Using System Fields and Fields Defined by the MSF Process Templates
You use two main types of fields to track data for a type of work item. System fields are defined for all work item types, and all other fields are created by adding FIELD element definitions for them to a work item type. When the work item type is uploaded to Team Foundation, either when a team project is created or by other means, all new fields are added to the set of fields that are defined for the team project collection. For example, when you create a team project that uses the Microsoft Solutions Framework (MSF) for Agile Software Development - v5.0 process template, all fields that are defined in each Agile work item type are added to the team project collection of data fields.
This topic lists all fields that are defined in the work item type definition files of the MSF for Agile Software Development - v5.0 process template. Many of these fields are also defined in the work item type definition files of the MSF for Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) Software Development - v5.0 process template. The CMMI process template is not complete in this release. Not all fields defined in the CMMI process template are described in this topic.
By using the system fields or other fields you have added to your project collection, you can enable meaningful cross-team project reports and queries. In addition, any non-system field that is referenced in the workflow or forms section of the work item type definition must have a FIELD element that defines it in the FIELDS section of the work item type definition XML file. Also, you must specify any non-system field that you might want to use to generate a query or report in the FIELDS section.
You should use as many of the system and existing project collection fields as possible to make your work item type more portable between project collections. To support additional tracking needs, you can define your own custom work item fields. For more information, see Working with Work Item Fields.
In this topic
Fields that are used only to track types of work items for CMMI:
FIELD Element Syntax
The following syntax structure and attributes define fields:
<FIELD name="field display name" refname="field reference name" type="String | Integer |
Double | DateTime | PlainText | HTML | History | TreePath | GUID "
syncnamechanges="true | false" reportable="Dimension | Detail | Measure" formula="sum"
indexable="true | false" >
Later in this topic, you will find brief descriptions and the default attribute assignments for each system and MSF Agile defined field. Note the following information about the specification of attributes:
You can specify a field name that you want and have it be different in different work item definitions. All field data is tracked based on the reference name.
The type attribute specifies the data type for the field. For a description of each data type, see Working with Work Item Fields. For information about the controls that display specific field types, see Specifying Work Item Form Controls.
String fields that are used to store person names should have the syncnamechanges attribute set to true. This setting indicates that the contents of the field should be updated as changes are made to person names in Active Directory or a workgroup.
Fields that have their Reportable attribute assigned a value of Detail, Dimension, or Measure are tracked in the data warehouse. For more information, see Working with Work Item Fields.
The Indexable attribute is set to True to increase the performance of running queries that specify that field in the filter criteria. If you add a custom field that you use in many of your work item queries, you may want to enable indexing for that field.
You can change the field name and the Reportable and Indexable attribute assignments for any field, except system fields, by using the witadmin command-line tool. For more information, see Managing Work Item Fields [witadmin].
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System Fields
You can use two types of system fields as described in the following sections:
Fields Used for Tracking Work Items
Fields Used for Tracking Link Relationships
System Fields Used for Tracking Work Items
The following table lists the supported system fields that track your work items and their assigned default values.
