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Netsh commands for WINS

Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 with SP2

Netsh commands for WINS

The Netsh commands for WINS offer a command-line tool for administering WINS servers that can be used as an equivalent alternative to console-based management. This is useful in the following situations:

  • When managing WINS servers in wide area networks (WANs), commands can be used in interactive mode at the Netsh command prompt to better manage slow-speed network links.

  • When managing a large number of WINS servers, commands can be used in batch mode to script and automate recurring administrative tasks that need to be performed for all WINS servers.

You can run these commands from the Windows Server 2003 family command prompt or from the command prompt for the Netsh wins context. For these commands to work at the Windows Server 2003 family command prompt, you must type netsh wins before typing commands and parameters as they appear in the syntax below. There might be functional differences between Netsh context commands on Windows 2000 and the Windows Server 2003 family.


  • Unless otherwise specified, field tags (such as Name= and EndChar=) are optional. If tags are used, they must be applied to all of the parameters in the command. If tags are omitted, a value must be provided for each of the fields that are supported in this command.

  • The terms Persona Non Grata and Persona Grata refer to the Windows Server 2003 family features Block records for these owners and Accept records only for these owners, respectively.

  • For more information about Netsh, see Netsh overview and Enter a netsh context.

  • For an example of how to use Netsh commands for WINS in batch files and scripts, see Netsh WINS example.

  • For more information about how to use the Netsh commands for WINS, see Use WINS Command-line Tools.

Netsh WINS

The following commands are available at the wins> prompt, which is rooted within the netsh environment.

To view the command syntax, click a command:

  • server

  • add

  • add name

  • add partner

  • add pgserver

  • add pngserver

  • check

  • check database

  • check name

  • check version

  • delete

  • delete name

  • delete owners

  • delete partner

  • delete pgserver

  • delete pngserver

  • delete records

  • init

  • init backup

  • init import

  • init pull

  • init pullrange

  • init push

  • init replicate

  • init restore

  • init scavenge

  • init search

  • reset

  • reset statistics

  • set

  • set autopartnerconfig

  • set backuppath

  • set burstparam

  • set defaultparam

  • set logparam

  • set migrateflag

  • set namerecord

  • set periodicdbchecking

  • set pgmode

  • set pullparam

  • set pullpartnerconfig

  • set pushparam

  • set pushpartnerconfig

  • set replicateflag

  • set startversion

  • show

  • show browser

  • show database

  • show info

  • show name

  • show partner

  • show partnerproperties

  • show pullpartnerconfig

  • show pushpartnerconfig

  • show recbyversion

  • show reccount

  • show server

  • show serverstatistics

  • show version

  • show versionmap


Switches to the specified server context. Used without parameters, the local WINS server is assumed as the default.


server [{**\\**ServerName | IPAddress}]

  • **{ **\\ServerName| IPAddress}
    Specifies the remote (non-local) WINS server to which to switch the Netsh WINS command-line context. Identifies the server by server name or IP address.

In the first example, this command changes the Netsh context to the local WINS server.

In the second example, this command changes the Netsh context to a remote server named \\WINS-SRV1.

In the third example, this command changes the Netsh context to a remote server with IP address


server \\WINS-SRV1


Netsh WINS server

The following commands are available at the wins server> prompt, which is rooted within the netsh environment.

To view the command syntax, click a command:


add name

Adds a name record to the database on the specified WINS server.


add name [Name=]ComputerName [[EndChar=]16thCharInHex] [[Scope=]ScopeName] [[RecType=]{0 | 1}] [[Group=]{0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4}] [[Node=]{0 | 1 | 3}] [IP=]{IPAddress1[,IPAddress2,IPAddress3... ]}

  • [ Name=] ComputerName
    Required. Specifies the name to add and register in the WINS server database.
  • [ EndChar=] 16thCharInHex
    Indicates the 16th character of the name in hexadecimal. If unspecified, record types are added based on the value of Group=. For more information, see Remarks.
  • [ Scope=] ScopeName
    Specifies the name of the NetBIOS scope.
  • [ RecType=]{ 0| 1}
    Indicates the record type: 0-Static (default), 1-Dynamic.
  • [ Group=]{ 0| 1| 2| 3| 4}
    Indicates the group type: 0-Unique (default), 1-Group, 2-Internet 3-Multihomed, 4-Domain Name.
  • [ Node=]{ 0| 1| 3}
    Indicates the NetBIOS node type: 0-B Node, 1-P Node (default), 3-H Node.
  • **[ IP=] **{**IPAddress1[ **,IPAddress2,IPAddress3...] }
    Required. Specifies the IP address of the name record to add. If the computer is multihomed, more than one IP address can be specified. Use braces ({}) to enclose one or more IP addresses, and separate multiple IP addresses with commas.
  • If EndChar= and Group= are both used, EndChar= overrides Group=.

