Dela via

How to: Make Thread-Safe Calls to Windows Forms Controls

If you use multithreading to improve the performance of your Windows Forms applications, you must make sure that you make calls to your controls in a thread-safe way.

Access to Windows Forms controls is not inherently thread safe. If you have two or more threads manipulating the state of a control, it is possible to force the control into an inconsistent state. Other thread-related bugs are possible, such as race conditions and deadlocks. It is important to make sure that access to your controls is performed in a thread-safe way.

It is unsafe to call a control from a thread other than the one that created the control without using the Invoke method. The following is an example of a call that is not thread safe.

' This event handler creates a thread that calls a 
' Windows Forms control in an unsafe way.
 Private Sub setTextUnsafeBtn_Click( _
 ByVal sender As Object, _
 ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles setTextUnsafeBtn.Click

     Me.demoThread = New Thread( _
     New ThreadStart(AddressOf Me.ThreadProcUnsafe))

 End Sub

' This method is executed on the worker thread and makes
' an unsafe call on the TextBox control.
Private Sub ThreadProcUnsafe()
   Me.textBox1.Text = "This text was set unsafely."
End Sub 
        // This event handler creates a thread that calls a 
        // Windows Forms control in an unsafe way.
        private void setTextUnsafeBtn_Click(
            object sender, 
            EventArgs e)
            this.demoThread = 
                new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.ThreadProcUnsafe));


        // This method is executed on the worker thread and makes
        // an unsafe call on the TextBox control.
        private void ThreadProcUnsafe()
            this.textBox1.Text = "This text was set unsafely.";
    // This event handler creates a thread that calls a
    // Windows Forms control in an unsafe way.
    void setTextUnsafeBtn_Click(Object^ sender, EventArgs^ e)
        this->demoThread =
            gcnew Thread(gcnew ThreadStart(this,&Form1::ThreadProcUnsafe));


    // This method is executed on the worker thread and makes
    // an unsafe call on the TextBox control.
    void ThreadProcUnsafe()
        this->textBox1->Text = "This text was set unsafely.";

The .NET Framework helps you detect when you are accessing your controls in a manner that is not thread safe. When you are running your application in the debugger, and a thread other than the one which created a control tries to call that control, the debugger raises an InvalidOperationException with the message, "Control control name accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on."

This exception occurs reliably during debugging and, under some circumstances, at run time. You might see this exception when you debug applications that you wrote with the .NET Framework prior to the .NET Framework version 2.0. You are strongly advised to fix this problem when you see it, but you can disable it by setting the CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls property to false. This causes your control to run like it would run under Visual Studio .NET 2003 and the .NET Framework 1.1.


If you are using ActiveX controls on a form, you may receive the cross-thread InvalidOperationException when you run under the debugger. When this occurs, the ActiveX control does not support multithreading. For more information about using ActiveX controls with Windows Forms, see Windows Forms and Unmanaged Applications. If you are using Visual Studio, you can prevent this exception by disabling the Visual Studio hosting process. For more information, see How to: Disable the Hosting Process and How to: Disable the Hosting Process.

Making Thread-Safe Calls to Windows Forms Controls

To make a thread-safe call to a Windows Forms control

  1. Query the control's InvokeRequired property.

  2. If InvokeRequired returns true, call Invoke with a delegate that makes the actual call to the control.

  3. If InvokeRequired returns false, call the control directly.

In the following code example, a thread-safe call is implemented in the ThreadProcSafe method, which is executed by the background thread. If the TextBox control's InvokeRequired returns true, the ThreadProcSafe method creates an instance of SetTextCallback and passes that to the form's Invoke method. This causes the SetText method to be called on the thread that created the TextBox control, and in this thread context the Text property is set directly.

