Dela via

make_shared (<memory>)

Creates and returns a shared_ptr that points to the allocated objects that are constructed from zero or more arguments by using the default allocator.

template<class Type, class... Types>
    shared_ptr<Type> make_shared(
        Types&&... _Args





Constructor arguments. The function infers which constructor overload to invoke based on the arguments that are provided.

Property Value/Return Value

Returns a shared_ptr that points to the allocated object.


The function creates the object shared_ptr<Type>, a pointer to Type(_Args...) as allocated and constructed by the default allocator allocator(). The following example shows how to create shared pointers to a type by invoking specific constructor overloads.


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <memory>

using namespace std;

class SongBase
    std::wstring id;
    SongBase() : id(L"default"){}
    SongBase(std::wstring init) : id(init) {}
    virtual ~SongBase(){}

class Song : public SongBase
    std::wstring title_;
    std::wstring artist_;
    std::wstring duration_;
    std::wstring format_;
    Song(std::wstring title, std::wstring artist) : title_(title), artist_(artist){}
    Song(Song&& other)
        title_ = other.title_;
        artist_ = other.artist_;
        duration_ = other.duration_;
        format_ = other.format_;

        other.title_ = nullptr;
        other.artist_ = nullptr;
        other.duration_ = nullptr;
        other.format_ = nullptr;
        std::wcout << L"deleting " << title_ << L":" << artist_ << std::endl;

    Song& operator=(Song&& other)
        if(this != &other)
            this->artist_ = other.artist_;
            this->title_ = other.title_;
            this->duration_ = other.duration_;
            this->format_ = other.format_;

            other.artist_ = nullptr;
            other.title_ = nullptr;
            other.duration_ = nullptr;
            other.format_ = nullptr;
        return *this;

    bool operator ==(const Song& other)
        return this-> == 0  &&
            this-> == 0;


// we would need this helper function if we didn't have  
// make_shared<Song>(artist, title) available.
shared_ptr<Song> MakeSongPtr(wstring artist, wstring title)
    Song* s = new Song(artist, title);
    shared_ptr<Song> p(s);
    return p;


Header: <memory>

Namespace: std

See Also



shared_ptr Class