Dela via


Applies the opacity mask described by the specified bitmap to a brush and uses that brush to paint a region of the render target.

void FillOpacityMask(
   CD2DBitmap* pOpacityMask,
   CD2DBrush* pBrush,
   const CD2DRectF& rectDest,
   const CD2DRectF& rectSrc


  • pOpacityMask
    The position and radius, in device-independent pixels, of the ellipse to paint.

  • pBrush
    The brush used to paint the region of the render target specified by destinationRectangle.

  • content
    The type of content the opacity mask contains. The value is used to determine the color space in which the opacity mask is blended.

  • rectDest
    The region of the render target to paint, in device-independent pixels.

  • rectSrc
    The region of the bitmap to use as the opacity mask, in device-independent pixels.


Header: afxrendertarget.h

See Also


CRenderTarget Class