' This event handler creates a thread that calls a 
' Windows Forms control in a thread-safe way.
 Private Sub setTextSafeBtn_Click( _
 ByVal sender As Object, _
 ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles setTextSafeBtn.Click

     Me.demoThread = New Thread( _
     New ThreadStart(AddressOf Me.ThreadProcSafe))

 End Sub

' This method is executed on the worker thread and makes
' a thread-safe call on the TextBox control.
Private Sub ThreadProcSafe()
   Me.SetText("This text was set safely.")
 End Sub
        // This event handler creates a thread that calls a 
        // Windows Forms control in a thread-safe way.
        private void setTextSafeBtn_Click(
            object sender, 
            EventArgs e)
            this.demoThread = 
                new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.ThreadProcSafe));


        // This method is executed on the worker thread and makes
        // a thread-safe call on the TextBox control.
        private void ThreadProcSafe()
            this.SetText("This text was set safely.");
    // This event handler creates a thread that calls a
    // Windows Forms control in a thread-safe way.
    void setTextSafeBtn_Click(Object^ sender, EventArgs^ e)
        this->demoThread =
            gcnew Thread(gcnew ThreadStart(this,&Form1::ThreadProcSafe));


    // This method is executed on the worker thread and makes
    // a thread-safe call on the TextBox control.
    void ThreadProcSafe()
        this->SetText("This text was set safely.");
' This method demonstrates a pattern for making thread-safe
' calls on a Windows Forms control. 
' If the calling thread is different from the thread that
' created the TextBox control, this method creates a
' SetTextCallback and calls itself asynchronously using the
' Invoke method.
' If the calling thread is the same as the thread that created
 ' the TextBox control, the Text property is set directly. 

 Private Sub SetText(ByVal [text] As String)

     ' InvokeRequired required compares the thread ID of the
     ' calling thread to the thread ID of the creating thread.
     ' If these threads are different, it returns true.
     If Me.textBox1.InvokeRequired Then
         Dim d As New SetTextCallback(AddressOf SetText)
         Me.Invoke(d, New Object() {[text]})
         Me.textBox1.Text = [text]
     End If
 End Sub
        // This method demonstrates a pattern for making thread-safe
        // calls on a Windows Forms control. 
        // If the calling thread is different from the thread that
        // created the TextBox control, this method creates a
        // SetTextCallback and calls itself asynchronously using the
        // Invoke method.
        // If the calling thread is the same as the thread that created
        // the TextBox control, the Text property is set directly. 

        private void SetText(string text)
            // InvokeRequired required compares the thread ID of the
            // calling thread to the thread ID of the creating thread.
            // If these threads are different, it returns true.
            if (this.textBox1.InvokeRequired)
                SetTextCallback d = new SetTextCallback(SetText);
                this.Invoke(d, new object[] { text });
                this.textBox1.Text = text;
    // This method demonstrates a pattern for making thread-safe
    // calls on a Windows Forms control.
    // If the calling thread is different from the thread that
    // created the TextBox control, this method creates a
    // SetTextDelegate and calls itself asynchronously using the
    // Invoke method.
    // If the calling thread is the same as the thread that created
    // the TextBox control, the Text property is set directly.

    void SetText(String^ text)
        // InvokeRequired required compares the thread ID of the
        // calling thread to the thread ID of the creating thread.
        // If these threads are different, it returns true.
        if (this->textBox1->InvokeRequired)
            SetTextDelegate^ d = 
                gcnew SetTextDelegate(this, &Form1::SetText);
            this->Invoke(d, gcnew array<Object^> { text });
            this->textBox1->Text = text;

Making Thread-Safe Calls by using BackgroundWorker

The preferred way to implement multithreading in your application is to use the BackgroundWorker component. The BackgroundWorker component uses an event-driven model for multithreading. The background thread runs your DoWork event handler, and the thread that creates your controls runs your ProgressChanged and RunWorkerCompleted event handlers. You can call your controls from your ProgressChanged and RunWorkerCompleted event handlers.

To make thread-safe calls by using BackgroundWorker

  1. Create a method to do the work that you want done in the background thread. Do not call controls created by the main thread in this method.

  2. Create a method to report the results of your background work after it finishes. You can call controls created by the main thread in this method.

  3. Bind the method created in step 1 to the DoWork event of an instance of BackgroundWorker, and bind the method created in step 2 to the same instance’s RunWorkerCompleted event.

  4. To start the background thread, call the RunWorkerAsync method of the BackgroundWorker instance.

In the following code example, the DoWork event handler uses Sleep to simulate work that takes some time. It does not call the form’s TextBox control. The TextBox control's Text property is set directly in the RunWorkerCompleted event handler.

