Dela via

Display Filter dialog box

Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 with SP2

Display Filter dialog box

Use this dialog box to limit your display to frames that have the properties that you specify. For example, you can specify the protocols, computer addresses, and protocol properties that you want to display in the Frame Viewer Window. The following controls help you to make changes to the display filter decision tree.

  • Protocol ==

    The decision tree branch that lists the protocols that you want to display. By default, this branch is set to Protocol == Any. To modify the protocol list, double-click the branch to open the Expression dialog box: Protocol tab.

  • address **<->**address

    The decision tree branch that lists the computer address pairs that you want to display. By default, this branch is set to Any <-> Any. To modify the address pairs list, double-click the branch to open the Expression dialog box: Address tab. You must specify the local computer as the data source or destination.

  • Add

    Decision tree criteria.

    • Expression

      Click to open the Expression dialog box, which enables you to specify the computer address pairs, protocols, and protocol properties that you want to display.

  • Insert

    Logical operators for the decision tree. You can use as many as 4,000 decision tree operators.

    • AND

      Click to add an AND branch to the currently selected branch of the decision tree.

    • OR

      Click to add an OR branch to the decision tree.

    • NOT

      Click to add a NOT branch to the decision tree or to negate a branch of the tree.

  • Edit Expression (Change Operator)

    If you select an expression in the decision tree, the label on the button in this group is Edit Expression. Click this button to open the Expression dialog box, which you can use to edit the selected data.

    If you select a logical operator in the decision tree, the label on the button in this group is Change Operator. Click this button to cycle through the logical operators for the selected line.

  • Delete

    Decision criteria that you want to delete from the tree.

    • Line

      Click to delete the selected line in the decision tree.

    • Branch

      Click to delete the currently selected branch in the decision tree.

    • All

      Click to delete the entire decision tree.

  • Load

    Click to open the Open dialog box, which you can use to replace the current display filter with a display filter that has previously been saved to a file.

  • Save

    Click to open the Save Display Filter dialog box, which you can use to save the current display filter as a file (.df). To open this display filter again later, you can click the Load button to open the file.

See Also


Design a display filter
Save a capture filter
Save a display filter
Load a display filter
Filtering data