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How to: View a Work Item Type Field

You can view work item type fields from the Visual Studio 2008 command prompt by using the witfields command-line tool. For more information, see witfields.

Required Permissions

To perform this procedure you must be a member of the Team Foundation Valid Users group. For more information, see Team Foundation Server Permissions.

To use Team Foundation commands at the command prompt

  • Click Start, click All Programs, point to Microsoft Visual Studio 2008, point to Visual Studio Tools, and then click Visual Studio 2008 Command Prompt.

    Alternatively, you can run vsvars32 in the Visual Studio installation path; usually DriveLetter:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\Tools.


    You must have Visual Studio installed to use the Visual Studio 2008 Command Prompt.

To view fields

  1. Open a Visual Studio command prompt.

  2. Change directory to the location of the assembly that contains the work item types, by typing the following command, and then pressing ENTER.

    cd ..DriveLetter:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies

  3. Output all the fields defined on the Team Foundation Server to the command prompt by typing the following at the command prompt, and then pressing ENTER.

    witfields view /s:"<Team Foundation Server name>"

    Field information for all the fields on your Team Foundation Server is displayed.

See Also


How to: Add a Field to a Work Item Type

How to: Rename a Work Item Type Field

How to: Delete a Work Item Type Field