' This BackgroundWorker is used to demonstrate the 
' preferred way of performing asynchronous operations.
Private WithEvents backgroundWorker1 As BackgroundWorker
        // This BackgroundWorker is used to demonstrate the 
        // preferred way of performing asynchronous operations.
        private BackgroundWorker backgroundWorker1;
    // This BackgroundWorker is used to demonstrate the
    // preferred way of performing asynchronous operations.
    BackgroundWorker^ backgroundWorker1;
' This event handler starts the form's 
' BackgroundWorker by calling RunWorkerAsync.
' The Text property of the TextBox control is set
' when the BackgroundWorker raises the RunWorkerCompleted
' event.
 Private Sub setTextBackgroundWorkerBtn_Click( _
 ByVal sender As Object, _
 ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles setTextBackgroundWorkerBtn.Click
 End Sub

' This event handler sets the Text property of the TextBox
' control. It is called on the thread that created the 
' TextBox control, so the call is thread-safe.
' BackgroundWorker is the preferred way to perform asynchronous
' operations.
 Private Sub backgroundWorker1_RunWorkerCompleted( _
 ByVal sender As Object, _
 ByVal e As RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs) _
 Handles backgroundWorker1.RunWorkerCompleted
     Me.textBox1.Text = _
     "This text was set safely by BackgroundWorker."
 End Sub
        // This event handler starts the form's 
        // BackgroundWorker by calling RunWorkerAsync.
        // The Text property of the TextBox control is set
        // when the BackgroundWorker raises the RunWorkerCompleted
        // event.
        private void setTextBackgroundWorkerBtn_Click(
            object sender, 
            EventArgs e)
        // This event handler sets the Text property of the TextBox
        // control. It is called on the thread that created the 
        // TextBox control, so the call is thread-safe.
        // BackgroundWorker is the preferred way to perform asynchronous
        // operations.

        private void backgroundWorker1_RunWorkerCompleted(
            object sender, 
            RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
            this.textBox1.Text = 
                "This text was set safely by BackgroundWorker.";
    // This event handler starts the form's
    // BackgroundWorker by calling RunWorkerAsync.
    // The Text property of the TextBox control is set
    // when the BackgroundWorker raises the RunWorkerCompleted
    // event.
    void setTextBackgroundWorkerBtn_Click(Object^ sender, EventArgs^ e)

    // This event handler sets the Text property of the TextBox
    // control. It is called on the thread that created the
    // TextBox control, so the call is thread-safe.
    // BackgroundWorker is the preferred way to perform asynchronous
    // operations.

    void backgroundWorker1_RunWorkerCompleted(
        Object^ sender,
        RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs^ e)
        this->textBox1->Text =
            "This text was set safely by BackgroundWorker.";

You can also report the progress of a background task by using the ProgressChanged event. For an example that incorporates that event, see BackgroundWorker.


The following code example is a complete Windows Forms application that consists of a form with three buttons and one text box. The first button demonstrates unsafe cross-thread access, the second button demonstrates safe access by using Invoke, and the third button demonstrates safe access by using BackgroundWorker.


For instructions on how to run the example, see How to: Compile and Run a Complete Windows Forms Code Example Using Visual Studio. This example requires references to the System.Drawing and System.Windows.Forms assemblies.

Imports System
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Windows.Forms

Public Class Form1
   Inherits Form

   ' This delegate enables asynchronous calls for setting
   ' the text property on a TextBox control.
   Delegate Sub SetTextCallback([text] As String)

   ' This thread is used to demonstrate both thread-safe and
   ' unsafe ways to call a Windows Forms control.
   Private demoThread As Thread = Nothing

   ' This BackgroundWorker is used to demonstrate the 
   ' preferred way of performing asynchronous operations.
   Private WithEvents backgroundWorker1 As BackgroundWorker

   Private textBox1 As TextBox
   Private WithEvents setTextUnsafeBtn As Button
   Private WithEvents setTextSafeBtn As Button
   Private WithEvents setTextBackgroundWorkerBtn As Button

