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Installing the Windows ADK

Applies To: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2

You can install the Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (Windows ADK) directly from the Internet. You can also download the installer and copy it to an offline computer. An offline computer is any computer that does not have Internet access. The offline computer can be on a private network or can be a non-networked computer.

Download Image Download and install the Windows ADK.

Review the list of supported operating systems that you can install the Windows ADK to in the Windows ADK Supported Platforms.

For the latest information about changes, see Windows ADK Release Notes.

For command line syntax, see ADKSetup Command Line Syntax

Installing the Windows ADK from the Internet

You can run the Windows ADK Setup program directly from the Internet by using either the graphical user interface (GUI) or the command line.

Make sure that your computer remains connected to the Internet while ADK Setup is running. ADK Setup downloads installation packages from the Internet while it runs. The time required to complete ADK Setup varies depending on the bandwidth of your Internet connection, the performance of your computer, and the Windows ADK features that you decide to install.

To install the Windows ADK from the Internet by using the GUI

  1. Run ADK Setup from this Microsoft website.

  2. Select Install the Assessment and Deployment Kit to this computer.

  3. In the Install Path box, specify the location where you want to install the Windows ADKfeatures, and then click Next.

  4. If prompted, select whether you want to participate in the Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP), and then click Next.

  5. To continue with Windows ADK Setup, you must accept the terms of the license agreement. To accept the terms of the license agreement, click Accept.

  6. Select the Windows ADK features that you want to install, and then click Install.

To install the Windows ADK from the Internet by using the command line

  1. Copy the Adksetup.exe file from this Microsoft website to your computer.

  2. Open a Command Prompt window by right-clicking and then selecting Run as administrator.

  3. In the Command Prompt window, change directory to the directory that contains your copy of the Adksetup.exe file.

    For example, if you copied the file to the Downloads directory for your user account:

    cd %userprofile%\downloads
  4. Run the following command:

    adksetup /quiet /installpath <path> /features <featureID1><featureID2>

    For <path>, specify the location where you want to install the Windows ADK features.

    To see a list of possible <featureID> values, run the adksetup /list command. To install all of the available Windows ADK features, use the /features + option instead of specifying the individual feature identifiers.

See Also


ADKSetup Command Line Syntax
Download Windows ADK to an offline PC
Supported Platforms for the Windows ADK
What's New in the Windows ADK for Windows 8.1