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Microsoft.Office.Tools.Outlook Namespace

The Microsoft.Office.Tools.Outlook namespace contains a set of classes and interfaces that enable you to create form regions that customize Microsoft Office Outlook forms.

Form regions are represented by the FormRegionBase and ImportedFormRegionBase classes. When you add an Outlook Form Region item to an Outlook add-in project, Visual Studio adds a class to the project that inherits from one of these two classes.

If you import a form region into an Outlook add-in project by using the New Outlook Form Region wizard, Visual Studio creates a form region class that inherits from ImportedFormRegionBase.

If you select Design a new form region on the first page of the New Outlook Form Region wizard, Visual Studio adds a form region class that inherits from FormRegionBase.

In both cases, Visual Studio adds a form region factory class to the project that implements the IFormRegionFactory interface. The form region factory class is responsible for creating new instances of the form region.

The Microsoft.Office.Tools.Outlook namespace also contains classes and attributes that represent the type of form region, the unique name of the form region, the properties that define how the form region appears in Outlook, and the message class names of Outlook items with which the form region is associated.


  Class Description
Public class ControlNotFoundException Represents errors that occur when a control is not found in the Microsoft.Vbe.Interop.Forms.UserForm of an imported form region.
Public class FormRegionBase Represents an Outlook form region that is based on a user control.
Public class FormRegionCollectionBase Provides access to IFormRegion objects in an Outlook add-in project.
Public class FormRegionMessageClassAttribute Represents an attribute that specifies the name of a Microsoft Office Outlook message class to associate with the form region.
Public class FormRegionNameAttribute Represents the name that uniquely identifies a form region across all Outlook add-ins.
Public class FormRegionStorageNullException Represents an error that occurs when the GetFormRegionStorage method of the form region factory class returns nulla null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).
Public class ImportedFormRegionBase Represents an Outlook form region that is based on a user control.
Public class InvalidMessageClassException Represents errors that occur when a specified message class name is not valid.
Public class OutlookAddInBase Provides the base class for the ThisAddIn class in Outlook add-ins that you create by using Visual Studio.


  Interface Description
Public interface Factory Provides methods you can use to perform miscellaneous tasks in an Outlook add-in, such as creating form region controls, form region manifest objects, and custom actions.
Public interface FormRegionControl Represents an Outlook form region that is based on a user control.
Public interface FormRegionCustomAction Represents a custom action that appears in the Custom Actions group on the Ribbon of an Outlook item.
Public interface FormRegionCustomActionCollection Represents a collection of FormRegionCustomAction objects.
Public interface FormRegionFactoryResolveEventArgs Provides data for the FormRegionFactoryResolve event of an OutlookAddIn.
Public interface FormRegionInitializingEventArgs Provides data for the FormRegionInitializing event of the form region factory class.
Public interface FormRegionManifest Represents a form region manifest that describes how the form region appears in Outlook.
Public interface FormRegionManifestIcons Represents a collection of icons that appear for separate, replace, and replace-all form regions.
Public interface IFormRegion Defines an interface that exposes methods that are used by the events of the form region.
Public interface IFormRegionFactory Defines an interface that creates instances of classes that implement IFormRegion.
Public interface IImportedFormRegionExtension Represents an extension of a ImportedFormRegion object.
Public interface ImportedFormRegion Represents a Microsoft Office Outlook form region that is based on an Outlook Form Storage (*.ofs) file.
Public interface OutlookAddIn Defines the core functionality of Outlook add-ins that you create by using the Office development tools in Visual Studio.


  Delegate Description
Public delegate FormRegionFactoryResolveEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the FormRegionFactoryResolve event of an OutlookAddIn.
Public delegate FormRegionInitializingEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the FormRegionInitializing event of the form region.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration FormRegionCustomActionAddressLike Specifies how to address the target item that appears when the user executes the custom action.
Public enumeration FormRegionCustomActionBody Specifies how the Message or Notes field of an Outlook item is included to the reply that appears when the user executes the custom action.
Public enumeration FormRegionCustomActionMethod Specifies how to respond when the user executes the custom action.
Public enumeration FormRegionKindConstants Contains constants that specify whether the form region that a form region factory creates is based on a user control or an Outlook Form Storage (.ofs) file.
Public enumeration FormRegionType Specifies the way the form region appears in Microsoft Office Outlook.

See Also


Other Resources

Creating Outlook Form Regions

Accessing a Form Region at Run Time

Guidelines for Creating Outlook Form Regions

Walkthrough: Designing an Outlook Form Region

How to: Add a Form Region to an Outlook Add-in Project

Custom Actions in Outlook Form Regions

Associating a Form Region with an Outlook Message Class

Walkthrough: Importing a Form Region That Is Designed in Outlook

How to: Prevent Outlook from Displaying a Form Region

How to: Access the Outlook Item that Displays the Form Region