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Navigating Through Code

Visual Studio provides the following tools to help you move to precise locations in your code:

  • Find and Replace window

  • Bookmarks window

  • Error List window

  • Task List window

In This Section

  • Finding and Replacing
    Contains links to topics that describe how to locate and edit text, code, or symbols in one or more documents or across an entire solution.

  • Setting Bookmarks in Code
    Contains links to topics that describe how to use the Bookmarks window to set, store, and manipulate bookmarks in your code.

  • Locating Tasks and Errors in Code
    Contains links to topics that describe how to use the Error List and the Task List. The Error List displays code problems detected by the compiler. The Task List displays comments in your code on work to be done. Each entry links to a specific line in your code files.

  • Call Hierarchy
    Describes how to use Call Hierarchy to navigate through your code by displaying all calls to and from a selected method, property, or constructor. You can examine several levels of code to view complex chains of method calls.

  • Document Outline Window
    Describes how to use the Document Outline Window to view elements and logical structures of the current document.