   Private components As System.ComponentModel.IContainer = Nothing

   Public Sub New()
    End Sub

   Protected Overrides Sub Dispose(disposing As Boolean)
      If disposing AndAlso (components IsNot Nothing) Then
      End If
    End Sub

   ' This event handler creates a thread that calls a 
   ' Windows Forms control in an unsafe way.
    Private Sub setTextUnsafeBtn_Click( _
    ByVal sender As Object, _
    ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles setTextUnsafeBtn.Click

        Me.demoThread = New Thread( _
        New ThreadStart(AddressOf Me.ThreadProcUnsafe))

    End Sub

   ' This method is executed on the worker thread and makes
   ' an unsafe call on the TextBox control.
   Private Sub ThreadProcUnsafe()
      Me.textBox1.Text = "This text was set unsafely."
   End Sub 

   ' This event handler creates a thread that calls a 
   ' Windows Forms control in a thread-safe way.
    Private Sub setTextSafeBtn_Click( _
    ByVal sender As Object, _
    ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles setTextSafeBtn.Click

        Me.demoThread = New Thread( _
        New ThreadStart(AddressOf Me.ThreadProcSafe))

    End Sub

   ' This method is executed on the worker thread and makes
   ' a thread-safe call on the TextBox control.
   Private Sub ThreadProcSafe()
      Me.SetText("This text was set safely.")
    End Sub

   ' This method demonstrates a pattern for making thread-safe
   ' calls on a Windows Forms control. 
   ' If the calling thread is different from the thread that
   ' created the TextBox control, this method creates a
   ' SetTextCallback and calls itself asynchronously using the
   ' Invoke method.
   ' If the calling thread is the same as the thread that created
    ' the TextBox control, the Text property is set directly. 

    Private Sub SetText(ByVal [text] As String)

        ' InvokeRequired required compares the thread ID of the
        ' calling thread to the thread ID of the creating thread.
        ' If these threads are different, it returns true.
        If Me.textBox1.InvokeRequired Then
            Dim d As New SetTextCallback(AddressOf SetText)
            Me.Invoke(d, New Object() {[text]})
            Me.textBox1.Text = [text]
        End If
    End Sub

   ' This event handler starts the form's 
   ' BackgroundWorker by calling RunWorkerAsync.
   ' The Text property of the TextBox control is set
   ' when the BackgroundWorker raises the RunWorkerCompleted
   ' event.
    Private Sub setTextBackgroundWorkerBtn_Click( _
    ByVal sender As Object, _
    ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles setTextBackgroundWorkerBtn.Click
    End Sub

   ' This event handler sets the Text property of the TextBox
   ' control. It is called on the thread that created the 
   ' TextBox control, so the call is thread-safe.
   ' BackgroundWorker is the preferred way to perform asynchronous
   ' operations.
    Private Sub backgroundWorker1_RunWorkerCompleted( _
    ByVal sender As Object, _
    ByVal e As RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs) _
    Handles backgroundWorker1.RunWorkerCompleted
        Me.textBox1.Text = _
        "This text was set safely by BackgroundWorker."
    End Sub

   #Region "Windows Form Designer generated code"

   Private Sub InitializeComponent()
      Me.textBox1 = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox()
      Me.setTextUnsafeBtn = New System.Windows.Forms.Button()
      Me.setTextSafeBtn = New System.Windows.Forms.Button()
      Me.setTextBackgroundWorkerBtn = New System.Windows.Forms.Button()
      Me.backgroundWorker1 = New System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker()
      ' textBox1
      Me.textBox1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(12, 12)
      Me.textBox1.Name = "textBox1"
      Me.textBox1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(240, 20)
      Me.textBox1.TabIndex = 0
      ' setTextUnsafeBtn
      Me.setTextUnsafeBtn.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(15, 55)
      Me.setTextUnsafeBtn.Name = "setTextUnsafeBtn"
      Me.setTextUnsafeBtn.TabIndex = 1
      Me.setTextUnsafeBtn.Text = "Unsafe Call"
      ' setTextSafeBtn
      Me.setTextSafeBtn.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(96, 55)
      Me.setTextSafeBtn.Name = "setTextSafeBtn"
      Me.setTextSafeBtn.TabIndex = 2
      Me.setTextSafeBtn.Text = "Safe Call"
      ' setTextBackgroundWorkerBtn
      Me.setTextBackgroundWorkerBtn.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(177, 55)
      Me.setTextBackgroundWorkerBtn.Name = "setTextBackgroundWorkerBtn"
      Me.setTextBackgroundWorkerBtn.TabIndex = 3
      Me.setTextBackgroundWorkerBtn.Text = "Safe BW Call"
      ' backgroundWorker1
      ' Form1
      Me.ClientSize = New System.Drawing.Size(268, 96)
      Me.Name = "Form1"
      Me.Text = "Form1"
   End Sub 'InitializeComponent 