  • When EndChar= is not specified, the following record types are added to the WINS database based on the value of Group=:

    Group parameter value Record type added

    Unique group (0)

    03h, 20h, 00h

    Normal group (1)


    Special group/Internet (2)


    Multihomed group (3)

    03h, 20h, 00h

    Special group/domain (4)



In the first example, this command adds a default NetBIOS record set of the 00h, 03h, and 20h records for a computer named HOSTA with a mapped IP address of

In the second example, this command adds a 20h record for HOSTB, a multihomed computer with IP addresses and, on SUBNETA, with a static record type and P-Node configuration.

add name Name=HOSTA IP={}

add name HOSTB 20 SUBNETA 0 3 1{,}

add partner

Adds a replication partner to the list of replication partners on the specified WINS server.


add partner [Server=]IPAddress [[NetBIOS=]ServerNetBIOSName] [[Type=]{0 | 1 | 2}]

  • [ Server=] IPAddress
    Required. Specifies the replication partner to add to the WINS server. Identifies the partner server by IP address.
  • [ NetBIOS=] ServerNetBIOSName
    Specifies the replication partner to add to the WINS server. Identifies the partner server by NetBIOS name.
  • [ Type=]{ 0| 1| 2}
    Indicates the type of partner to add: 0-Pull, 1-Push, 2-Both (default).
  • If the IP address does not resolve, the NetBIOS name parameter is used to create the partner record. Otherwise, the NetBIOS parameter is not used.

In the following example, this command adds a push/pull replication partner with an IP address of to the current WINS server.

add partner

add pgserver

Adds a list of Persona Grata servers to the specified WINS server.


add pgserver [Servers=]{ListOfServerIPAddresses}

  • [ Servers=] {ListOfServerIPAddresses}
    Required. Specifies the Persona Grata server or servers to add. Identifies each server by its IP address, enclosed by braces ({}). If you provide a list, IP addresses must be separated by commas and enclosed by braces ({}).
  • This command adds the new server or servers after checking for duplicates. The Persona Grata (PG) list is used to specify owners (other WINS servers) whose records are to be accepted during replication.

In the following example, this command adds the WINS servers and to the Persona Grata list for the current WINS server.

add pgserver {,}

add pngserver

Adds a list of Persona Non Grata servers to the specified WINS server.


add pngserver [Servers=]{ListOfServerIPAddresses}

  • [ Servers=] {ListOfServerIPAddresses}
    Required. Specifies the Persona Non Grata server or servers to add. Identifies each server by its IP address, enclosed by braces ({}). If a you provide a list, IP addresses must be separated by commas and enclosed by braces ({}).
  • This command adds the new server or servers after checking for duplicates. The Persona Non Grata (PNG) list is used to specify owners (other WINS servers) whose records are to be blocked during replication.

In the following example, this command adds the WINS servers and to the Persona Non Grata list for the current WINS server.

add pngserver {,}


check database

Checks the consistency of the WINS database. Used without parameters, a consistency check is performed on all replicas whose verification interval has expired. The consistency check is not be performed immediately if overload conditions exist, but occurs after the configured verification interval period has passed.


check database [[All=]{1 | 0}] [[Force=]{1 | 0}]

  • [ All=]{ 1| 0}
    Indicates whether to perform a consistency check on all replicas or to perform a consistency check on the replicas whose verification interval has expired: 1-All, 0-Otherwise (default).
  • [ Force=]{ 1| 0}
    Indicates whether to override the WINS consistency check under overload conditions: 1-Override, 0-Otherwise (default).
  • It is a network and resource intensive operation to check all replicas for consistency.

  • Overload condition occurs when the consistency check command is repeated within a duration of one hour.


In the following example, this command does a consistency check for all replicas. If overload conditions exist, the consistency check is performed after the configured verification interval has passed.

check database 1

check name

Checks a list of name records against a specified set of WINS servers.


check name {**NameFile=**FileName | NameList={NamesList}} {**ServerFile=**FileName | ServerList={ListOfServerIPAddresses}}[InclPartner={Y | y}]

  • **{ **NameFile=FileName| NameList={NamesList}}
    Required. Specifies the file that contains the list of names to check or specifies a list of names to check. If you provide a list, names must be separated by commas and enclosed by braces ({}).
  • **{ **ServerFile=FileName| ServerList={ListOfServerIPAddresses}}
    Required. Specifies the file with the list of server IP addresses or specifies a list of the server IP addresses to check. If you provide a list, IP addresses must be separated by commas and enclosed by braces ({}).
  • ****InclPartner={ Y| y}
    Specifies that all partners will be included in the list of servers. Partners are not included by default.
  • Tags are required for this command. Whenever inconsistencies are found, repair is attempted.

  • The format for Name in both NameFile and NameList is Name*16thchar, where Name is the record name and 16thchar is the 16th character for the record.

  • In the file, name entries are separated by commas or carriage returns/line feeds.


In the first example, this command checks WINS data against the Names.txt and Servers.txt files, assuming those files to be located in the specified path location (the root of drive D).

