Dela via

Smart Tasks Test

The Smart Tasks test validates performance in an end-user application of Smart Tasks associated with Smart Tags that are exposed by controls bound to third-party data source objects (for example, a DataGridView control) that are dragged onto a Visual Studio designer surface.

Test Procedure

  1. Set up a Windows application project by following steps 1–10 in the Data Source Wizard Drag-and-Drop Test. For this test, however, in the wizard checks only one table that is related to a child table and then close the wizard.

  2. Drag the table onto the designer to create a DataGridView.

  3. Select the DataGridView and execute the Add Query command. The Search Criteria Builder dialog box appears.

  4. Create a new Parameterized Query by adding a WHERE clause containing parameters to the default SQL statement, as illustrated in this example code:

    SELECT * FROM Table WHERE Column=@Parameter
  5. Click OK.

  6. Verify that the correct UI was created, including correct control names and captions.

  7. Select the DataGridView again and execute the Master Details Smart Task.

  8. The Master Details Form appears. Verify that all child-related tables are shown in the list.

  9. Click OK. Verify that the correct UI was created, including control names and captions.

  10. Select Preview Data from the Data menu.

  11. Select the first table and preview its data.

  12. Select the second table and preview its data.

  13. Select the Parameterized Query on the first table and preview its data.

  14. Click OK to close the dialog box.

  15. Press F5 to run the application and verify that the correct data loads.

  16. Load data using the Parameterized Form UI.

  17. Verify that the data loads for both parent and child tables.

See Also


Validating End User Applications of DDEX