   #End Region

   <STAThread()>  _
   Shared Sub Main()
      Application.Run(New Form1())
    End Sub
End Class
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Threading;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace CrossThreadDemo
    public class Form1 : Form
        // This delegate enables asynchronous calls for setting
        // the text property on a TextBox control.
        delegate void SetTextCallback(string text);

        // This thread is used to demonstrate both thread-safe and
        // unsafe ways to call a Windows Forms control.
        private Thread demoThread = null;

        // This BackgroundWorker is used to demonstrate the 
        // preferred way of performing asynchronous operations.
        private BackgroundWorker backgroundWorker1;

        private TextBox textBox1;
        private Button setTextUnsafeBtn;
        private Button setTextSafeBtn;
        private Button setTextBackgroundWorkerBtn;

        private System.ComponentModel.IContainer components = null;

        public Form1()

        protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (disposing && (components != null))

        // This event handler creates a thread that calls a 
        // Windows Forms control in an unsafe way.
        private void setTextUnsafeBtn_Click(
            object sender, 
            EventArgs e)
            this.demoThread = 
                new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.ThreadProcUnsafe));


        // This method is executed on the worker thread and makes
        // an unsafe call on the TextBox control.
        private void ThreadProcUnsafe()
            this.textBox1.Text = "This text was set unsafely.";

        // This event handler creates a thread that calls a 
        // Windows Forms control in a thread-safe way.
        private void setTextSafeBtn_Click(
            object sender, 
            EventArgs e)
            this.demoThread = 
                new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.ThreadProcSafe));


        // This method is executed on the worker thread and makes
        // a thread-safe call on the TextBox control.
        private void ThreadProcSafe()
            this.SetText("This text was set safely.");

        // This method demonstrates a pattern for making thread-safe
        // calls on a Windows Forms control. 
        // If the calling thread is different from the thread that
        // created the TextBox control, this method creates a
        // SetTextCallback and calls itself asynchronously using the
        // Invoke method.
        // If the calling thread is the same as the thread that created
        // the TextBox control, the Text property is set directly. 

        private void SetText(string text)
            // InvokeRequired required compares the thread ID of the
            // calling thread to the thread ID of the creating thread.
            // If these threads are different, it returns true.
            if (this.textBox1.InvokeRequired)
                SetTextCallback d = new SetTextCallback(SetText);
                this.Invoke(d, new object[] { text });
                this.textBox1.Text = text;

        // This event handler starts the form's 
        // BackgroundWorker by calling RunWorkerAsync.
        // The Text property of the TextBox control is set
        // when the BackgroundWorker raises the RunWorkerCompleted
        // event.
        private void setTextBackgroundWorkerBtn_Click(
            object sender, 
            EventArgs e)
        // This event handler sets the Text property of the TextBox
        // control. It is called on the thread that created the 
        // TextBox control, so the call is thread-safe.
        // BackgroundWorker is the preferred way to perform asynchronous
        // operations.

        private void backgroundWorker1_RunWorkerCompleted(
            object sender, 
            RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
            this.textBox1.Text = 
                "This text was set safely by BackgroundWorker.";