In the second example, this command checks the names Name1 with 16th character 03, 00 and 20h respectively against the servers with IP addresses and

check name NameFile=D:\Names.txt ServerFile=D:\Servers.txt

check name NameList={Name1*03,Name1*00,Name1*20}ServerList={,}

check version

Checks the consistency of version ID numbers for WINS record owners in the WINS database.


check version [Server=]IPAddress [[File=]FileName]

  • [ Server=] IPAddress
    Required. Specifies the IP address of the start WINS server.
  • [ File=] FileName
    Specifies the file in which to store the index to IP address table. If omitted, check version creates the file Wins.rec in the current directory and stores the index to IP address table there.
  • If you provide an invalid file name, FileName is set to Wins.rec in the current directory.

  • You might need to increase the width of the command window to make it wide enough to view the table correctly.


In the following example, this command verifies the version number consistency of the records for a WINS server with the IP address at its replication partners.

check version


delete name

Deletes a registered name from the WINS server database.


delete name [Name=]RegisteredName [EndChar=]16thCharInHex [[Scope=]ScopeName]

  • [ Name=] RegisteredName
    Required. Specifies the registered name to be deleted.
  • [ EndChar=] 16thCharInHex
    Required. Indicates the 16th character of the name of the record to be deleted in hexadecimal.
  • [ Scope=] ScopeName
    Specifies the NetBIOS scope identifier for the record to be deleted.

In the following example, this command deletes the messenger (03h) records with the record name HOSTA from the WINS database.

delete name Name=HOSTA EndChar=03

delete owners

Deletes or tombstones a list of owners and their records from the database on the specified WINS server.


delete owners [Servers=]{ListOfServerIPAddresses}[[Op=]{0 | 1}]

  • [ Servers=] {ListOfServerIPAddresses}
    Required. Specifies a list of the owner servers with records to delete. Identifies the servers by IP addresses that must be separated by commas and enclosed by braces ({}).
  • [ Op=]{ 0| 1}
    Indicates your option: 0-Tombstone (default), 1-Delete.

In the following example, this command deletes all records owned by the WINS server with the IP address

delete owners Servers={} Op=1

delete partner

Deletes either all replication partners or a specified replication partner from the list of replication partners on the specified WINS server. When used without parameters, all replication partners are deleted from both the pull and the push partner lists without a confirmation prompt.


delete partner [[Server=]IPAddress] [[Type=]{0 | 1 | 2}] [[Confirm=]{Y | y}]

  • [ Server=] IPAddress
    Specifies the partner to delete. Identifies the partner by IP address.
  • [ Type=]{ 0| 1| 2}
    Indicates the type of partner list to delete: 0-Pull, 1-Push, 2-Both (default).
  • [ Confirm=]{ Y| y}
    Initiates and completes the operation without prompting for confirmation.

In the following example, this command deletes a push/pull type partner with an IP address of from the current WINS server without prompting for confirmation.

delete partner Server= Type=2 Confirm=Y

delete pgserver

Deletes all Persona Grata servers or specific Persona Grata servers from the list of Persona Grata servers on the specified WINS server.


delete pgserver [Servers=]{ListOfServerIPAddresses}

  • [ Servers=] {ListOfServerIPAddresses}
    Required. Specifies a list of Persona Grata servers to delete. Identifies Persona Grata servers by IP addresses separated by commas and enclosed by braces ({}).
  • The Persona Grata (PG) list specifies owners (other WINS servers) whose records are to be accepted during replication. If you use an empty set of braces ({}), delete pgserver deletes all of the servers on the PG server list.

In the following example, this command deletes the WINS servers and from the Persona Grata list for this WINS server.

delete pgserver Servers={,}

delete pngserver

Deletes all Persona Non Grata servers or specific Persona Non Grata servers from the list of Persona Non Grata servers on the specified WINS server.


delete pngserver [Servers=]{ListOfServerIPAddresses}

  • [ Servers=] {ListOfServerIPAddresses}
    Required. Specifies a list of Persona Non Grata servers to delete. Identifies Persona Non Grata servers by IP addresses separated by commas and enclosed by braces ({}).
  • The Persona Non Grata (PNG) list specifies owners (other WINS servers) whose records are to be blocked during replication. If you use an empty set of braces ({}), delete pngserver deletes all of the servers on the PNG server list.

In the following example, this command deletes the WINS servers and from the Persona Non Grata list for this WINS server.

delete pngserver Servers={,}

delete records

Deletes all records or a set of records from the current WINS server or marks records as tombstoned.


delete records [MinVer=]{High,Low} [MaxVer=]{High,Low} [[Op=]{0 | 1}]

  • [ MinVer=] {High,Low}
    Required. Specifies the minimum high and the minimum low record versions from which to begin deletion. High and low values are separated by a comma and enclosed by braces ({}).
  • [ MaxVer=] {High,Low}
    Required. Specifies the maximum high and maximum low record versions at which to end deletion. High and low values are separated by a comma and enclosed by braces ({}).
  • [ Op=]{ 0| 1}
    Indicates your option: 0-Delete (default), 1-Tombstone.
  • If you set both MinVer= and MaxVer= to {0,0}, delete records deletes all records.

