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How to: Find and View Test Runs

You can view, pause, resume, stop, and delete runs by using the Test Runs window. You can perform these actions on test runs that were run on the local computer and on remote computers, as described in the following procedures:

  • Finding and Viewing Local Test Runs

  • Finding and Viewing Remote Test Runs

For more information about how to delete test runs, see How to: Delete Test Results.


To save disk space, you can limit the number of test runs that Visual Studio stores. For more information, see How to: Limit the Number of Stored Test Runs.

Finding and Viewing Local Test Runs

To view test runs that were run on the local computer

  1. On the Test menu, point to Windows, and then click Test Runs.

    The Test Runs window opens.

  2. Click the down arrow in the Select box.

  3. Click Local or connect to remote.

    The Connect to Controller or Local Results dialog box appears.

  4. Select Select results from local runs.

  5. If the folder in which the runs are stored appears under Select results from local runs, click it. If the folder does not appear, edit the path or click Browse. If you click Browse, find and choose the path in the Select results from local runs dialog box, and then click Open.


    By default, test run information is stored in a TestResults folder under the solution folder. By default, solution folders are located under the <drive>:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects folder.

  6. In the Connect to Controller or Local Results dialog box, click OK.

    The Test Runs window displays the test runs whose results were stored in the folder that you indicated. It displays them in a grid, in three nodes: Active Runs, Queued Runs, and Completed runs.

  7. Expand the node that contains the test runs you want to see.

Finding and Viewing Remote Test Runs

To display test runs that were run on a remote computer, you first must establish a connection to that computer.

To view test runs that were run on a remote computer

  1. On the Test menu, point to Windows, and then click Test Runs.

    The Test Runs window opens.

  2. Click the down arrow in the Select box.

  3. Click Local or connect to remote.

    The Connect to Controller or Local Results dialog box appears.

  4. Select Enter or select a controller machine name to connect to remote runs.

  5. If the name of the remote computer to which you want to connect appears under Enter or select a controller machine name to connect to remote runs, click it. If the name of the remote computer does not appear, type it.

  6. Click OK.

    The Test Runs window displays the test runs that were run on the remote computer. It displays them in a grid, in three nodes: Active Runs, Queued Runs, and Completed Runs.

  7. Expand the node that contains the runs you want to see.

See Also


How to: Delete Test Results

How to: Rerun a Test


Accessing Load Test Results

Controllers, Agents, and Rigs

Other Resources

Saving and Publishing Test Results

Running Tests