        #region Windows Form Designer generated code

        private void InitializeComponent()
            this.textBox1 = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox();
            this.setTextUnsafeBtn = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
            this.setTextSafeBtn = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
            this.setTextBackgroundWorkerBtn = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
            this.backgroundWorker1 = new System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker();
            // textBox1
            this.textBox1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(12, 12);
            this.textBox1.Name = "textBox1";
            this.textBox1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(240, 20);
            this.textBox1.TabIndex = 0;
            // setTextUnsafeBtn
            this.setTextUnsafeBtn.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(15, 55);
            this.setTextUnsafeBtn.Name = "setTextUnsafeBtn";
            this.setTextUnsafeBtn.TabIndex = 1;
            this.setTextUnsafeBtn.Text = "Unsafe Call";
            this.setTextUnsafeBtn.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.setTextUnsafeBtn_Click);
            // setTextSafeBtn
            this.setTextSafeBtn.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(96, 55);
            this.setTextSafeBtn.Name = "setTextSafeBtn";
            this.setTextSafeBtn.TabIndex = 2;
            this.setTextSafeBtn.Text = "Safe Call";
            this.setTextSafeBtn.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.setTextSafeBtn_Click);
            // setTextBackgroundWorkerBtn
            this.setTextBackgroundWorkerBtn.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(177, 55);
            this.setTextBackgroundWorkerBtn.Name = "setTextBackgroundWorkerBtn";
            this.setTextBackgroundWorkerBtn.TabIndex = 3;
            this.setTextBackgroundWorkerBtn.Text = "Safe BW Call";
            this.setTextBackgroundWorkerBtn.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.setTextBackgroundWorkerBtn_Click);
            // backgroundWorker1
            this.backgroundWorker1.RunWorkerCompleted += new System.ComponentModel.RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(this.backgroundWorker1_RunWorkerCompleted);
            // Form1
            this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(268, 96);
            this.Name = "Form1";
            this.Text = "Form1";



        static void Main()
            Application.Run(new Form1());

#using <System.dll>
#using <System.Windows.Forms.dll>
#using <System.Drawing.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::ComponentModel;
using namespace System::Threading;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms;

namespace CrossThreadDemo
    public ref class Form1 : public Form
        // This delegate enables asynchronous calls for setting
        // the text property on a TextBox control.
        delegate void SetTextDelegate(String^ text);

        // This thread is used to demonstrate both thread-safe and
        // unsafe ways to call a Windows Forms control.
        Thread^ demoThread;

        // This BackgroundWorker is used to demonstrate the
        // preferred way of performing asynchronous operations.
        BackgroundWorker^ backgroundWorker1;

        TextBox^ textBox1;
        Button^ setTextUnsafeBtn;
        Button^ setTextSafeBtn;
        Button^ setTextBackgroundWorkerBtn;

        System::ComponentModel::IContainer^ components;

            components = nullptr;

            if (components != nullptr)
                delete components;

        // This event handler creates a thread that calls a
        // Windows Forms control in an unsafe way.
        void setTextUnsafeBtn_Click(Object^ sender, EventArgs^ e)
            this->demoThread =
                gcnew Thread(gcnew ThreadStart(this,&Form1::ThreadProcUnsafe));


        // This method is executed on the worker thread and makes
        // an unsafe call on the TextBox control.
        void ThreadProcUnsafe()
            this->textBox1->Text = "This text was set unsafely.";

        // This event handler creates a thread that calls a
        // Windows Forms control in a thread-safe way.
        void setTextSafeBtn_Click(Object^ sender, EventArgs^ e)
            this->demoThread =
                gcnew Thread(gcnew ThreadStart(this,&Form1::ThreadProcSafe));


        // This method is executed on the worker thread and makes
        // a thread-safe call on the TextBox control.
        void ThreadProcSafe()
            this->SetText("This text was set safely.");

        // This method demonstrates a pattern for making thread-safe
        // calls on a Windows Forms control.
        // If the calling thread is different from the thread that
        // created the TextBox control, this method creates a
        // SetTextDelegate and calls itself asynchronously using the
        // Invoke method.
        // If the calling thread is the same as the thread that created
        // the TextBox control, the Text property is set directly.

        void SetText(String^ text)
            // InvokeRequired required compares the thread ID of the
            // calling thread to the thread ID of the creating thread.
            // If these threads are different, it returns true.
            if (this->textBox1->InvokeRequired)
                SetTextDelegate^ d = 
                    gcnew SetTextDelegate(this, &Form1::SetText);
                this->Invoke(d, gcnew array<Object^> { text });
                this->textBox1->Text = text;