In the first example, this command marks all records on the WINS server as tombstoned.

In the second example, this command deletes all records between and including 2de2d and 2de3f.

delete records MinVer={0,0} MaxVer={0,0} Op=1

delete records MinVer={0,2de2d} MaxVer={0,2de3f}


init backup

Initiates backup of the WINS database to a specified directory. Used without parameters, this command provides a full backup to the default backup path that is currently set.


init backup [[Dir=]BackupDir] [[Type=]{0 | 1}]

  • [ Dir=] BackupDir
    Specifies the directory in which backups are stored. If unspecified, the default backup path that is currently set is used.
  • [ Type=]{ 0| 1}
    Indicates the type of backup: 0-Full backup (default), 1-Incremental backup.
  • WINS backup can only be used for a local backup on the same server. Backup of remote WINS servers is not supported.

  • Backup files will automatically be created under the wins_bak subdirectory of the Dir= directory.


In the following example, this command initiates a full backup of the WINS database on the local WINS server to the folder C:\WINSfiles\wins_bak. WINS will create the wins_bak subdirectory.

init backup Dir=C:\WINSfiles Type=0

init import

Initiates the import of static mappings from an Lmhosts file.


init import [File=]ImportFile

  • [ File=] ImportFile
    Required. Specifies the Lmhosts-formatted text file used for importing static mappings into the WINS database.

In the following example, this command imports the static mappings of the Fixedip.sam file, located at the C:\WINSfiles path, as new static mappings in the local WINS database.

init import File=C:\WINSfiles\Fixedip.sam

init pull

Initiates and sends a pull trigger to another WINS server.


init pull [Server=]{PullServerName | IPAddress}

  • **[ Server=]{ **\\PullServerName| IPAddress}
    Required. Specifies the WINS server to which to send a pull trigger. Identifies the server by server name or IP address.
  • If you provide a server name that cannot be resolved to an IP address, the operation fails.

In the following example, this command initiates and sends a pull trigger to WINS server

init pull Server=

init pullrange

Initiates and pulls a range of records from another WINS server.


init pullrange [Owner=]OwnerServerIP [Server=]PullServerIP [MaxVer=]{High,Low} [MinVer=]{High,Low}

  • [ Owner=] OwnerServerIP
    Required. Specifies the WINS server with records to be pulled. Identifies the server by IP address.
  • [ Server=] PullServerIP
    Required. Specifies the WINS server that pulls the range of records. Identifies the server by IP address.
  • [ MaxVer=] {High,Low}
    Required. Specifies the maximum high and the maximum low version number of the records to be pulled. High and low values are separated by a comma and enclosed by braces ({}).
  • [ MinVer=] {High,Low}
    Required. Specifies the minimum high and the minimum low version number of the records to be pulled. High and low values are separated by a comma and enclosed by braces ({}).
  • If you set both MaxVer= and MinVer= to {0,0}, init pullrange pulls the entire range of records.

In the following example, this command initiates and sends a pull trigger to WINS server for all records owned by WINS server

init pullrange Owner= Server= MaxVer={0,0} MinVer={0,0}

init push

Initiates and sends a push trigger to another WINS server.


init push [Server=]{**\\**PushServerName | IPAddress} [[PropReq=]{0 | 1}]

  • **[ Server=]{ **\\PushServerName| IPAddress}
    Required. Specifies the WINS server to which to send a push trigger. Identifies the server by name or IP address.
  • [ PropReq=]{ 0| 1}
    Indicates your propagation request: 0-Push to the specified server only (default), 1-Have server propagate the push trigger to all of its partners.
  • If you provide a server name that cannot be resolved to an IP address, the operation fails.

In the following example, this command initiates and sends a push trigger to WINS server and has it propagate the trigger to all of its replication partners.

init push Server= PropReq=1

init replicate

Initiates and forces an immediate replication of the database with replication partners.


init replicate



  • This command initiates push/pull replication with all replication partners for this server.

init restore

Initiates the restoration of the WINS database from a directory and file at the specified WINS server.


init restore [Dir=]RestoreDir

  • [ Dir=] RestoreDir
    Required. Specifies the directory from which to restore files.
  • WINS backups can only be restored locally on the same server. You cannot restore the WINS database from a remote computer.

  • Dir= should contain a subdirectory wins_bak, which will contain the database file, but this subdirectory should not be included in the Dir= parameter.


In the following example, this command restores the WINS database from the backup database file location of C:\WINSfiles.

init restore Dir=C:\WINSfiles

init scavenge

Initiates the scavenging of the WINS database for the specified WINS server.


init scavenge



  • This command removes outdated information from the WINS database.