Field Name |
Reference Name |
Type |
Description |
Default Reportable Field Value |
Default Indexed Field Value |
Area |
System.AreaPath |
TreePath |
Used to group the task into an appropriate feature or team area. The area must be a valid node in the project hierarchy. For more information, see Create and Modify Areas and Iterations. |
Dimension |
True |
Area ID |
System.AreaId |
Integer |
The unique ID of the area to which this work item belongs. |
None |
True |
Assigned To |
System.AssignedTo |
String |
The name of the team member that is the current owner of the work item. |
Dimension |
True |
Attached File Count |
System.AttachedFileCount |
Integer |
The number of file attachments. |
None |
False |
Authorized As |
System.AuthorizedAs |
String |
The name of the authenticated user who made the last change. |
None |
False |
Changed By |
System.ChangedBy |
String |
The name of the team member who last modified the work item. |
Dimension |
True |
Changed Date |
System.ChangedDate |
DateTime |
Date and time when the current revision was overwritten by a new revision. |
Dimension |
False |
Created By |
System.CreatedBy |
String |
The name of the team member who created the work item. |
Dimension |
True |
Created Date |
System.CreatedDate |
DateTime |
Date and time the work item was created. |
Dimension |
True |
Description |
System.Description |
PlainText |
The long description of a work item. A text field that provides a more detailed description of the work item than the title provides. |
None |
False |
External Link Count |
System.ExternalLinkCount |
Integer |
The number of links from this work item to non-work item artifacts registered by using the Team Foundation Linking Service. For more information, see this topic on the Microsoft Web site: Linking Service. |
None |
False |
History |
System.History |
History |
The record of changes that were made to the work item after it was created. Every time that the work item is updated, information is appended to the history, which specifies the date, who made the change, and the fields that were changed. You can also add text to the history field. |
None |
False |
Hyper Link Count |
System.HyperLinkCount |
Integer |
The number of hyperlinks that are defined for the work item. |
None |
False |
ID |
System.Id |
Integer |
The unique ID of the work item. Work item IDs are unique across all team projects in a team project collection.. |
Dimension |
True |
Iteration |
System.IterationPath |
TreePath |
Groups work items by named sprints or time periods. The iteration must be a valid node in the project hierarchy. For more information, see Create and Modify Areas and Iterations. Note that the TreePath field type cannot be used for any other fields or user-defined fields. |
Dimension |
True |
Iteration ID |
System.IterationId |
Integer |
The unique ID of the iteration to which this work item belongs. |
None |
True |
Node Name |
System.NodeName |
String |
The name of the parent node to which this work item belongs. The value for this field is the same as the team project. |
None |
False |
Reason |
System.Reason |
String |
The reason the work item is in the current state. Values are specific to the state. The Reason field supports only the HELPTEXT and READONLY rule types. This field is not tracked for test cases or shared steps. |
Dimension |
True |
RelatedLinkCount |
System.RelatedLinkCount |
Integer |
The number of links from this work item to other work items. |
None |
False |
Rev |
System.Rev |
Integer |
A number that is assigned to the historical revision of a work item. |
Dimension |
False |
State |
System.State |
String |
The current state of the work item. The valid values for state are specific for each work item type. The State field supports only the HELPTEXT and READONLY rule types. For more information about workflow transitions for each type of work item, see Work Items and Workflow (Agile). |
Dimension |
True |
Team Project |
System.TeamProject |
String |
The team project to which this work item belongs. |
Dimension |
False |
Title |
System.Title |
String |
A one-line summary of the work item that helps users distinguish it from other work items in a list. |
Dimension |
True |
Work Item Type |
System.WorkItemType |
String |
The name of the work item type of this work item. |
Dimension |
True |
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Fields Used for Tracking Link Relationships
The following table lists the system fields used to track link relationships. These are link attributes.
Field Name |
Reference Name |
Type |
Description |
Default Reportable Field Value |
Default Indexed Field Value |
Link Description |
System.Links.Description |
PlainText |
Contains the work item type, ID, and title of the work item that is the target of the link. This field can be selected to appear as a column in a link list on a work item form. |
None |
False |
Link Comment |
System.Links.Comment |
PlainText |
Contains the comments entered by a team member when a link relationship is created between two work items. This field can be selected to appear as a column in a link list on a work item form. |
None |
False |
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Tracking Fields
The following table lists the fields that are used to track the progress, state, and priority of work item types. These fields are defined in the work item type definitions for MSF for Agile Software Development - v5.0 and MSF for CMMI Process Improvement - v5.0.
