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Manually Install SQL Server for Team Foundation Server

If you install SQL Server for Team Foundation Server, you must install certain SQL Server features, but other features are required only if you want to generate reports. To run Team Foundation Server, you must install both the Database Engine and Full-Text Search on the same instance of SQL Server. However, that instance does not have to run on the same server as Team Foundation Server.

Requirements for reporting

If you want to generate reports, you must install both Analysis Services and Reporting Services. You can install one or both of these features on the same server as Team Foundation Server, or you can install each feature on a different server from each other and from Team Foundation Server. 

If SQL Server Reporting Services is not on the server that is running Team Foundation Server and you are using reporting, you must install Client Tools Connectivity on Team Foundation Server.


SQL Server Express does not include Client Tools Connectivity, but you can add it by following the procedures in this topic.

Recommendations for SQL Server Topologies

Team Foundation Server supports numerous SQL Server topologies, partly to accommodate teams with existing SQL Server installations. Here are some guidelines for SQL Server topologies you might use for Team Foundation Server. No matter which topology you use, we recommend that you use the same edition of SQL Server for all servers that will host data on Team Foundation Server. For example, if you intend to use a separate server for reporting, you should ensure that it is running the same edition of SQL Server as the server that hosts the configuration database for Team Foundation Server.

These are the recommended setups depending on how many servers you're using:

  • Single server: Install the Database Engine, Full–Text Search, SQL Server Reporting Services, and Analysis Services on the same server that is running Team Foundation Server.  See Install Team Foundation Server.

  • Dual Server: Install SQL Server Reporting Services and Team Foundation Server on the same server; install the Database Engine, Full-Text Search, SQL Server Analysis Services on another server. This scenario splits HTTP traffic from SQL Server traffic. If you don't want reporting, you don't need SQL Server Reporting Services, and Analysis Services.

  • Multiple Server: Install the Database Engine and Full-Text Search on one server; SQL Server Reporting Services on a second server; Analysis Services on a third server (Reporting Services and Analysis Services could also be on the same server); and Client Tools Connectivity on the server that is running Team Foundation Server. If you don't want reporting, you don't need SQL Server Reporting Services, Analysis Services, or Client Tools Connectivity; excluding these effectively turns this into a dual-server topology.

For more information about deployments that use multiple server combinations, see How to: Install Team Foundation Server Using the Advanced Configuration

Report Server topology

The report server requires a relational database to function. This database can be the relational database that Team Foundation Server will use or a separate instance. If you install SQL Server Reporting Services and the Database Engine on the same server, SQL Server setup can configure Reporting Services automatically by using the relational database on the Database Engine instance. If you install Reporting Services without the Database Engine, you must manually configure Reporting Services after you install SQL Server. This involves specifying an instance of the Database Engine where you can host the relational database for the report server. See Configure Report Server Manually.

As a best practice for deployments of Team Foundation Server that use reporting, configure the Windows service for Analysis Services to recover in case of failure. For more information, see Configure Analysis Services to Recover on Failure.

Required Permissions

To perform these procedures, you must be a member of the Administrators security group on the server on which you are installing SQL Server.

To manually configure a report server, you must also be a member of the Administrators security group on the SQL Server that hosts the report server database, if this instance of SQL Server is not on your report server.

To install SQL Server

  1. Insert the installation DVD for a supported version of SQL Server and launch setup.exe. More information: SQL Server Requirements for Team Foundation Server.

  2. On the SQL Server Installation Center page, choose Installation, and then choose New installation or add features to an existing installation.

  3. On the Setup Support Rules page, choose OK.

  4. On the Product Key page, type your product key or specify a free edition and then choose Next.

  5. On the License Terms page, accept the license agreement and choose Next.

  6. On the Setup Support Files page, choose Install (SQL Server 2008 R2 only).

  7. On the SetupSupport Rules page, choose Next.


    A Windows Firewall warning might appear, but you can safely ignore this warning. For more information about SQL Server ports required for Team Foundation Server, see Ports Required for Installation of Team Foundation Server.

  8. On the Setup Role page, choose SQL Server Feature Installation and then choose Next.

  9. On the Feature Selection page, select the check boxes for one or more of the following components, depending on the topology you intend to use, and then choose Next:

    • Database Engine Services (required for Team Foundation Server)

    • Full-Text Search or Full-Text and Semantic Extractions for Search ¹ (required for Team Foundation Server)

    • Analysis Services (required for reporting)

    • Reporting Services or Reporting Services – Native ¹ (required for reporting)

    • Client Tools Connectivity (required if no other SQL Server components are installed on the server that is running Team Foundation Server.)

    • Management Tools - Basic ²

  10. On the Installation Rules page, choose Next.

  11. On the Instance Configuration page, choose Default instance or Named instance. If you choose Named instance, type the name of the instance. Choose Next.

  12. On the Disk Space Requirements page, choose Next.

  13. On the Server Configuration page, do one of the following:

    • For SQL Server 2012, you can accept the defaults or enter the name of a domain account or NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE in Account Name for every service.