        // This event handler starts the form's
        // BackgroundWorker by calling RunWorkerAsync.
        // The Text property of the TextBox control is set
        // when the BackgroundWorker raises the RunWorkerCompleted
        // event.
        void setTextBackgroundWorkerBtn_Click(Object^ sender, EventArgs^ e)

        // This event handler sets the Text property of the TextBox
        // control. It is called on the thread that created the
        // TextBox control, so the call is thread-safe.
        // BackgroundWorker is the preferred way to perform asynchronous
        // operations.

        void backgroundWorker1_RunWorkerCompleted(
            Object^ sender,
            RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs^ e)
            this->textBox1->Text =
                "This text was set safely by BackgroundWorker.";

        #pragma region Windows Form Designer generated code

        void InitializeComponent()
            this->textBox1 = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::TextBox();
            this->setTextUnsafeBtn = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button();
            this->setTextSafeBtn = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button();
            this->setTextBackgroundWorkerBtn = 
                gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Button();
            this->backgroundWorker1 = 
                gcnew System::ComponentModel::BackgroundWorker();
            // textBox1
            this->textBox1->Location = System::Drawing::Point(12, 12);
            this->textBox1->Name = "textBox1";
            this->textBox1->Size = System::Drawing::Size(240, 20);
            this->textBox1->TabIndex = 0;
            // setTextUnsafeBtn
            this->setTextUnsafeBtn->Location = System::Drawing::Point(15, 55);
            this->setTextUnsafeBtn->Name = "setTextUnsafeBtn";
            this->setTextUnsafeBtn->TabIndex = 1;
            this->setTextUnsafeBtn->Text = "Unsafe Call";
            this->setTextUnsafeBtn->Click += 
                gcnew System::EventHandler(
            // setTextSafeBtn
            this->setTextSafeBtn->Location = System::Drawing::Point(96, 55);
            this->setTextSafeBtn->Name = "setTextSafeBtn";
            this->setTextSafeBtn->TabIndex = 2;
            this->setTextSafeBtn->Text = "Safe Call";
            this->setTextSafeBtn->Click += 
                gcnew System::EventHandler(this,&Form1::setTextSafeBtn_Click);
            // setTextBackgroundWorkerBtn
            this->setTextBackgroundWorkerBtn->Location = 
                System::Drawing::Point(177, 55);
            this->setTextBackgroundWorkerBtn->Name = 
            this->setTextBackgroundWorkerBtn->TabIndex = 3;
            this->setTextBackgroundWorkerBtn->Text = "Safe BW Call";
            this->setTextBackgroundWorkerBtn->Click += 
                gcnew System::EventHandler(
            // backgroundWorker1
            this->backgroundWorker1->RunWorkerCompleted += 
                gcnew System::ComponentModel::RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(
            // Form1
            this->ClientSize = System::Drawing::Size(268, 96);
            this->Name = "Form1";
            this->Text = "Form1";


        #pragma endregion

int main()
    Application::Run(gcnew CrossThreadDemo::Form1());

When you run the application and click the Unsafe Call button, you immediately see "Written by the main thread" in the text box. Two seconds later, when the unsafe call is attempted, the Visual Studio debugger indicates that an exception occurred. The debugger stops at the line in the background thread that attempted to write directly to the text box. You will have to restart the application to test the other two buttons. When you click the Safe Call button, "Written by the main thread" appears in the text box. Two seconds later, the text box is set to "Written by the background thread (Invoke)", which indicates that the Invoke method was called. When you click the Safe BW Call button, "Written by the main thread" appears in the text box. Two seconds later, the text box is set to "Written by the main thread after the background thread completed", which indicates that the handler for the RunWorkerCompleted event of BackgroundWorker was called.

Robust Programming


When you use multithreading of any sort, your code can be exposed to very serious and complex bugs. For more information, see Managed Threading Best Practices before you implement any solution that uses multithreading.

See Also


How to: Run an Operation in the Background

How to: Implement a Form That Uses a Background Operation



Other Resources

Developing Custom Windows Forms Controls with the .NET Framework

Windows Forms and Unmanaged Applications