Field Name |
Reference Name |
Type |
Description |
Default Reportable Field Value |
Default Indexed Field Value |
Activated By |
Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ActivatedBy |
String |
Name of the team member who activated or reactivated the work item. |
Dimension |
False |
Activated Date |
Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ActivatedDate |
DateTime |
Date and time when the work item was activated or reactivated. |
Dimension |
False |
Activity |
Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Activity |
String |
Type of activity required to perform a work item task. |
Dimension |
False |
Closed By |
Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ClosedBy |
String |
Name of the team member who closed the work item. |
Dimension |
False |
Closed Date |
Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ClosedDate |
DateTime |
Date and time when a work item was closed. |
Dimension |
False |
Priority |
Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Priority |
Integer |
A subjective rating of the bug, issue, task, or test case as it relates to the business. You can specify the following values:
Dimension |
False |
Rank |
Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Rank |
Double |
A subjective rating of the user story, task, issue, or bug compared to other work items of the same type. An item that is assigned a lower number should be fixed before an item that is assigned a higher number. |
Dimension |
False |
Resolved By |
Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ResolvedBy |
String |
Name of the team member who resolved the bug. |
Dimension |
False |
Resolved Date |
Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ResolvedDate |
DateTime |
Date and time when the bug was resolved |
Dimension |
False |
Resolved Reason |
Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ResolvedReason |
String |
Records why the bug, change request, issue, requirement, review, risk, or task was resolved. For example, the requirement is code complete or the bug is fixed. This field is read-only. |
Dimension |
False |
Risk |
Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Risk |
String |
A subjective rating of the relative uncertainty around the successful completion of the user story. You can specify the following values:
Dimension |
False |
Severity |
Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Severity |
String |
A subjective rating of the impact of a bug on the project. You can specify the following values:
Dimension |
False |
Stack Rank |
Microsoft.VSTS.Common.StackRank |
Double |
Work first on items with lower-valued stack rank. Set in triage. |
Dimension |
False |
State Change Date |
Microsoft.VSTS.Common.StateChangeDate |
DateTime |
Date and time that the value of the State field changed. |
None |
False |
Task Type |
Microsoft.VSTS.Common.TaskType |
String |
Type of requirement most affected by a bug. Suggested values are Functional, Performance, Security, Usability, and Guidance. |
Dimension |
False |
The following table describes the fields that track assignments and workflow progress for work items that are defined in the CMMI process template.
Field name |
Reference name |
Data type |
Description |
Default value of the reportable type attribute |
Default value of the index attribute |
Blocked |
Microsoft.VSTS.CMMI.Blocked |
String |
Indicates whether a team member is prevented from making progress toward implementing a requirement or a task or resolving a bug, an issue, a task, or a change request. If an issue has been opened to track a blocking problem, a link should be made to the issue. You can specify Yes or No. |
Dimension |
False |
Committed |
Microsoft.VSTS.CMMI.Committed |
String |
Indicates whether the requirement is committed in the project or not. You can specify Yes or No. ![]()
You can specify this field only for requirements.
None |
False |
Escalate |
Microsoft.VSTS.CMMI.Escalate |
String |
Indicates whether the issue affects the critical path of the project plan. You can specify Yes or No. ![]()
You can specify this field only for issues.
None |
False |
Probability |
Microsoft.VSTS.CMMI.Probability |
Integer |
Specifies the probability that the risk will occur, as a number between 1 and 99. A higher number indicates that the risk is more likely to occur. ![]()
You can specify this field only for risks.
None |
False |
Triage |
Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Triage |
String |
Indicates the type of triage decision that is pending for the work item. You use this field when the work item is in the Proposed state. You can specify one of the following values:
You can specify this field only for requirements, tasks, change requests, bugs, and issues.
Dimension |
False |
Requires Review |
Microsoft.VSTS.CMMI.RequiresReview |
String |
Indicates whether the work that the task implements requires a formal review. You can specify Yes or No. If you specify Yes, you should also create a review work item and link to it from the task. |
None |
False |
Requires Test |
Microsoft.VSTS.CMMI.RequiresTest |
String |
Indicates whether the work that a task implements requires testing. You can specify Yes or No. If you specify Yes, you should create a test case and link to it from the task. |
None |
False |
Target Resolve Date |
Microsoft.VSTS.CMMI.TargetResolveDate |
DateTime |
The forecasted date by which an issue will be resolved. This field applies only to issues. |
Dimension |
False |
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Scheduling Fields
The following table describes the fields that are available for scheduling and work item tracking. These fields are defined in the work item type definitions for MSF for Agile Software Development - v5.0 and MSF for CMMI Process Improvement - v5.0. These fields are synchronized with Office Project and can be used when the Office Project version of the iteration plan is chosen. For more information, see Scheduling Tasks and Assigning Resources Using Microsoft Project and Customizing Microsoft Project Field Mappings.
