendix B: Migration Data Collection Worksheets1