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Considerations for Deleting Members and Endpoints from Application Systems

In System Designer, you can delete the members and proxy endpoints from a system definition on a system diagram. Deleting items from a system diagram affects that diagram and other distributed system diagrams if they contain references to the deleted items. The following sections contain more information about the impact of deleting items from a system diagram.

Deleting Members from System Diagrams

Deleting the member of a system definition affects the system diagram and other distributed system diagrams that reference that member in the following ways:

  • Deletes the member from the system definition along with any associated connections and delegations with their proxy endpoints.

  • If uses of the system definition are included on other system diagrams, deletes any delegations, connections, and proxy endpoints created from proxy endpoints on the deleted member from those diagrams.


    This action can be recursive, removing an entire chain of proxy endpoints and delegations through any number of included systems.

  • If the deleted member is an application that is bound to a logical server on any open deployment diagrams, all references to that application are unbound and deleted from those deployment diagrams.


    To unbind deleted applications from closed deployment diagrams, open those diagrams to unbind them manually. For more information, see How to: Unbind Applications from Logical Servers.

For more information, see How to: Delete Members from Application Systems.

Deleting Endpoints from System Diagrams

To delete endpoints on members of a system definition, you must delete them from the diagrams that define those members. However, deleting the definition of an endpoint from the application diagram deletes any references and connections to that endpoint on any open system diagrams. Any proxy endpoints and delegations associated with references to that endpoint on any open system diagrams are also deleted.


If any references to the deleted endpoint exist on closed system diagrams, those references are removed when you open those diagrams. For more information, see Considerations for Deleting Applications from Application Diagrams.

You can also delete endpoints and proxy endpoints from a system definition. However, deleting an endpoint or proxy endpoint deletes any references, connections, proxy endpoints, and delegations associated with that endpoint on open system diagrams.


If references to the deleted endpoint appear on closed system diagrams, those references are removed when you open those diagrams.

For more information, see How to: Delete Endpoints from System Diagrams.

See Also


Troubleshooting System Diagrams

Troubleshooting Application Diagrams

Other Resources

Designing Application Systems on System Diagrams