Field Name |
Reference Name |
Type |
Description |
Default Reportable Field Value |
Default Indexed Field Value |
Completed Work |
Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.CompletedWork |
Double |
The number of hours that were spent working on a task. |
Measure, Sum |
False |
Due Date |
Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.DueDate |
DateTime |
The forecasted date for an issue to be completed. This field applies only to issue work items for the agile process template. |
Dimension |
False |
Finish Date |
Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.FinishDate |
DateTime |
The date and time that the schedule indicates that the work item will be completed. |
Dimension |
False |
Original Estimate |
Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.OriginalEstimate |
Double |
The number of hours that was determined was required to complete a task. |
Measure, Sum |
False |
Remaining Work |
Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.RemainingWork |
Double |
The number of hours that remain to finish the task. |
Measure, Sum |
False |
Start Date |
Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.StartDate |
DateTime |
The date and time that the schedule indicates that the work item will start. |
Dimension |
False |
Story Points |
Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.StoryPoints |
Double |
A subjective unit of measure that captures the size of a user story. If you assign more points to a user story, you indicate that more work is required to implement it. This field is defined only in the MSF process template for agile software development. |
Measure |
Sum |
Build Integration Fields
The following table describes the fields that are available for you to integrate build information into work item tracking. These fields are defined in the work item type definitions for MSF for Agile Software Development - v5.0 and MSF for CMMI Process Improvement - v5.0.
Field Name |
Reference Name |
Type |
Description |
Default Reportable Field Value |
Indexed |
Found In |
Microsoft.VSTS.Build.FoundIn |
String |
Product build number, also known as a revision, in which a bug was found. |
Dimension |
False |
Integration Build |
Microsoft.VSTS.Build.IntegrationBuild |
String |
Product build number that incorporates the code or fixes a bug. |
Dimension |
False |
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Test Integration Fields
The following table describes the fields that are used by Microsoft Test Manager and the test case and shared steps types of work items. These fields are defined in the work item type definitions for MSF for Agile Software Development - v5.0 and MSF for CMMI Process Improvement - v5.0. For more information about the use of these fields, see Creating and Managing Tests.
Field Name |
Reference Name |
Type |
Description |
Default value of the reportable type attribute |
Default value of the index attribute |
Automated Test Id |
Microsoft.VSTS.TCM.AutomatedTestId |
String |
The ID of the test that automates the test case. |
None |
False |
Automated Test Name |
Microsoft.VSTS.TCM.AutomatedTestName |
String |
The name of the test that is used to automate the test case. |
None |
False |
Automated Test Storage |
Microsoft.VSTS.TCM.AutomatedTestStorage |
String |
The assembly that contains the test that automates the test case. |
None |
False |
Automated Test Type |
Microsoft.VSTS.TCM.AutomatedTestType |
String |
The type of test that automates the test case. |
None |
False |
Automation Status |
Microsoft.VSTS.TCM.AutomationStatus |
String |
The status of a test case. You can specify the following values:
Detail |
False |
Local Data Source |
Microsoft.VSTS.TCM.LocalDataSource |
The local data source that supports the test. |
None |
False |
Parameters |
Microsoft.VSTS.TCM.Parameters |
The parameters to be tested. |
None |
False |
Repro Steps |
Microsoft.VSTS.TCM.ReproSteps |
The steps required to reproduce unexpected behavior. |
None |
False |
Steps |
Microsoft.VSTS.TCM.Steps |
The steps required to perform the test. |
None |
False |
System Info |
Microsoft.VSTS.TCM.SystemInfo |
Information about the software and system configuration that is relevant to the test. |
None |
False |
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Fields that Are Tracked Only for Requirements (CMMI)
The following table describes fields that you can use to track the type of Requirement to be developed and its importance to the overall product.