Initiates a search for the specified record name in the WINS database.


init search [Name=]RecordName [[EndChar=]EndCharacter] [[Case=]{0 | 1}] [[File=]FileName]

  • [ Name=] RecordName
    Required. Specifies the name of the record for which to search.
  • [ EndChar=] EndCharacter
    Indicates the 16th character of the NetBIOS name record. If unspecified, the search returns all records that match the string that you entered as a value for Name=. For more information, see Remarks.
  • [ Case=]{ 0| 1}
    Indicates name case preference: 0-Ignore name case (default), 1-Use name case.
  • [ File=] FileName
    Specifies the file in which to store ASCII plain text output. If unspecified, output is displayed in the command prompt window.
  • If you do not supply a value for EndChar=, the search returns all records that match the string that is entered as a value for Name=. For example, if the database contains a record named MYPC-1, a search that uses MYPC as the value of the name parameter returns all records starting with this name pattern, regardless of record type:

    Record Name Record Type







    If you specify a value for EndChar=, only records that match the record name and record type are returned. For example, if the value for Name= is MYPC and the value for EndChar is 00, the following search results return:

    Record Name Record Type




In the following example, this command searches for records named dc1 with an end character of 1c, ignores name case, and outputs the information to the names.txt file located in C:\WINSfiles.

init search Name=dc1 EndChar=1c Case=0 File=C:\WINSfiles \names.txt


reset statistics

Resets the statistics for the local WINS server.


reset statistics




set autopartnerconfig

Sets the automatic replication partner configuration information for the server. Used without parameters, automatic partner configuration is reset (disabled).


set autopartnerconfig [[State=]{0 | 1}] [[Interval=]Value] [[TTL=]Value]

  • [ State=]{ 0| 1}
    Indicates the automatic replication partner configuration information setting: 0-Reset (default), 1-Set.
  • [ Interval=] Value
    Specifies the multicast interval value, in seconds.
  • [ TTL=] Value
    Specifies the Time-To-Live value for multicast datagrams between partner WINS servers. The TTL value must be within the range of 1 to 32.

In the following example, this command sets the automatic configuration information for this WINS server for a multicast interval of 3,600 seconds and a Time to Live (TTL) value of 20.

set autopartnerconfig State=0 Interval=3600 TTL=20

set backuppath

Sets the backup parameters for the specified WINS server.


set backuppath [Dir=]NewPath [[Shutdown=]{0 | 1}]

  • [ Dir=] NewPath
    Required. Specifies the backup path for the server database. If unspecified, the default path is C:\.
  • [ Shutdown=]{ 0| 1}
    Indicates the setting for backup during shutdown: 0-Disable backup of the WINS database during shutdown (default), 1-Enable backup of the WINS database during shutdown.

In the following example, this command sets the WINS server to automatically back up the WINS database to C:\WINSfiles each time that the server is shut down.

set backuppath Dir=C:\WINSfiles Shutdown=1

set burstparam

Sets burst handling parameters for the specified WINS server.


set burstparam [State=]{0 | 1} [[Value=]QueueSize]

  • [ State=]{ 0| 1}
    Required. Indicates the setting for burst handling: 0-Reset or disable burst handling for the WINS server, 1-Set or enable burst handling for the WINS server.
  • [ Value=] QueueSize
    Specifies the value of the burst queue size. The queue size must be within the range of 50 to 5,000.

In the following example, this command sets the size of the burst queue to permit 1,000 client registration and renewal requests before the WINS server uses burst handling.

set burstparam State=1 Value=1000

set defaultparam

Sets the default parameters for WINS server configuration.


set defaultparam



  • This command sets all the configuration parameters for the WINS server to their default values. It is recommended that you run this command after WINS service installation to configure the server with default parameter settings.

set logparam

Sets or resets database and detailed event logging parameters. Used without parameters, the current values are maintained.


set logparam [[DBChange=]{0 | 1}] [[Event=]{0 | 1}]

  • [ DBChange=]{ 0| 1}
    Indicates whether you want to log database changes: 1-Enable logging of database changes to JET log files (default), 0-Reset this option.
  • [ Event=]{ 0| 1}
    Indicates the detail of events: 1-Log detailed events to the system event log , 0-Reset this option (default).
  • The WINS database engine can log the database changes to separate files. Because this option improves the performance of database operations, it is turned on by default.

  • The WINS server can log detailed event information in the system event log. Because this option is resource-intensive, it is turned off by default.


In the following example, this command sets logging parameters for this WINS server to enable the logging of database changes to JET files and to log detailed events to the system event log.

set logparam Event=1

set migrateflag

Sets the migration flag for the specified WINS server.


set migrateflag [State=]{0 | 1}

  • [ State=]{ 0| 1}
    Required. Indicates the setting of the migrate flag: 0-Disable (migrate off), 1-Enable (migrate on)
  • The migrate flag determines if unique static mappings can be overwritten by dynamic records.

