Dela via

SupportedFeatures Enumeration

Enum which has the features supported by either the client or server

This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.

Namespace:  Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Common
Assembly:  Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Common (in Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Common.dll)


<FlagsAttribute> _
Public Enumeration SupportedFeatures
public enum SupportedFeatures
public enum class SupportedFeatures
type SupportedFeatures
public enum SupportedFeatures


Member name Description
All This is a combination of all the features which are supported. Subject to change across releases. You can send this value (from client object model to server, or from server to client object model) and mask with it, but you should not test for equality against it.
BatchedCheckins This represents the ability to page pending changes down from the server, and queue up pending changes for checkin, before committing them.
CheckinDates The server supports the ability to set checkin dates
CreateBranch The ability to create a committed branch on the server.
Destroy The destroy feature is available on the server.
GetChangesForChangeset The ability to page changes in a changeset.
GetLatestOnCheckout The client supports optionally synchronizing to the latest version of an item on Checkout (PendingEdit). If this flag is set but GetLatestOnCheckout is not set in PendChangesOptions, then the client will synchronize only if the team project has the GetLatestOnCheckout setting on.
LocalVersions This represents the ability to query local version information from the server
None None of the features in this enum are supported.
OneLevelMapping This means that the server / client supports one level mappings
ProxySuite This represents the suite of proxy services: AddProxy(), DeleteProxy(), QueryProxies(),
WorkspacePermissions The server supports workspace permissions

See Also


Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Common Namespace