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Hologram XML

The hologram XML structure contains information about an object in the connector space.

You can obtain information about an object in the connector space whenever you preview a connector space object and save the results, run the CsExport tool, or access the MIIS_CSObject Class through Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). The hologram is a sub-element in both the preview output and the CsExport output. For information about saving an object through preview and the CsExport tool, search online for "MIIS CsExport tool".

The following example shows the XML structure of a hologram at a high level.

<entry dn="cn=Smith\, John,cn=Recipients,ou=fabrikam">
    <anchor encoding="base64">EgAAAFUASwAwADAANQA3ADMAMwA5AA==</anchor>
    <attr name="company" type="string" multivalued="false">
        <value>Fabrikam plc</value>

See Also


MIIS_CSObject Class


XML Reference
Forefront Identity Manager Synchronization Service Reference