In the following example, this command sets the migrate flag to permit the overwriting of unique static mappings by dynamic records for the specified WINS server.

set migrateflag State=1

set namerecord

Sets the intervals that are used to determine when WINS name records are renewed, deleted, and verified at the specified WINS server. Used without parameters, current values are maintained.


set namerecord [[Renew=]Value] [[Extinction=]Value] [[ExTimeout=]Value] [[Verification=]Value]

  • [ Renew=] Value
    Specifies the interval renewal rate, in seconds.
  • [ Extinction=] Value
    Specifies the extinction interval, in seconds.
  • [ ExTimeout=] Value
    Specifies the extinction time-out, in seconds.
  • [ Verification=] Value
    Specifies the verification interval, in seconds.
  • All parameters are optional. For parameters not used, previously set or default values are maintained.

In the following example, this command sets each of the values for name records on this WINS server.

set namerecord Renew=3600 Extinction=7200 ExTimeout=86400 Verification=2073600

set periodicdbchecking

Sets the periodic database consistency checking parameters for the specified WINS server. Used without parameters, current values are maintained.


set periodicdbchecking [[State=]{0 | 1}] [[MaxRec=]Value] [[CheckAgainst=]{0 | 1}] [[CheckEvery=]Value] [[Start=]Value]

  • [ State=]{ 0| 1}
    Required. Indicates whether to check the state of the WINS database: 0-Disable, 1-Enable(default). If you set the value of this parameter to 0, all checks are disabled regardless of the values of other parameters.
  • [ MaxRec=] Value
    Specifies the maximum number of records that are checked each period. If unspecified, the default is 30,000.
  • [ CheckAgainst=]{ 0| 1}
    Indicates the server to check against: 0-Owner server (default), 1-Randomly selected server.
  • [ CheckEvery=] Value
    Specifies how often the WINS database should be checked for consistency, in hours. If unspecified, the default is 24 hours.
  • [ Start=] Value
    Specifies the time, in seconds, at which to start the consistency check.
  • In order to set periodic consistency check intervals, it is recommended that you specify values for the CheckEvery and Start parameters. In order to adjust existing periodic consistency check settings, specify values only for State and the parameter or parameters that you want to change. Parameters for which you do not supply a value remain unchanged.

In the following example, this command checks the WINS database against a random replication partner every hour starting at 3,600 seconds.

set periodicdbchecking State=1 MaxRec=1000 CheckAgainst=1 CheckEvery=1 Start=3600

set pgmode

Sets the Persona Grata mode or the Persona Non Grata mode.


set pgmode [Mode=]{0 | 1}

  • [ Mode=]{ 0| 1}
    Required. Specifies which mode to set: 0-Sets the Persona Non Grata (PNG) mode, 1-Sets the Persona Grata (PG) mode.
  • Use the add pgserver and the delete pgserver commands to update the Persona Grata list.

In the following example, this command sets the Persona Grata mode. During replication, WINS will accept only the records that are owned by the servers that are specified in the Persona Grata list.

set pgmode Mode=1

set pullparam

Sets the default pull partner parameters for the specified WINS server. Used without parameters, previously set or default values are maintained.


set pullparam [[State=]{0 | 1}] [[Strtup=]{0 | 1}] [[Start=]Value] [[Interval=]Value] [[Retry=]Value]

  • [ State=]{ 0| 1}
    Required. Indicates whether you want persistent connections to be used with pull partners: 0-Do not use persistent connections with pull partners, 1-Use persistent connections with pull partners.
  • [ Strtup=]{ 0| 1}
    Indicates whether pull replication should start at startup: 0-Do not start pull replication at startup (default), 1-Start pull replication at startup.
  • [ Start=] Value
    Specifies the start time for the pull trigger, in seconds.
  • [ Interval=] Value
    Specifies the replication interval, in seconds.
  • [ Retry=] Value
    Specifies the number of times to retry replication.
  • If you do not specify a value for Interval=, only one replication occurs.

  • If you do not specify a value for Start=, execution of the command starts the pull trigger.


In the following example, this command sets the default pull partner parameters for this WINS server to use a persistent connection with its pull partners, begin replication at startup, start the pull trigger in 23,600 seconds at an interval of 259,200 seconds, and retry replication seven times.

set pullparam State=1 Strtup=1 Start=23600 Interval=259200 Retry=7

set pullpartnerconfig

Sets the configuration parameters for the specified pull partner.


set pullpartnerconfig [[State=]{0 | 1}] [Server=]ServerName [[Start=]Value] [[Interval=]Value]

  • [ State=]{ 0| 1}
    Indicates the state of the persistent connection flag: 0-Disable, 1-Enable (default).
  • [ Server=] ServerName
    Required. Specifies the pull replication partner by server name or IP address.
  • [ Start=] Value
    Specifies the start time for replication, in seconds.
  • [ Interval=] Value
    Specifies the interval between pull replications, in seconds.
  • If you provide a server name for Server= that cannot be resolved to an IP address, the function fails.

