Reference Operator: &
Holds the address of an object but behaves syntactically like an object.
type-id & cast-expression
A reference declaration consists of an (optional) list of specifiers followed by a reference declarator. A reference must be initialized and cannot be changed.
Any object whose address can be converted to a given pointer type can also be converted to the analogous reference type. For example, any object whose address can be converted to type char * can also be converted to type char &. No constructors or class conversion functions are called to make a conversion to a reference type.
Do not confuse reference declarations with use of the address-of operator. When **& **identifier is preceded by a type, such as int or char, then identifier is declared as a reference to the type. When **& **identifier is not preceded by a type, the usage is that of the address-of operator.
// expre_ReferenceOperator.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
// Demonstrate reference operator
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct Person {
char *Name;
short Age;
int main() {
Person Friend; // Declare the object.
Person& rFriend = Friend; // Declare the reference.
Friend.Name = "Bill";
rFriend.Age = 40;
cout << rFriend.Name << " is " << Friend.Age << endl;
See Also
Operator Precedence and Associativity
Reference-Type Function Arguments