Field name |
Reference name |
Data type |
Description |
Default value of the reportable type attribute |
Default value of the index attribute |
Requirement Type |
Microsoft.VSTS.CMMI.RequirementType |
String |
Specifies the kind of requirement to implement. You can specify one of the following values:
Dimension |
False |
Impact Assessment |
Microsoft.VSTS.CMMI.ImpactAssessmentHtml |
Describes the customer impact of not implementing this requirement. You might include details from the Kano model about whether this requirement is in the surprise, required, or obvious categories. |
None |
False |
User Acceptance Test |
Microsoft.VSTS.CMMI.UserAcceptanceTest |
String |
Specifies the status of the user acceptance test for a requirement. You can specify one of the following values:
You specify Not Ready when the requirement is in the Active state, and you specify Ready when the requirement is in the Resolved state. |
None |
False |
Subject matter experts |
Microsoft.VSTS.CMMI.SubjectMatterExpert1 … Microsoft.VSTS.CMMI.SubjectMatterExpert3 |
String |
Specifies up to three team members who are familiar with the customer area that this requirement represents. You can specify the names of valid team members only. |
None |
False |
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Fields that are Used Only to Track Bugs (CMMI)
The fields that the following table describes are neither reported nor indexed.
Field name |
Reference name |
Data type |
Description |
Symptom |
Microsoft.VSTS.CMMI.Symptom |
Describes the unexpected behavior. |
Proposed Fix |
Microsoft.VSTS.CMMI.ProposedFix |
Describes the proposed change to fix the reported problem. |
Found in Environment |
Microsoft.VSTS.CMMI.FoundInEnvironment |
String |
Describes the software setup and configuration where the bug was found. |
Root Cause |
Microsoft.VSTS.CMMI.RootCause |
String |
Describes the cause of the error. You can specify one of the following values:
How Found |
Microsoft.VSTS.CMMI.HowFound |
String |
Describes how the bug was found. For example, a bug might have been found during a customer review or through ad-hoc testing. |
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Fields that are Used Only to Track Change Requests (CMMI)
The following table describes the fields that are used only to track change requests. The process template for MSF CMMI Process Improvement v5.0 provides the change request type of work item. For more information, see Change Request (CMMI).
These fields are not reportable or indexed.
Field name |
Reference name |
Data type |
Description |
Justification |
Microsoft.VSTS.CMMI.Justification |
Describes why the change has been proposed and what value it would bring to the product and the customer. |
Impact on Architecture |
Microsoft.VSTS.CMMI.ImpactOnArchitecture |
Describes the impact that the change would have on architecture. You can use this field to describe in detail which sections of the architecture would be affected and how much the change would cost to implement. |
Impact on User Experience |
Microsoft.VSTS.CMMI.ImpactOnUserExperience |
Describes the impact that the change would have on the user experience. You can use this field to describe in detail which sections of the user interface would be affected and how much the change would cost to implement. |
Impact on Test |
Microsoft.VSTS.CMMI.ImpactOnTest |
Describes the impact that the change would have on testing. You can use this field to describe in detail which tests would be affected and how much the change would cost to implement. |
Impact on Development |
Microsoft.VSTS.CMMI.ImpactOnDevelopment |
Describes the impact that the change would have on development and product designs. You can use this field to describe in detail which development areas and designs would be affected and how much the change would cost to implement. |
Impact on Technical Publications |
Microsoft.VSTS.CMMI.ImpactOnTechnicalPublications |
Describes the impact that the change would have on product documentation. You can use this field to describe in detail which sections of documentation would be affected and how much the change would cost to implement. |
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Fields that Are Used Only to Track Issues (CMMI)
The fields that the following table describes are not indexed.
Field name |
Reference name |
Data type |
Description |
Default value of the reportable type attribute |
Analysis |
Microsoft.VSTS.CMMI.Analysis |
Describes the root cause of the issue and one or more solutions that might resolve it. |
None |
Corrective Action Actual Resolution |
Microsoft.VSTS.CMMI.CorrectiveActionActualResolution |
Describes what the team actually did to correct the issue. |
None |
Corrective Action Plan |
Microsoft.VSTS.CMMI.CorrectiveActionPlan |
Describes the proposed corrective action on which the team has agreed. |
None |
Impact on project promise |
Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Severity |
String |
Specifies a subjective rating of the impact of a bug on the project. You can specify the following values:
The name of the field that appears in the query editor is Severity. You also use this field to track the severity for bugs and risks.