In the following example, this command sets the pull partner configuration for the current WINS server for the partner WINS server Pull replication starts in 3,600 seconds and runs every 4,320 seconds.

set pullpartnerconfig State=1 Server= Start=3600 Interval=4320

set pushparam

Sets the default push partner parameters for the specified WINS server.


set pushparam [State=]{0 | 1} [[Strtup=]{0 | 1}] [[AddChange=]{0 | 1}] [[Update=]Value]

  • [ State=]{ 0| 1}
    Required. Indicates whether you want persistent connections to be used with push partners: 0-Do not use persistent connections with push partners, 1-Use persistent connections with push partners.
  • [ Strtup=]{ 0| 1}
    Indicates whether you want push replication to start at startup: 0-Do not start push replication at startup (default), 1-Start push replication at startup.
  • [ AddChange=]{ 0| 1}
    Indicates whether you want replication to be triggered upon address change: 0-Do not trigger replication upon address change (default), 1-Trigger replication upon address change.
  • [ Update=] Value
    Specifies the number of changes in version ID that will occur before replication.

In the following example, this command sets the default push partner parameters for this WINS server to use persistent connections with its push partners, start push replication at startup and when addresses change, and push to partners after the version ID has been updated twice for records owned at this WINS server.

set pushparam State=1 Strtup=1 AddChange=1 Update=2

set pushpartnerconfig

Sets the configuration parameters for the specified push partner.


set pushpartnerconfig [[State=]{0 | 1}] [Server=]**\\**ServerName [Update=]Value

  • [ State=]{ 0| 1}
    Indicates the state of the persistent connection flag: 0-Disable, 1-Enable (default).
  • **[ Server=] **\\ServerName
    Required. Specifies the push partner server for which you want to set configuration parameters. Identifies the server by server name or IP address.
  • [ Update=] Value
    Required. Specifies the threshold for updates.
  • If you provide a name in the server parameter cannot be resolved to an IP address, the function fails.

In the following example, this command sets the push partner configuration for the current WINS server for a partner WINS server with IP address and sets two as the limit of changes in version ID allowed before push partners are informed about them.

set pushpartnerconfig State=1 Server= Update=2

set replicateflag

Sets the replication flag for the specified WINS server.


set replicateflag [State=]{0 | 1}

  • [ State=]{ 0| 1}
    Required. Indicates the setting of the replication flag: 0-Disable (replication flag off), 1-Enable (replication flag on).

In the following example, this command enables the replication flag for this server.

set replicateflag State=1

set startversion

Sets the value of the beginning (start) version ID number for the database.


set startversion [Version=]{High,Low}

  • [ Version=] {High,Low}
    Required. Specifies the start version ID number for the WINS database. High and low values are separated by a comma and enclosed by braces ({}).

In the following example, this command sets the beginning version ID number for the WINS database to 0.

set startversion Version={0,0}


show browser

Displays all active domain master browser [1Bh] records for the specified WINS server.


show browser



show database

Displays the database and records for a partial or complete list of specified owner servers.


show database [Servers=]{IPAddresses} [[RecType=]{0 | 1 | 2}] [[Count=]Count] [[Start=]{0 | 1}] [[EndChar=]16thCharInHex] [[File=]FileName]

  • [ Servers=] {IPAddresses}
    Required. Specifies a list of the owner servers whose records are to be displayed. Identifies owner servers by IP addresses, which must be separated by commas and enclosed in braces ({}).
  • [ RecType=]{ 0| 1| 2}
    Indicates the type of record: 0-Both (default), 1-Static, 2-Dynamic.
  • [ Count=] Count
    Specifies the number of records that you want to display. If unspecified, all records that match the query parameters are be returned.
  • [ Start=]{ 0| 1}
    Indicates where to start sorting the display: 0-Start from the beginning of the database (default), 1-Start from the end of the database.
  • [ EndChar=] 16thCharInHex
    Indicates the 16th character of the records, in hexadecimal. This number filters the records that are retrieved from the database. If unspecified, all record types are returned.
  • [ File=] FileName
    Specifies the file in which formatted output is stored. If unspecified, output is displayed in the command prompt window.
  • If you specify an empty set ({}) for Servers=, show database records are displayed for all owner servers.

In the following example, this command outputs the first 1000 dynamic records in the WINS database for the server to the text file output.txt.

show database Servers={} RecType=2 Count=1000 Start=0 Endchar=0 File=C:\WINSfiles\output.txt

show info

Displays configuration information for the specified WINS server.


show info



  • If set, this command displays the following WINS configuration information for the current server:

    • Backup path

    • Name record setting

    • Periodic database consistency checking

    • Burst handling

    • Logging parameters

    • Start version count

show name

Queries and displays detailed information for a specified record in the current WINS server database.


show name [Name=]RecordName [EndChar=]16thCharInHex [[Scope=]ScopeName]

  • [ Name=] RecordName
    Required. Specifies the record for which to query.
  • [ EndChar=] 16thCharInHex
    Required for all queries except unique type records. Indicates the 16th character in hexadecimal.
  • [ Scope=] ScopeName]
    Specifies the NetBIOS scope, if used.

