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Web Deploy comObject64 Provider

Applies To: Windows 7, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista, Windows XP


The comObject64 provider synchronizes a 64-bit COM component.


msdeploy -verb:sync -source:comObject64="Microsoft.Applicationhost.AdminManager" -dest:auto,computername=Server2

The comObject64 provider enables dump and sync operations to be performed on the registry keys for a specified 64–bit COM component. The name of the COM component that you specify should be the name that appears in the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT hive of the registry.


The comObject64 provider does not support COM+ components.

In a dump operation, the registry key paths for the COM component will be returned. If the -xml operation setting is specified, the registry key values will also be displayed. The output will include information from the following main registry nodes.

  • HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\<Com Application Name>



In addition, the output will include the physical file path for the application as recorded in the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\<COM CLSID GUID>\InProcServer32 registry key.


To view ACL information in the registry output, use the includeAcls provider setting, as in the following example.
msdeploy -verb:dump -source:comObject64="Microsoft.Applicationhost.AdminManager",includeAcls=true -xml

In a sync operation, the COM component will be copied from the specified source to the specified destination. If no COM application exists on the destination with the same name under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ and the same CLSID under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\, the COM object will be added to the destination. If the COM application already exists on the destination, it will be updated with the COM application from the source.


You should never synchronize the Windows COM objects ole32.dll, mscoree.dll, or rundll32.dll. If any one of these files are in the path of a sync operation, you can avoid synchronizing them by adding a skip rule for the files. For more information about skip rules, see Web Deploy Operation Settings and Web Deploy Rules.

Example usages

1) Display the registry keys for the Microsoft.Applicationhost.AdminManager component.

msdeploy -verb:dump -source:comObject64="Microsoft.Applicationhost.AdminManager"

2) Synchronize the Microsoft.Applicationhost.AdminManager COM component registry information with the archive located in the c:\archive directory.

msdeploy -verb:sync -source:comObject64="Microsoft.Applicationhost.AdminManager" -dest:archiveDir=c:\archive