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BasicPropertyAttribute |
Provides a means for indicating whether or not a given connection property is among those most commonly used. |
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DataAsyncCommand |
Enables executing data commands in an asynchronous manner. |
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DataAsyncCommandEvents |
Represents a set of delegates that are called by methods on the DataAsyncCommand class to notify clients of command progress. |
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DataCommand |
Provides the ability to build and execute data commands of various types against data sources, and to retrieve read-only results or a command status code. |
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DataCommandType |
Represents a set of predefined data command types. |
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DataConnection |
Supports a connection to a data source. |
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DataConnectionDialog |
Provides access to the Data Connection dialog box with which to obtain data connection information from users. |
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DataConnectionDialogFactory |
Provides the ability to create an instance of the DataConnectionDialog class. |
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DataConnectionFactory |
Provides the ability to create stand-alone instances of the DataConnection class. |
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DataConnectionManager |
Represents a shared set of data connection objects that are created on demand and managed by Visual Studio. |
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DataConnectionMessageReceivedEventArgs |
Provides event data for the MessageReceived event. |
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DataConnectionOpenCanceledException |
Provides the exception that is thrown when a method call to open a data connection causes user intervention and the user is able to cancel the open call. |
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DataConnectionPromptDialog |
Represents a dialog box that can prompt the user for information when a data connection is being opened. |
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DataConnectionProperties |
Provides support for the parsing and formatting of connection strings containing these properties, as well as for strongly typed property storage, custom attributes, and synonyms. |
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DataConnectionPropertyChangedEventArgs |
Provides event data for the PropertyChanged event. |
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DataConnectionStateChangedEventArgs |
Provides event data for the StateChanged event on a data connection. |
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DataConnectionSupport |
Provides properties and methods that enable you to work directly with connections to a data source. |
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DataConnectionUIControl |
Enables a custom user interface (UI) control for editing connection properties on the Data Connection dialog box. |
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DataExplorerConnection |
Represents a connection that exists in the Visual Studio Server Explorer or Data Explorer window. |
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DataExplorerConnectionManager |
Provides methods and properties that enable programmatic interaction with data connections exposed in the Server Explorer. |
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DataObjectChangedEventArgs |
Encapsulates event data for the ObjectAdded, ObjectChanged, and ObjectRemoved events. |
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DataObjectChangeEvents |
Provides a set of events which a DDEX provider can raise when changes to data objects are made, and provides the means by which a provider can connect to them. |
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DataObjectConceptMapper |
Enables providing a customized mapper of data-source-specific metadata into well known concepts for use by a generic designer. |
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DataObjectEnumerator |
Provides the ability to enumerate data objects. |
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DataObjectIdentifierConverter |
Provides the ability to convert data-source-specific object identifiers from strings to identifier parts, and from identifier parts to strings. |
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DataObjectIdentifierResolver |
Provides the ability to expand and contract an identifier for a specified data object. |
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DataObjectItemComparer |
Allows you to compare two data object identifier parts or properties. |
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DataObjectRestrictionMapper |
Provides a way to customize mappings from generic restrictions to data-source-specific restrictions. |
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DataObjectSupport |
Allows you to retrieve an XML stream that describes a set of data object types on a data source, which can then interpret and manipulate programmatically. |
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DataParameter |
Represents a data parameter that is derived from a data source command, or that is passed with a command to a data source. |
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DataProtection |
Represents the ability to encrypt and decrypt strings using the Windows Data Protection API (DPAPI). |
.gif) |
DataProvider |
Enables creation of DDEX provider objects. |
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DataProviderException |
Represents an exception thrown when a DDEX provider error occurs. |
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DataProviderManager |
Represents the set of registered DDEX providers. |
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DataProviderObjectFactory |
Allows you to create data objects implemented by a DDEX provider. |
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DataReader |
Provides the ability to expose data from any data. |
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DataSource |
Represents and provides access to a DDEX data source. |
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DataSourceInformation |
Allows you to retrieve well-defined information about a specified data source in the form of properties passed as name/value pairs. |
.gif) |
DataSourceManager |
Represents the set of registered DDEX data sources. |
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DataSourceSpecializer |
Represents an ability to specialize the behavior of a DDEX provider based on the data source to which it is connected. |
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DataSourceVersionComparer |
Provides the means to compare two data-source-specific version strings. |
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DataSupport |
Represents the base class for all classes that provide data support XML. |
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DataTransaction |
Enables transaction-processing, which allows you to commit or roll back as a batch a series of related operations. |
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DataViewBrowseObjectProvider |
Allows you to retrieve a specialized browse object for a specified node in a given data view. |
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DataViewCommandHandler |
Provides the ability to implement commands, specifically custom commands, for nodes in a data view. |
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DataViewHierarchyAccessor |
Represents a set of properties and methods that interact with the data view hierarchy implementation of the IVsUIHierarchy interface. |
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DataViewManager |
Represents the collection of data view hierarchies currently active in the Visual Studio Server Explorer and provides methods and properties with which to manage these data views. |
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DataViewSupport |
Enables retrieving an XML stream that provides a description of one or more data views. |
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DSRefBuilder |
Allows you to create a Data Source Reference (DSRef) object that identifies a data object. |
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NameAttribute |
Specifies the string literal name of a given connection property when specified in a connection string. |
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ObjectWithSite |
Provides a simplified way to support communication between an object and its site in the container. |
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OleCommand |
Provides a managed wrapper around the identifier of an OLE command. |
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OleCommandStatus |
Provides the status of a specified OLE command. |
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ServiceProvider |
Provides an object that can proffer services using both the managed and unmanaged IServiceProvider interfaces. |
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ServiceProviderWithSite |
Provides an object that proffers services using both the managed and unmanaged versions of the ServiceProvider interface, and can be sited using the IObjectWithSite interface. |
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SynonymsAttribute |
Provides a comma-delimited list of connection property names that are synonymous with a primary connection property name. |