In the following example, this command shows currently stored information for name record HOSTA, of File Server type, [20h] that exists in the WINS database on the specified WINS server.

show name Name=HOSTA EndChar=20

show partner

Displays all pull partners, push partners, or pull and push partners for the specified WINS server. When used without parameters, this command displays all push partners, pull partners, and push/pull partners for the specified WINS server.


show partner [[Type=]{0 | 1 | 2 | 3}]

  • [ Type=]{ 0| 1| 2| 3}
    Indicates the type of partner to display: 0-All (default), 1-Pull, 2-Push, 3-Both push and pull.

In the following example, this command displays the server name, IP address, and replication type of each replication partner for this WINS server.

show partner

show partnerproperties

Displays default partner configuration information for the specified WINS server.


show partnerproperties



  • This command displays the auto partner configuration and default push/pull parameters for the current WINS server.

show pullpartnerconfig

Displays configuration information for a pull partner.


show pullpartnerconfig [Server=]{Name | IPAddress}

  • [ Server=]{ Name| IPAddress}
    Required. Specifies the pull partner for which you want to display configuration information. Identifies the partner by name or IP address.
  • If you provide a name that cannot be resolved to an IP address, the function fails.

In the following example, this command displays the pull partner configuration information for WINS server

show pullpartnerconfig Server=

show pushpartnerconfig

Displays configuration information for a push partner.


show pushpartnerconfig [Server=]{Name | IPAddress}

  • [ Server=]{ Name| IPAddress}
    Required. Specifies the push partner for which you want to display configuration information. Identifies the push partner by name or IP address.
  • If you provide a name that cannot be resolved to an IP address, the function fails.

In the following example, this command displays the push partner configuration information for WINS server

show pushpartnerconfig Server=

show recbyversion

Displays a set of records for an owner, specified as a range of version IDs, and sorts the records by version.


show recbyversion [Server=]IPAddress [MaxVer=]{High,Low} [MinVer=]{High,Low} [[Name=]RecordName] [[EndChar=]16thChar] [Case=]{0 | 1}

  • [ Server=] IPAddress
    Required. Specifies the owner server for which you want to display a set of records. Identifies the server by IP address.
  • [ MaxVer=] {High,Low}
    Required. Specifies the range of records to return by the maximum high and the maximum low version number. High and low values are separated by a comma and enclosed by braces ({}).
  • [ MinVer=] {High,Low}
    Required. Specifies the range of records to return by minimum high and the minimum low version number. High and low values are separated by a comma and enclosed by braces ({}).
  • [ Name=] RecordName
    Specifies the records for which to look.
  • [ EndChar=] 16thChar
    Indicates the character for which to look, in hexadecimal.
  • [ Case=]{ 0| 1}
    Indicates whether to create a case-sensitive comparison: 0-Ignore case (default), 1-Create a case-sensitive comparison.
  • If Name= is not specified, EndChar= and Case= are ignored.

  • If you set both MinVer= and MaxVer= to {0,0}, show recbyversion displays the entire range of records.


In the following example, this command displays the total number of records (by record version) owned by WINS server

show recbyversion Server= MaxVer={0,0} MinVer={0,0} Name=dc1 EndChar=1c Case=0

show reccount

Displays the number of records owned by a specific WINS server.


show reccount [Server=]IPAddress [MaxVer=]{High,Low} [MinVer=]{High,Low}

  • [ Server=] IPAddress
    Required. Specifies the owner server for which you want to display the number of records. Identifies the server by IP address.
  • [ MaxVer=] {High,Low}
    Required. Specifies the maximum high and the maximum low version of records to show. High and low values are separated by a comma and enclosed by braces ({}).
  • [ MinVer=] {High,Low}
    Required. Specifies the minimum high and the minimum low version of records to show. High and low values are separated by a comma and enclosed by braces ({}).
  • If you set both MinVer= and MaxVer= to {0,0}, show reccount counts the entire range of records.

In the following example, this command shows the total record count for WINS server

show reccount Server= MaxVer={0,0} MinVer={0,0}

show server

Displays information for the specified WINS server.


show server



  • This command displays the name and IP address of the specified WINS server.

show serverstatistics

Displays statistics for the specified WINS server.


show statistics



show version

Displays the current maximum version counter value for the specified WINS server.


show version



show versionmap

Displays the owner ID to maximum version number mappings table for the specified WINS server.


show versionmap



Formatting legend

Format Meaning


Information that the user must supply


Elements that the user must type exactly as shown

Ellipsis (...)

Parameter that can be repeated several times in a command line

Between brackets ([])

Optional items

Between braces ({}); choices separated by pipe (|). Example: {even|odd}

Set of choices from which the user must choose only one

Courier font

Code or program output

See Also


Netsh commands for AAAA
Netsh commands for DHCP
Netsh diagnostic (diag) commands
Netsh commands for Interface IP
Netsh commands for remote access (ras)
Command-line reference A-Z
Command shell overview