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HeartbeatEventArgs |
Provides data for the HeartBeat() event. |
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InvalidLoadProfileException |
This class represents an Exception that occurs when a load test plug-in attempts to assign the LoadProfile property of the LoadTestScenario to a LoadTestLoadProfile with an invalid or inconsistent set of property values. |
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LoadTest |
Represents the load test being run. |
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LoadTestAbortedEventArgs |
Provides data for the LoadTestAborted event. |
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LoadTestConstantLoadProfile |
Represents the load profile of a load test that has a constant load pattern. |
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LoadTestContext |
Encapsulates information about the context in which the load test is running. |
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LoadTestGoalBasedLoadProfile |
Represents the load profile of a load test that has a goal-based load pattern. |
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LoadTestLoadProfile |
Provides an abstract base class for load test profiles. |
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LoadTestPackageExt |
Manages the Web test result viewer user interface. |
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LoadTestRunIdNotSetException |
The exception that is thrown when a user attempts to access the load test run ID before the run ID has been set. |
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LoadTestRunSettings |
Describes the load test run settings in use for the current load test run, as defined in the Load Test Editor. |
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LoadTestScenario |
Represents a scenario that is contained in a load test. |
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LoadTestStepLoadProfile |
Represents the load profile of a load test that has a step load pattern. |
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LoadTestUserContext |
Encapsulates information about the user context in which a test is running, in a load test. |
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PerformanceCounterValue |
Contains the computed value of a performance counter collected during a load test run. |
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TestFinishedEventArgs |
Provides data for the TestFinished event. |
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TestIterationResult |
Describes the result of running an individual test case within a load test. |
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TestSelectedEventArgs |
Contains the arguments for the TestSelected event. |
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TestStartingEventArgs |
Contains the arguments for the TestStarting event. |
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ThresholdExceededEventArgs |
Provides data for the ThresholdExceeded event. |
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WebTestBaseExt |
Base class for Web test windows that enable users to select items. |
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WebTestResultViewer |
Wraps a Web test playback window. |
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WebTestResultViewerExt |
Represents the Web test playback windows. |
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WebTestResultViewerExt.SelectionChangedEventArgs |
Provides data for the SelectionChanged event. |
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WebTestResultViewerExt.TestCompletedEventArgs |
Provides data for the TestCompleted event. |
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WebTestResultViewerExt.WindowClosedEventArgs |
Provides data for the WndowClosed event. |
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WebTestResultViewerExt.WindowCreatedEventArgs |
Provides data for the WindowCreated event. |