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IMappedFolder Interface

Represents a folder in a SharePoint project that is mapped to a location in SharePoint.

Namespace:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.SharePoint
Assembly:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.SharePoint (in Microsoft.VisualStudio.SharePoint.dll)


Public Interface IMappedFolder _
    Inherits ISharePointProjectItem, ISharePointProjectMember, IAnnotatedObject, INotifyObjectDisposing,  _
    INotifyObjectDisposed, INotifyPropertyChanged, ISharePointProjectStartupItem
public interface IMappedFolder : ISharePointProjectItem, 
    ISharePointProjectMember, IAnnotatedObject, INotifyObjectDisposing, INotifyObjectDisposed, INotifyPropertyChanged, 

The IMappedFolder type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property Annotations Gets an instance IAnnotationDictionary to associate custom data with the object implementing the IAnnotatedObject interface. (Inherited from IAnnotatedObject.)
Public property DefaultFile Get or sets the file that is launched when a SharePoint project item node in Solution Explorer is activated. (Inherited from ISharePointProjectItem.)
Public property DeploymentLocation Gets or sets the location in SharePoint to which the mapped folder is mapped. This path is relative to the root of SharePoint.
Public property ExtensionData Gets the information that enables project item extensions to persist custom data across Visual Studio sessions. (Inherited from ISharePointProjectItem.)
Public property FeatureActivationDependencies Gets the activation dependencies that are added to the feature that includes this Sharepoint Project Item. (Inherited from ISharePointProjectItem.)
Public property FeatureProperties Gets the key/value pairs that are added to the feature that includes this SharePoint Project Item. (Inherited from ISharePointProjectItem.)
Public property FeatureReceiver Gets a feature receiver, if the SharePoint project item requires it. At package time, this feature receiver is added to the feature that includes this SharePoint project item. (Inherited from ISharePointProjectItem.)
Public property Files Gets a collection of all files in the project under the SharePoint project item folder node and its subfolders. (Inherited from ISharePointProjectItem.)
Public property FolderType Gets the type of mapped folder. The folder type derives from the location of the mapped folder for common locations in SharePoint.
Public property FullPath Gets the full source path of the project member file or directory. (Inherited from ISharePointProjectMember.)
Public property Icon Gets the icon for the project member node displayed in Solution Explorer. (Inherited from ISharePointProjectMember.)
Public property Id Gets a globally unique identifier for this instance of the SharePoint project item. (Inherited from ISharePointProjectItem.)
Public property IsDisposed Gets whether the an object is disposed. (Inherited from INotifyObjectDisposed.)
Public property IsDisposing Gets whether an object is disposing. (Inherited from INotifyObjectDisposing.)
Public property IsExpanded Gets or sets whether that node is expanded in Solution Explorer. (Inherited from ISharePointProjectMember.)
Public property Name Gets the name of the project member node displayed in Solution Explorer. (Inherited from ISharePointProjectMember.)
Public property Project Gets a reference to the containing project. (Inherited from ISharePointProjectMember.)
Public property ProjectItemType Gets a reference to the object representing the SharePoint project item type. (Inherited from ISharePointProjectItem.)
Public property ProjectOutputReferences Get the collection of project output references belonging to this project item. Referenced projects are built and their primary outputs are packaged along with the project item. (Inherited from ISharePointProjectItem.)
Public property ProjectUserFileData Gets an IDictionary object that you can use to get or set name/value pairs that are saved in a project user file, such as files with a .csproj.user or .vbproj.user extension. (Inherited from ISharePointProjectItem.)
Public property RelativePath Gets the unique location of the item within the project directory. (Inherited from ISharePointProjectStartupItem.)
Public property SafeControlEntries Get a collection of safe control entries that must be deployed along with this SharePoint project item when it is deployed. These entries are added to the package that references the SharePoint project item. (Inherited from ISharePointProjectItem.)
Public property StartupUrl Gets the URL to launch when the item is started. (Inherited from ISharePointProjectStartupItem.)
Public property VirtualFiles Gets the collection includes virtual files. Virtual files do not have to exist at design time. At packaging time MSBuild tasks need to ensure the file is present for the packaging to suceed. (Inherited from ISharePointProjectItem.)



  Name Description
Public method CollapseChildItems Ensures that all child items of this ISharePointProjectMember are collapsed in Solution Explorer. (Inherited from ISharePointProjectMember.)



  Name Description
Public event Disposed Occurs when an object is disposed. (Inherited from INotifyObjectDisposed.)
Public event Disposing Occurs when an object is being disposed. (Inherited from INotifyObjectDisposing.)
Public event NameChanged Occurs when the name of the project member node is changed. (Inherited from ISharePointProjectMember.)
Public event Open Occurs when a SharePoint project item folder opens. (Inherited from ISharePointProjectItem.)
Public event PropertyChanged Occurs when a property value changes. (Inherited from INotifyPropertyChanged.)



Mapped folders are folders in a SharePoint project that correspond to the physical location of certain files in the SharePoint Server installation. For more information, see How to: Add and Remove Mapped Folders.

All files whose BuildAction property is set to either Content or None are automatically included in the output WSP file and deployed to the SharePoint server.

See Also


Microsoft.VisualStudio.SharePoint Namespace