    • For SQL Server 2008 R2, choose Use the same account for all SQL Server services,³ or enter the name of a domain account or NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE in Account Name for every service.

    No matter which version of SQL Server you use, if you specify a domain account, type its password in Password. If you use NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE, leave Password blank.

  14. In the Startup Type column, verify that Automatic appears for all services that you can edit, and then click Next.


    You can set collation settings on this page. For more information, see SQL Server Collation Requirements for Team Foundation Server.

  15. If you selected the Database Engine Services check box in step 9, on the Database Engine Configuration page, choose Windows authentication mode, choose Add Current User, and then choose Next. Otherwise skip to the next step.

  16. If you selected the Analysis Services check box in step 9, on the Analysis Services Configuration page, choose Add Current User, and then choose Next. Otherwise skip to the next step.

  17. If you selected the Reporting Services check box in step 9, on the Reporting Services Configuration page, choose Install the native mode default configuration (SQL Server 2008) or Install and configure (SQL Server 2012). If those options are unavailable, choose Install, but do not configure the report server (SQL Server 2008) or Install only (SQL Server 2012), and then choose Next.

    If you had to choose Install but do not configure the report server or Install only, you may be planning to have the report server and Team Foundation Server on different servers. This is a supported topology, but you will have to manually configure the report server after you finish installing SQL Server. Use these instructions: Configure Report Server Manually


    You should not click Install the SharePoint integrated mode default configuration. Team Foundation Server does not support this configuration mode.

  18. (Optional) On the Error and Usage Reporting page, specify whether to send information about errors and then choose Next.

  19. On the Installation Rules page, choose Next.

  20. On the Ready to Install page, review the list of components to be installed, and then choose Install.

    The Installation Progress page shows the status of each component.

  21. On the Complete page, choose Close.

¹ In SQL Server 2012, feature names are slightly different than those in SQL Server 2008 R2. This procedure lists feature names from both versions, but you only need to install the feature appropriate for the version of SQL Server you are installing.

² To install Team Foundation Server, you do not need to install Management Tools (Basic or Complete) on the same computer as SQL Server. However, you must use the SQL Server Management Studio management tool to verify your installation of SQL Server.

³ If you click Use the same account for all SQL Server services (SQL Server 2008 R2 only), you may still have to manually enter account information for some services.

Configure Report Server Manually

SQL Server 2008 R2 no automatic configuration of Reporting Services

SQL Server 2008 R2 no SSRS auto configure

If you don’t install the Database Engine on the same server as Reporting Services, these are the reporting services configuration options you have in SQL Server 2008 R2. You’ll see a slightly different screen in SQL Server 2012, but the end result is the same: You must manually configure your report server using the steps below after you finish SQL Server installation. 

In the unlikely case that Reporting Services is on the same server as Team Foundation Server and you have not configured the report server, you are prompted during Team Foundation Server installation to complete the report server configuration, starting on step 3.

To manually configure a report server

  1. From the Start menu, launch Reporting Services Configuration Manager.

    The Reporting Services Configuration Connection dialog box appears.

  2. In Server Name, enter the name of the report server. If you are using an instance name, enter the name of the instance in Report Server Instance. Choose Connect.

  3. On the Reporting Services Configuration Manager page, choose Start if the Report Service status reads Stopped.

  4. In the navigation bar, choose Web Service URL.

  5. On the Web Service URL page, choose Apply to accept the default values in the Virtual Directory, IP Address, and TCP Port boxes.

  6. In the navigation bar, choose Database.

  7. On the Report Server Database page, choose Change Database.

    The Report Server Database Configuration Wizard appears.

  8. On the Action page of the wizard, choose Create a new report server database, and choose Next.

  9. On the Database Server page of the wizard, enter the name of a local or remote instance of SQL Server to host the database for the report server in Server Name, and choose Next.

  10. On the Database page of the wizard, choose Next to accept the default values in the Database Name, Language, and Native Mode boxes.

  11. In Credentials, choose Next to accept the default values in the Authentication Type, User name, and Password boxes.

  12. On the Summary page of the wizard, verify your information, and choose Next.

  13. On the Progress and Finish page of the wizard, choose Finish.

  14. In the navigation bar for Reporting Services Configuration Manager, choose Report Manager URL.

  15. On the Report Manager URL page, choose Apply to accept the default value in the Virtual Directory box, and then choose Exit.

Configure Analysis Services to Recover on Failure

Analysis Services properties

You should configure the Windows service for Analysis Services to restart itself if it fails.

To configure Analysis Services to recover

  1. From the Start menu, choose the Services control panel.

  2. Open the shortcut menu for the Windows service for SQL Server Analysis Services (MSSQLSERVER), and then choose Properties.

    If you are using a named instance of Analysis Services, the instance name appears in parenthesis.

  3. Choose Recovery,

  4. In the First failure list, choose Restart the Service.

  5. In the Second failure list, choose Restart the Service.

  6. In the Subsequent failures list, choose Restart the Service, and then choose OK.

See Also


Install Team Foundation Server

How to: Install Team Foundation Server Using the Advanced Configuration

TFS Upgrade Requirements

SQL Server Collation Requirements for Team Foundation Server