Dimension |
Target Resolve Date |
Microsoft.VSTS.CMMI.TargetResolveDate |
DateTime |
Specifies a date for when the issue becomes critical and starts to affect the critical path of the project plan. |
None |
Fields that Are Used Only to Track Risks (CMMI)
The fields that the following table describes are neither reported nor indexed.
Field name |
Reference name |
Data type |
Description |
Contingency Plan |
Microsoft.VSTS.CMMI.ContingencyPlan |
Describes the actions to take if the risk occurs. You can create and link tasks to the risk work item to track the work that the team must complete to implement the contingency plan. Also, you can create an issue work item to track one or more issues on which the risk has an impact. |
Mitigation Plan |
Microsoft.VSTS.CMMI.MitigationPlan |
Describes the actions to take to reduce the probability or impact of the risk. You can create and link tasks to the risk work item to track the work that the team must complete to implement the mitigation plan. |
Mitigation Triggers |
Microsoft.VSTS.CMMI.MitigationTriggers |
Describes the conditions or events that determine how the team might mitigate a risk. For example, the triage team might authorize and obtain a reserve generator if the weather forecast is predicting an ice storm or hurricane to hit within 50 miles of the office within the next four days. |
Probability |
Microsoft.VSTS.CMMI.Probability |
Integer |
Indicates the chance that the risk will occur. A valid probability number is between 1 and 99, where 99 indicates that the risk is almost certain to occur. |
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Fields That Are Used Only to Track Review Meetings (CMMI)
The following table describes fields that your team can use to track information and changes for review meetings. Your team can specify this kind of information by using the review type of work item that is provided with the process template for Microsoft Solutions Framework (MSF) CMMI Process Improvement v5.0.
These fields are not reportable or indexed.
Field name |
Reference name |
Data type |
Description |
Purpose |
Microsoft.VSTS.CMMI.Purpose |
Describes the purpose and focus of the meeting. |
Comments |
Microsoft.VSTS.CMMI.Comments |
Describes additional information that you want to record. |
Minutes |
Microsoft.VSTS.CMMI.Minutes |
Describes the details of what the team discussed and agreed upon during the meeting. You can use this field to record what the team reviewed, what criteria the team applied, and what problems the team identified. |
Meeting Type |
Microsoft.VSTS.CMMI.MeetingType |
String |
Specifies the meeting venue. You can specify one of the following values:
Called Date |
Microsoft.VSTS.CMMI.CalledDate |
DateTime |
Specifies the date and time when the meeting is scheduled. |
Called By |
Microsoft.VSTS.CMMI.CalledBy |
String |
Specifies the name of the team member who scheduled the meeting. |
Required Attendee 1 … Required Attendee 8 |
Microsoft.VSTS.CMMI.RequiredAttendee1 … Microsoft.VSTS.CMMI.RequiredAttendee8 |
String |
Specifies the name of one or more team members who are required to attend the meeting. |
Optional Attendee 1 … Optional Attendee 8 |
Microsoft.VSTS.CMMI.OptionalAttendee1 … Microsoft.VSTS.CMMI.OptionalAttendee8 |
String |
Specifies the name of one or more team members who are invited but not required to attend the meeting. |
Actual Attendee 1 … Actual Attendee 8 |
Microsoft.VSTS.CMMI.ActualAttendee1 … Microsoft.VSTS.CMMI.ActuallAttendee8 |
String |
Specifies the name of one or more team members who attended the meeting. |
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Fields That Are Used Only to Track Tasks (CMMI)
The following table describes fields that you can use to track the type of task on which the team is working.
Field name |
Reference name |
Data type |
Description |
Default value of the reportable type attribute |
Default value of the index attribute |
Discipline |
Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Discipline |
String |
Specifies the discipline of the team member who will complete the task. You can specify one of the following values:
Dimension |
None |
Task Type |
Microsoft.VSTS.CMMI.TaskType |
String |
Specifies the kind of task to implement. You can specify one of the following values:
Dimension |
None |
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See Also
Managing Work Item Fields [witadmin]
Naming Conventions for Work Item Tracking Objects