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Removing Windows® XP Embedded Service Pack 2 Feature Pack 2007

You can remove Windows® XP Embedded Service Pack 2 Feature Pack 2007 by deleting the FP 2007 components and the repository from the existing database.

To remove FP 2007

  1. Close all Windows XP Embedded tools.

  2. Start Component Database Manager.

    If Component Database Manager does not start in Exclusive Mode, a Windows XP Embedded tool is still open and has a connection to the database. Locate the open tool and close it.

  3. Choose the Package tab.

  4. In the Available packages list, choose the Windows XP Embedded Client (x86) Feature Pack 2007 Package (Version 5.1.2600.xxxx, Ryyyy) package.

  5. Choose Delete Package, and then choose Yes.

  6. Close Component Database Manager.

  7. Open Windows Explorer, and navigate to the $:\Windows Embedded Data folder. Open the Repositories folder.

  8. Delete the following folders:



**Note   **You can permanently delete the folders, instead of sending them to the Recycle Bin, by holding down the Shift key while you delete.

If you previously backed up your Windows XP Embedded with Service Pack 2 component database, you can also remove FP 2007 by restoring your component database, and then following steps 7-8.

Note   You may be prompted to uninstall FP 2007 again, even after you follow these steps. If this occurs, choose OK to close the dialog box and continue with the FP 2007 installation.

See Also

How to Install Windows XP Embedded Feature Pack 2007 | Backing Up the Component Database | Backing Up the Repository | Restoring the Component Database from Backup | Restoring the Repository from Backup

Last updated on Wednesday, October 18, 2006

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